Come back and let us know how it goes.
No announcement yet.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Thank you Ginger.
I am excited about the event,
It is the Folks 50th wedding anniversary.
I am usually 'good' at the events,
it's after we get home and the husband gives me grief that things go to crap.
But that's a different story.
I would love some suggestions on how to get his understanding.Happy to be back
What does he get upset about?I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Jac, what do you want him to understand? Do you get sloppy at the "events"?
Must admit, I really wanted to stop and get a bottle of wine on my way home tonight. I did not. Finally saw my doctor today at work, unofficially (I work in a hospital) after my latest episode. We spoke briefly, asked how I was doing, he said to call him if I needed anything.
Totally non judgemental.
Spoke to my twin briefly. She asked why she always has to call me now, why don't I call her. Simply told her I'm tired of talking about al with her. But I will call her tomorrow. Am hopeful things will be more normal now.
Gonna chill for the rest of the evening. Good night.
Lizann, the non judgemental inquiry and conversations are so essential, I'm glad you have that with your doctor, especially at your place of employment. One of the reasons you may feel irritated with your sibs may be because you find that they are being judgemental. Don't know just a thought....
Welcome jacqrabbit, I'm wondering how many of us here at the MWO come from a family of big drinkers? I am definitely one of them, and know how difficult it can be abstaining when there are family functions. My husband is not a drinker and finds these visits difficult, especially when he's asked at 10am if he would like a drink, and when he says no, they berate him for being "soft". The best of luck when you start your day 1. This is an awesome thread with a lot of supportive people, who are kind, and witty and have a great sense of humour, and appreciation of life! welcome.
Ginger, Min, pauly, beachygirl, cowboy, chief wishing everyone an awesome hump Wednesday. Stay strong!
GMAE all!
Checking in after several busy weeks. Busy I can do. It's the spaces in between. Found myself starting to spiral once again and wondering if I'm taking that psychiatrists words to heart - that I wouldn't do inpatient so I was therefore not ready to quit. Being around friends and family I have no trouble not drinking. Being at work I'm still my managers number one. Slowed the spiral and regained sense by taking a few mindful breaths once an hour, at red lights and whenever the phone rings at work.
Then I come home to an empty little studio. That's when I want to hide and knowing what to do . . . . well, that gets rolled over by a steamroller.
However yesterday is gone, today almost and tomorrow is still undecided. Embrace the suck and ruck up. (I'm not military but came across the saying and it just stuck.)
Looking forward to my retreat at a zen monastery in March. Something I've been trying to get to for a while. Screwed up my foot a couple weeks back (sesamoid injury . . . yeah, only know that because I googled pain ball of foot big toe) and tomorrow have to face how out of shape I've gotten over the past couple of months when I get back to the Dojang. Been trying to finalize some projects at work that just don't seem to want to get tucked in and go to sleep.)
“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb
"See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.
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Hello friends, Orimus I was just thinking about you yesterday! So glad you checked inI don't believe that b.s about you not being ready to quit cuz you didn't go to inpatient treatment, a Zen retreat sounds good(take me haha)as far as family goes you guys haven't seen anything! My family is crazy, they live about 3 hours from me and weekend visits include drinking all day and night, my mom is 64 and drinks with my brothers who are in their 20's,my last few visits I've had to excuse myself from them and go to our motel room early just to get some peace! Dad's not that bad,he waits until 5 then drinks and goes on his chat rooms then goes to bed,someone mentioned in the nest that some of the general threads are mostly chummy and kinda just blow relapses off,I don't believe that, I think we're friends helping each other through this, I'm certainly not going to kick someone while they're down,I'm gonna give them a hand to lift them up,however I won't be an enabler either, we all know how hard this is sometimes, not everyday is a struggle, but not everyday is peaches and cream either, let's just be here for each other
hello to all, hope everyone has a nice Thursday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi Beachy,where's Cowboy?usually he's been here by now,hope everyone is having a good niteI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Orimus nice to hear from you! Hope your foot heals soon, a zen monestary sounds like a really interesting retreat, I've always been curious about those type of get aways, a friend of mine went to a cleanse/silence retreat where no one could apeak for 72 hours...I don't think I'd be able to do it! But I always like the idea of a detox place to unwind.
Pauly, hearing about your family is like looking in a mirror, hell our family's catch phrase was " well it's happy hour somewhere, how about a drink or 20?" How many brothers do you have? Does your mom believe she has a drinking problem? I always wonder how much of our problems with AL are genetic or just purely environmental( how we were raised)..
BeachyGirl, you are very supportive! Love having you here, and just a quick post when life becomes very busy is totally fine, we definitely understand. Been there as well..
Lizann tell the tug to go away! We know you can do it! Totally understand in regards to your relationship with your sibs, your family loves you but sometimes it seems like they don't understand and are just "judgy" . Please know there is no judgement here, we just know for many of us in order to achieve a better life, we need to get rid of AL from our lives. You are doing great!
Ginger, cowboy, minstart, chief, sober soul (where are thou??) wishing you a wonderful day!:hug:
OH,I've got 6 brothers,2 older than me the others younger, only one can drink"responsibly"also have a sister with Downs syndrome,of course she doesn't drink, my mom has been an alkie forever, she was pregnant with my oldest brother on her wedding day and there she is in the pictures drinking champagne, also got her DUI while pregnant with my sister, she knows she's got problems,when I was a teenager she had me tag along to a few AA meetings cuz she didn't want to go alone, that didn't last long, I love my family dearly but the dynamic has changed, before I started drinking they all thought I was snobby, then I started drinking and we all got along great, pulling all nighters,beer breakfasts, but at the time it was fun,now I think they think I'm judgemental and maybe I amI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!