Just got home from my grandson's first birthday.. a lovely time was had by all. His Dad did not drink. He and I had a few A/F beers. So proud of him (and myself, of course). One of the ladies there who is my age and has a 13 year old daughter is an obvious severe alcoholic and she cornered me and repeatedly told me stories as I squirmed to try to appear interested. I felt very sorry for her daughter who was looking very sad and solemn. I am going to try to get my son to bring this young lady up to the lake (it's his wife's young cousin). She could use a break from Mom and she is a pleasure to have around.
Feeling super good right now. Still have my guard up.
Ginger, I wish I could suggest something for your ear problem but I have no knowledge of this. I hope it improves soon. What a pain.
Making a pot of Bengal Spice Tea and it smells delicious. Night all.