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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Happy Easter everyone - I see the post I tried to do last night isn't here - haha- cellphones.

    Anyways, all good- happy to see everyone doing well ( without sleep).
    Hang in there guys.

    Pauly - have a wonderful time with Louie. I miss those days. My 14 yr old stays up so late I can't do an egg visit, and he thinks coloring eggs is stupid. Oh well- we will go to church and have a turkey dinner to celebrate.


      That sounds fun Beachy ahh,teenagers mine just turned 17 so he's defo too old for coloring eggs, but I still buy candy and put together a little treat bag for him and the girls also hubs, who btw has quit drinking for two weeks, not totally af,has one or two(what's the point) on Saturday night, so he's been craving chocolate like crazy
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Howdy everyone! Of course I have to be the bad apple in the barrel.... I'm opposite of you guys... I couldn't sleep when I was drinking! No matter how little or how much I drank, I woke up between 3 and 4am with those horrible night sweats.. literally soaked with sweat! I think it was more from guilt/anxiety that I was drinking rather than the booze, but then it was impossible to get back to sleep. Now, Bubba and I are in bed by 9, and I have my "old bladder" (laughed when I read that Ginger) wake up call around midnight, but I sleep soundly through the night. For me, just one more reason to stay quit!

        Pauly, you have me beat on the kids and age! I had 4 kids under the age of 8 by the time I was 28. Having kids early was a good thing I think, I consider them "friends" as well as my children, there's not too much of a generation gap that we can all still relate to each other on the same level. The bad thing about it was the finances, trying to raise 4 kids when I was just starting into my career lol. No matter how tough things were at the beginning, I'm thankful that they are all healthy, happy, responsible adults and I'm proud to say that I am their father! I just wish there were grandchildren in Bubba's and my future, oh well, we can't have everything...

        Not much planned for Easter weekend, today just lazing around, reading, etc. Tomorrow just to go out and get Bubba her Easter Lily, and Sunday we're off to the in-laws for the Easter feast. All of course AF! Since we are all so different, and that's good, what does Easter mean to you? To me, it is a time for reflection, to pray for my family and friends who have left this life before me, to understand and accept why God called them home, and to be grateful for all that I have, and realize how important that faith, hope, and love has become a huge part of my life. But I'm not too old to enjoy chocolate Easter bunnies lol. Have a great day my friends!

        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


          That's nice Cowboy kind of a hum-drum day today, mood has been a titch low,not depressed just blah,probably cuz I didn't do any excercise or cleaning like I was gonna, spent the day getting the rest of my Easter stuff and Kell and Louie came by, time just slipped away today, but I'm sober and content, used nasal spray so the allergies are better, but I do think it effects mood sometimes,hubs is bringing home a bbq chicken pizza its so good
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Late check in for me. Busy day at work. Then to a fishfry with another couple. No drinking for me tonight. I wanted to, but I decided to wait a few minutes. The feeling didn't pass, but I didn't act on it either.


              Oh Lizann - that is great .. You must be feeling so good now that you got thru that!!!


                Beachygirl, you are so sweet! I need to just take this seriously one day at a time. Last night it was one minute at a time.
                Not a great night sleeping for me. Must be because of all the talk of not sleeping, lol. Just one night, I'll make up for it tonight I'm sure. Lots to do today. Dentist in a bit, ugh!! Then I will be getting ready for tomorrow, baking, baskets and such.
                Have a great day guys, check back later.


                  Hi all, Saturday morning....2nd day off in a 4 day weekend, but I'm sure I'll go to work Monday, I hate the feeling of grass growing under my feet lol. Our son popped in yesterday for a visit, he surprised both Bubba and me, but the visit was great! We made plans to get together in late April before seeding season starts to spend a day making homemade sausage. This time around it will be 25lbs each of pepperoni, garlic sausage, smokies, and bratwurst. It's always a fun day for the 4 of us, and used to be a Bud/JD day, but not this year! Arnold Palmer Arizona Iced Tea for me :happy2:

                  Pauly, allergies and headaches give you all kinds of troubles eh? Bubba had to go get shots for allergies when we first met, but she seems to have grown out of them for some reason. I only have 1 allergy that I know of, Canola blossoms, and when you live in a rural farming area, six weeks of acres of yellow flowers is pure hell for me!

                  Liz, great to hear you passed on the more situation for you to remember and draw strength from next time you need it! Are you planning on continuing with the meetings? Hubby still plans on attending with you?

                  OH, how are things with you? Things okay since you Grandma's passing? You know we're here for you whenever you need us!

