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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi Piper -Awesome to see ya back. Of course you were before I was, but I am most always glad to read new posts from former members. Sorry that you are returning under these circumstances -just glad to see you back trying to rebuild. The depression/anxiety is awful, but as you might remember, it begins to get much better several days after becoming af. (Actually, for me Pipe, it was difficult for to remember just how much better it really got after af a few days -guess the alcohol plays these mind games on us all.)
Happy Easter friends, hope everyone enjoys the day, welcome back PiperI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Pauly - I have to tell you - every time I see your name Paulywogg, I think of my Grandfather. He passed away many years ago but he used to sing "Sing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day". Always - he had me in stitches laughing, he was so funny.
I now find out several years later that he was an alcoholic, and had embarrassed my mother something awful as a teen. Making scenes around town etc. Great memories.
He was very well loved by everyone and of course by me the most. I loved his crazy excentric style, but I can see how that was hard for my mother back then.
Happy Easter to All.
Yes Liz - Dr Hymans. The actual challenge costs money, but you can find all the info online (Dr Oz has free printables of all info) and do it yourself if you are determined. I could not have done it without the community support myself. It is very much like giving up al. But the good feeling that comes after the 3-4 days of detox is soooo worth it. You can do it without giving up coffee, you can taylor it to what is important to you.
Beachy,that's sad memories for your mother for sure, but at least you got to have some fond memories of him,that's why I'm trying to be a good girl and quit while Louies still young, don't want him even knowing I'm an alkie, hubs is so lame, this morning we were watching some show about addicted musicians and Richie Sambora from Bon Jovi was on it and I said" oh yeah he's an alcoholic" hubs was like" he WAS an alcoholic" I told him that it never goes away, that it can be controlled but one sip and it's back to the beginning, hope everyone is enjoying their SundayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Am going to look into the Dr Hyman's detox as well Beachygirl! Thanks for the info, hoping that the change might help with my sleeping. Thanks for the advice Ginger , I'm not sure if our Costco in Canada carries it, but will look the next time I'm there.
A big welcome to New Life and Piper, wishing you both a wonderful Easter. This is a great time to make those changes to create a better life. This is a fabulous thread with people who know exactly what you are going through, we are here to help, no judgement at all. I totally agree with the sentiments from others, read every day and post as well. Both will help you with keeping AL at bay. Sending you a supportive hug :hug:
Beachygirl, Lizann, Chief, Pauly, Ginger (BIG Congrats on those 11 months Ginger, very inspiring!!), Spirit and Cowboy just wanted to say a big thank you for keeping this thread one of the best spots of my day. :love:
So true Pauly, so true, once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. Isn't that the saying? When I was away on vacation, I knew after that one sip, even with some good AF time under my belt, that I will need to abstain from AL for life. It's hard to look in the mirror and admit this, but it gives you a sense of freedom when you finally embrace the truth.
Hi All! Checking in after a busy weekend. Welcome to New Life and Welcome back to Piper. We're a good bunch here so just sit down and make yourself at home. We're all in this together. You can do this. You just have to own your quit. You will find that quitting is much easier than continuing to drink once you accept and own your quit. Don't make taking a drink an option. Stop fighting it. I like to say if you never step into the ring with The Beast, you can 't get knocked down. Don't let it be negotiable.
Congratulations Ginger!!!!! I'm proud to be riding right behind you.
