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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hey all,waited to post until the afternoon cuz I get on early and no one posts much that early here,Ginger, I love Boulder city it reminds me of my hometown Ely NV,have you guys ever driven through there?but Boulder city is nicer,Liz,you're doing a good job how's your sleep OH any better? I for one have been getting 1/2 to an hour less but surprisingly feel pretty functional throughout the day, a little afternoon fatigue, how's it going Min? Hi Beachy,be back later, gotta feed this toddler,oops hi Cowboy, how's your day been?
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Hi Pauly,
      We've been through Ely many times. We've stopped over night there a few times too. I miss the warm weather. Hope to check back later.


        Good evening all. I try to check in at work, but it's just next near impossible. Good day all in all. Still not able to use the stove, darn it! Dinner was a quick stew that just had to be reheated in the microwave! BIL and hubby are working on the backsplash again tonight. BILs shoulder is much better now that he is on steroids. Hopefully they can make some more progress tonight.
        Cowboy, I am not catholic (Protestant), but I will be giving up al for Lent this hear. It's my story and I'm sticking to it. How are you doing in your quit btw?
        Ginger, I don't know how cold it is by you, but it's supposed to be 0 degrees tonight here. We had another four inches of snow overnight. No big deal anymore!
        I suppose I should go see if the guys need anything. Good night.


          Everybody sounds positive and focused. I know what you mean about those cravings Lizann, still fighting them myself, but coming out the winner day by day! Know you and Min can get it done as well :heartbeat:

          Ah the perils of family Ginger, know exactly how you feel when you describe your frustrations about the actions/ineptitude of others. There was an awesome thought a friend once shared with me about forgiveness that has stayed with me. " You don't forgive someone to make them feel better, you forgive to put yourself in a better place." An unusual way to look at forgiveness but I find it very effective, and it keeps my frustration/anger at other people's behaviour more contained. I am a Leo and am firey by nature.

          Pauly, so proud of you living in "sin city" and winning the battle! If you can get it done, surrounded by so much temptation in a place (more than anywhere else) where AL is normalized, we can as well. My sleep sucks, I also have my nagging cough back which is making it worse. This is probably contributing to my cravings, but I don't care I'm going to beat it!

          Min, where are you?? Hope you are okay...

          Cowboy, totally agree that we got a great thread a going, hope SS and Chief check in to let us know they are doing well.

          Have a great AF week!!


            Beachygirl, I don't know where you live, but if it is by a beach, you are one lucky girl! OUr car didn't start yesterday morning because of the cold. But hey it's Canada, we grin and bear it and go winter camping, which may explain my current hacking cough. Hmmmmmmm.....Might hop on Ginger's RV for a ride to your house. LOL


              Open halo, what does winter camping exactly entail?


                Was reading back when this thread started, there were a lot of posters, wonder where they are now?some I still see in NN with a lot of sober time but others I haven't seen anywhere, OH,living in Vegas for us is just like living anywhere else, go to work and back, but I'm pretty sure if we went out more the temptation would grab me by the balls! Kell and Louie were over earlier but he was being a turd!was kinda glad when they left, he kept hitting my dog Winslow, hitting me,grr,Ginger, you seem kinda down,just know we're here for you if you need to get anything off your chest there's nothing on tv,which means I'll go to bed early, be up early same ole thing different day,I take a 5 mile walk in the morning and sometimes I'm tired and fall back asleep after it,was thinking I should do an evening walk instead but knowing my luck it'll keep me up I have also cut back on caffeine, have a mini coffee maker next to the regular one with decaf in it,I just love the taste of coffee and tend to over do it,now I can have a cup to wake up but a couple more for taste hope everyone has a good evening
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Hi all, just a quit pop in while reading/watching tv.

                  Liz, Not to jinx my quit, but this time almost seems to easy? Maybe it's the one on one counselling, or maybe just the fact of acceptance? When I started seriously trying to quit, I went two months then binged one night, got back on the next day and went seven months, then binged it all away one evening, back on the next day, went five months and damned near killed myself. So this quit has to be my last one because I don't know if I could live through another binge! There are still times I miss a cold, refreshing one, but the memory of my overnight hospital stay tames the thought pretty quickly.