                  BG, I always enjoy reading your posts, I get the feeling of your upbeat attitude in all of them. Your determination shines through each time you have something to say!

                  Chief, how goes it with you? Having all the family over for Easter Sunday meal?

                  Spirit, you still checking in with us from time to time? All the boys home this weekend?

                  I wonder sometimes if we appear to be too much of a close knit group? We have people stop in to say hello, but never stay for long. So if anyone is reading this, you are more than welcome to join us!! Maybe we should host an "open house" one day and invite everyone in for the day? lol

                  And not to forget Ginger, our "senior quitter"! She is a remarkable woman for sure! All of the family issues she has endured over the past few months has show us all that you can stay AF through anything! And she is always here to support us no matter what she is dealing with in her own life, so a big Thank You to her from Bubba and me! And also, a special milestone she celebrates today, her countdown to her 1st year birthday of sobriety begins!

                  Ginger on your 11 month milestone today!
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    Cowboy yes, I will continue with the meetings. Hubs likely will let me go alone. At the meeting someone suggested to me an all ladies meeting. I would like that, but it's quite a drive.


                      ABC, thank you for the wonderful post. I feel like I take more than I give these days and for that I'm sorry. You all can't possibly know how much it means to know you are there for me. Your support is priceless to me. Thank you all!! This has been a rough patch but like my daddy use to say, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
                      Off to Mom's. See you later.


                        Ginger, we never have to say sorry, some days it's give, some days it's take, that's why we're all here and such good friends!
                        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                          Hey Cowboy - great post - thanks. I think we should do an open house. That is a fantastic idea. The more the merrier.

                          What a crazy busy week that was for me. I worked a 10-7 shift and had no extra time in the day at all. I was not here very much and missed you guys. I was checking from my phone and tried to post a few times, but I seemed to be in a hurry and messed it up. (hehe - user error).

                          I actually have 2 whole days off. No work, no school. I do have chores around here that have piled up. And tomorrow we are all home so after church having a work day, yard, house etc with a turkey dinner to celebrate.

                          I started Dr Hymans 10 day detox last week. It is about getting rid of processed food and sugar. Not the best week to start but I have done very well with it. Today is day 6. It has a large amount of community support, audios to listen to and journalling, so that took up any free minute I had. I have not lost an ounce of weight or any inches but I really do feel better already. Some tough headache days as I detoxed from coffee and sugar. I will probably add the coffee back in at the transition stage as I do enjoy it. I am hoping the family starts to follow in my footsteps and cuts out the processed food at least somewhat. The process has been very similar to stopping AL. There are so many similarities to our thought processes and if we put positive thoughts in our brains, and rewire our thinking we can "decide" if we want to eat sugar or not. If we think positive thoughts, positive things happen. My mother told me that as a teenager when I was having a tough day once, and I have always remembered it, but to see it used scientifically just makes it so much better. Some one once said that instead of saying "have a good day" to their son as he left for school, they started saying "you WILL have a good day" and that little changed help that teen get through some rough times. I have made a sign in the bathroom with that for my son!

                          So good to see everyone doing so well.
                          Lizann, I was thinking more and I bet your hubby was so proud of you not drinking at the get together. That has shown him how hard you are trying.

                          My dear sweet hubby still thinks this is just a phase for me. He occasionally mentions that I could have a drink. I have thought alot about this and I think this is really about him wanting more to drink and he knows he should not. He has pretty well stopped drinking around the house at all. I can understand it though, as over the last 10 years that is what we have done as a couple. We go out for dinner, or sit on our back patio as the sun sets and had our drinks together. That was our together time. We will need to find another activity that is our time.

                          Pauly, I still give treats to the "big kids" also. That is what us moms do... I love it. You must so love having Louie around.

                          Ginger Chickie - 11 months. You are my rock. I am so happy to have met you. I know what a tiring time you are going through and you know your seat is always warm here.

                          Spirit - get back here and give us some more of your wonderful insight. Love your posts and comments about animals and nature. That is true gratitude.

                          Open - how are you doing? Starting to feel a bit more settled. I hope you have had time with family to enjoy all the wonderful memories of your Grandmother.

                          Ok - I am off to enjoy my day. Hope you all do as well. "You WILL have a great day!"


                            Unfortunately me too...Uggh!!!


                              Hi NewLife! Welcome to our group! Get acquainted with everyone and share as much (or little) as you want..
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Thank you :-( I don't know what to say or share. I am happy to have found this site, I feel less alone. I hate AA and stuff like that...I am really hoping to win this exhausting battle! Thank you for reaching out!