Well, it was 65 and sunny today! I did some work outside and it was great. We have a pond and every year we have the same 2 ducks come and Mama Duck lays her eggs in a duck house I built for her years ago. I checked today and she has 5 eggs in her nest so far. She usually lays 10-14 eggs and then sits on them for 28 days until they hatch. Last year we had 12 baby ducks hatch on my birthday (May 10), so we'll see what happens this year. The first year they came was about 10 years ago and she made her nest under a bush beside the pond. She laid her eggs and some animal ate the eggs before she started sitting on them. That pissed me off so I built her a duck house that's about 6 inches above the water and sits on a post which is about 5 feet from the shore in the water. This way no other animal can get to the house. She just swims out to the house and jumps up in. Every spring I go out in a paddle boat and put mulch and straw in the house before she gets here so she can build her nest. She's been having babies in there ever since. She and Papa Duck arrive in the spring and over a 2 month period she lays her eggs, sits on them until they hatch and then usually about a day or 2 after they hatch she takes them about a 1/2 mile away to a big lake to raise them. There are a lot of other ducks and geese there to help watch over them but she likes having them here because the eggs are protected in the house. A couple of times we've had a different female show up and try to get in the house but Papa Duck always chases her off. This is his place and he doesn't take any shit off of anybody! It's pretty cool.....I'll keep you all posted.
Well, I'm about to hit MY nest......have to get up at 4:45 to get ready to go to work.
Have a great week everyone! Enjoy your AFness!!!
That's too cool Chief! We have 2 pair of Canada geese that do the same thing! But year after year the coyotes got the eggs before they could hatch, so I built islands in the middle of the sloughs for them to nest on and it's been working great! The slough closest to the RV is only a couple of hundred yards away, that's Harry & Harriet's spot, then just down the hill is Gertrude & Gus's island. Harry and Harriet are back, but no sign of Gertrude and Gus yet, hopefully they made it safely past last fall's hunters and will be back soon!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Hey Chief, Thanks for the great story about the ducks. I'd love to have that experience going on in my back yard!
Had a super quiet Easter here. Did my Mom thing and helped her get out so she could go to dinner then off to see the movie "Home" with my youngest son and his daughter. Cute movie. Now me and hubs are just kicking back.
Great to see all the new faces around here. Check in often and stay close. Enjoy your AFness. It's the best gift you will ever give yourself.
Hello friends, back home from the in-laws, Hank & I both had to waddle into the house lol. He is curled up sleeping at my feet, Bubba is busy texting her brother, and I can't think of a better place to be than where I am at this moment!
Wow, surfing through the Nest and Roll Call, seems like yesterday was a bad day for more than a few! I know we've all been there, how many times, but it's still hard to read about someone's relapse/slip. I guess that's what happens when you get to feeling like family around here, their hurt is my hurt, their pain is my pain. All one can do is help them back up and encourage them to stick with it! I have gained so many new, great friends on this thread and have learned that this is what support is all about, progression rather than perfectionism!
Stay strong my friends, we'll all help each other protect our quits!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Good morning everyone. Welcome to the new faces. FYI this is a great supportive thread! Hang out with us.
Faired yesterday quite well. I didn't enjoy myself totally I was too uncomfortable. But I did it, next holiday will be easier, I hope. Happily it is Monday and it's hubbies birthday! Three day celebration for him and he loves every minute of it.
Off to do my usual Monday chores. Have a good one guys!
HOBirthdayHBWishes02.gif to Liz's hubby!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Hello friends, love, love, love the duck storyI have a special place in my heart for ducks cuz my grampa had a pet duck for years that followed him around like a puppy he lived on a ranch outside of town part time and live with my gramma part time with the duck right behind him
hope everyone had a great Easter, ours was lazy just like I wanted it to be,hello to all, hope everyone has a lovely Monday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Liz, saw your pics on FB. You looked like you were having a good time.Sorry it was uncomfortable. I have found the more times I can get through times like that, they stronger I get in my quit. Hang in there, girl. YOU can do this.
Off to do my Mom thing soon. Tomorrow we are supposed to get our nephew "dog" for a few days so his parents can take a dog free vacay. I love this little guy but he's a runner and he has separation anxiety when he's away from his human mom so this might be a little nerve racking. Send me some doggy energy! I'm going to need it!
Hope you all have a great AF week. NewLife, where are you? Hope you check back in with us soon. You found the right place to make this your last quit. All you have to do is stay close. We are here for you.
Happy Monday!!