                  I think all of us here, us quitters, and the rest of the members across the forum, will one day find the inner peace and acceptance that I have found. Until then, I will be by your side helping and supporting every step of the way!

                  I am an ex-communicated Catholic because of my divorce and then re-marriage, but that is a whole nother story lol. I still have my faith, just not in the Church proper anymore. And for Lent, I'm giving up fast food, just love my burgers and fries, so it will definitely be a personal sacrifice for me!

                  Have a great night everyone and I wish for a full night sleep for all!
                  Last edited by abcowboy; February 17, 2015, 10:16 PM.
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    Hey everyone. Just a quick pop in. Had a big reunion of my daughters friends yesterday. Today mum over and sorting out mortgage stuff!

                    Thanks for all your positive vibes and messages. I keep trying and trying.

                    How are you lizann?

                    Will check in again later today x


                      Min, you are too sweet! I'm doing ok. Still being stalked by my family! Can I just tell you I was where you are now. No one knew I was drinking, then somehow it just progressed from there. If I can give you any advice stop before you get to this point. The guilt I feel is almost worse than the cravings!
                      Cowboy, you binged for a night? My binges lasted for a few days. Sounds like you are doing great, with a lot of sober time under your belt. You're still keeping track of my time right?
                      Pauly I drink a lot more caffeine when I don't drink. Strange when I was drinking couldn't stand the coffee. So that is my treat now, though I switch to decaf in the afternoon. I am so jealous of you walking. It's been soooo cold and there is snow everywhere so I can't get out. Hubby's office is now in our old family room and that's where my treadmill is. It has become difficult to find time to get on between is patients.
                      Ginger, don't know if I can be of much help to you but hubs was the main care taker of his dad. His siblings, well, you know. If I can offer any advice just let me know. It's so hard. My FIL was a very cantankerous patient, exhausting to care for. But it was still his daddy!


                        Hey checking In again!

                        Quick one as daughter has had too much 'fun' as still up. Half term holidays in the UK and all routines for her are on hold!

                        You're doing good Lizanne! How's family stalking going?

                        My day was manic- glad to be in bed x


                          I'm with you today Minstar, my day was manic as well. Just stopping by to say hope all is well with everyone, sending everyone a hug for warmth. Looks like winter is here to stay :hug:


                            Yes min family is still stalking. My twin has been here everyday! They are forcing group meetings on me and I'm just not comfortable with that. I feel safe and accepted here, but they don't think it's enough. I can't see how going to group meetings three times a week would be of help, especially if I don't want to go! I actually went shopping by myself tonight without either sister knowing of course, or they would've joined me. I had a nice quiet time looking for a new toaster of all things! Hubby was fine with that. My BIL is here again, so I'm sure he'll tell my twin I came home fine and not drunk. I'm trying to be patient.
                            Cowboy, ginger, open, Pauly and anyone else I missed, hope you are all ok. Another sober day under my belt.


                              Just wrote a reply and it didn't send.

                              Have to dash but a quick check in. Hope all are well


                                Howdy all, today Is my appointment with my counsellor again, Not sure how to think about it...the last time she just gave me some exercises to do when my emotions started getting the best of me, today we start on dealing with the individual emotions....I know it will help to make me stronger, but also A bit afraid to reveal my true emotions to a stranger....

                                Min, good to see you checking in often, keep reading and posting and we'll help you get through this..:hug:

                                Liz, I can see how you could feel smothered with all the family checking up on you. Guess you'll just have to prove to them that it's not really necessary! I'm not counting your days, I don't count mine either, I just keep an eye on yearly birthdays and monthly milestones. And yes, my three binges all only lasted at most 6 hours, but this cowboy can pack away a lot of booze in 6 hours! The last one saw me drink about 20 ounces of spiced rum in just over 2 hours! Enough to poison me and send me to ER....never again....

                                Ginger, did you get lost?? Hopefully all is well, you and hubby should think about seeing some of Alberta, Bubba and I would love to have you guys for a visit. That goes for all of you here, if you want to come for a visit, we have lots of room!

                                Pauly, how is life treating you? I enjoy reading your posts any time of day!

                                BG and OH, stop by more often please, I enjoy reading your progress as well!

                                And Chief, you've been absent of late, hopefully things are good in your world as well! And today marks another milestone for you....

                                on 9 months Don!
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

