Hello all...I made it through last night and actually poured the mason jar of wine I found down the drain...felt so much better afterwards! While I might be feeling okay today I know others aren't. Believe me this has been a process getting to this point. SS I know what you mean about sharing the truth with hubby. I did the same and felt like a huge weight had been lifted as he is very supportive. He will still have a beer occasionally but it helps that he understands that I just can't have one just like potato chips! I plan to read your blog and looking forward to it...headaches have gone but my sleep is still good one night and not the next...small price to pay right after all the crap I've put my body through!
No announcement yet.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hello all...I made it through last night and actually poured the mason jar of wine I found down the drain...felt so much better afterwards! While I might be feeling okay today I know others aren't. Believe me this has been a process getting to this point. SS I know what you mean about sharing the truth with hubby. I did the same and felt like a huge weight had been lifted as he is very supportive. He will still have a beer occasionally but it helps that he understands that I just can't have one just like potato chips! I plan to read your blog and looking forward to it...headaches have gone but my sleep is still good one night and not the next...small price to pay right after all the crap I've put my body through!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
No more headaches here. I was invited to my son with the drinking problem's house for dinner and asked if I could bring anything. He said to bring wine. We bought wine and brought it over. I didn't want any, hubby didn't want any, DIL said no thanks and my son said he hasn't had a drink for a MONTH!! He is not at the quit for good stage but he's begun his journey. I expect a lot of stops and starts but this is very rewarding. The unopened bottle remained untouched.
Small miracles do happen.
My daughter who is hugely pregnant and works on her feet all day as a dog groomer was in tears yesterday when I dropped in as she hadn't washed or sorted her baby clothes, was in the middle of a move and had a stack of dirty laundry and another stack of dishes. I told her to leave her door open when she went to work and I went over there and washed all the baby clothes, made piles of different sizes, did her dishes, her laundry, tidied up her place and organized her newborn necessities. I loved doing it and would have never even begun if I had been drinking.
Isn't it nice, Uncorked to have our hubbies being supportive. Makes the world of difference!!"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
lots of miracles happened for you today SS! Having the focus, motivation and energy to help your daughter is huge in my book. And the unopened bottle of wine is too a miracle..yes having hubby's support is helping a lot! Glad your headaches are gone too....my sleep has not been the best so I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight...remember everyone...it has been a journey getting to this point and it still is but you can and you will feel better...
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Sleep is so vital to one's well being. I will send you restful vibes, Uncorked (I almost called you Corky)
Today is day 21 and I am scared because it's usually around now that my alter-ego convinces me to have a glass of wine. It always blind-sides me. I will stay very close to this forum and my sobriety blog and all the other tools on the web.
I am so glad we are keeping this thread alive. I feel that I have to be here for you guys and that is sometimes more motivating for the nurturer in me. As a mother we are very comfortable with helping others but not so much ourselves."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Kailey, I am being so much easier on myself this time - the only rule is not to drink - and I do feel so much more relaxed......although maybe taking the mick a bit.....you should have seen what I ate this past three nights - could have fed an ox!
I don't mind if this carries me through the first week or so until I get a momentum going....then eating healthier will be next....
Sobersoul, I can almost touch the satisfaction and happiness through your posts - stay strong - this is too good to let go......
Day 4 here and feeling like this is how it should be , and knowing it can only get better! All good!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Good morning all.... I've been a little out of sync this past couple of days but I'm staying AF. I have fluid in my inner ear that's making me a little crazy. Doc says take decongestants so I've been doing that but it makes me feel really punky and hasn't helped a bit.One thing about feeling yucky.... I never drank when I didn't feel well so the last couple of days have been a little easier. However, I'd take the struggle over this ear thing any day. Sounds like I have the ocean in my ear. Anyway.... I'm so glad I can come here and check in with all of you. Headed to do some yoga and hopefully taking a long walk with my hubby and dog. Gorgeous weather here to be outside.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hello Again
Well I am back again.. Went to hospital Jan 2, i thought i was having a heart attack, it ended up to be a panic attack, I swore off Al and smoking for 13 days, and then started right back where i left off.. My 3rd grader has Health class and has been relaying his fears to me about the things he is learning about. I HAVE to quit! I had no WDs when i gave it up for those 13 days. But every day around 3pm, i get the worst cravings and I cant shake it off , so then i start drinking and smoking, and by 8 or 9 pm im passed out barely remembering the night before, leaving homework undone creates a chaotic morning.. I am back on for the ride. i dont care if it is Friday! I told the kids i would take them to movie and pizza tonight, its a rainy icky day. and if i get out of the house then i dont imbibe.. I am 47 years old and my young children are starting to worry that their Momma wont be around for much longer.. I QUIT!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Great Job Ginger! I punctured my ear drum years ago tubing behind a boat and slamming into the water on my ear. Are you sure you didnt puncture your ear drum? I remember how my ear felt for weeks after, i had to keep a cotton ball in my ear to ease the pain from the air entering .. Hope you feel better soon.. I am going to cut my box of wine open and drain it in the rain.. that way im not tempted later today
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Daisy, well done on day four. The first week is the dangerous zone (one of many) and I am so glad you are giving it all you've got. Keep eating like an ox. Just don't drink like a fish. LOL.
Ginger, the inner ear effects everything. It's got to be yucky with the dizziness, etc. Just take the time to be good to you and have some nice specialty tea if you like it. I love treating myself with no guilt.
Our local Walmart is selling logs of chocolate covered black licorice.. my two favourite flavours combined. I have treated myself to a four-pack. Delicious.
Welcome WhiteMarshMom, when the witching hour starts at 3pm, come here and post, read, post, etc. We are all here together helping each other. Your kiddies are correct and I am glad they are teaching them that at school. Don't waste any more days, weeks, months or years on drinking. I regret that I am doing this at age 57 but it's better than not at all like my mum.
I wish I could start a Sober Revolution; maybe THAT is my purpose in life. Drinkers sure are a tough sell on sobriety though so it would be a miracle if it worked."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Welcome Whitemarshmom, I'm new here but have been lurky around this site for years as a nonsubscriber. Glad you are back. SS is right, when the craving strikes get back here. I'll be checking for a 3p post from you!
Doc said ear drum looks fine just fluid behind it. Sometimes I wonder if things like this pop up just to add another layer of challenge to my AF quest. Silly? Probably maybe?
Glad everyone is here! I need to know you are out there right now.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hey all,sorry about the ear Ginger i get it too from sinus issues,Whitesmom,i remember you im glad you're back to kick this things ass! hope everyones friday goes goodI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Remember Whitemarshmom, we are the thread you can always come back to. So, please check in with us.
Hope everyone had a wonderful evening. I had a lovely evening with a girlfriend. I poured her two glasses of wine and drank tea.
xoxo"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Good morning all.... Still struggling with this ear today. Nothing the doc said to try has worked. In fact, it may be worse. The pressure and rushing noise makes me a little crazy. I've searched high and low on the internet for a solution but haven't found anything yet. I will keep looking. If you have any home remedies to try, please pass along.
Whitemarshmom.... Where are you? We want to hear from you this morning.
This is day 13 for me and I'd feel like a million bucks if not for this ear thing!!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Ginger,Sprouts has an ear/nose clearer thing shoot,cant remember what it's called,it's in the allergy section,it's a natuaral supp tablet,hope everyone is well,kinda quiet?I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!