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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Good Morning All,

    Day 3 - WOO HOO.....I have not seen Day 3 in quite a while. I am so excited.

    Quick question - I have pain in both temples. Not really a headache, but hurts to the touch. Is this a symptom of withdrawl or am I coming down with some sort of sinus infection????


      Hi Mama! Great job on day 3. Keep stringing them along, one day at a time. It's hard to say what that pain is because each of us are so different. I will say this, when I quit last spring, I felt the worse I'd ever felt. Headaches, ringing in my ears, you name it I had it. That lasted about 4 weeks and really was discouraging and at one point I felt like giving up. I remember posting that I felt like "shit$" and it just wasn't worth it. Man, did that generate a storm of support to keep on keeping on! I think it took about 6 weeks before I really felt normal again. All very normal as our body adjusts to the removal of ethanol in our diet. So....hang in there but watch they pain in your temple. If it keeps on, you might want to see a doc.

      Off to Mom's.... Stay close and stay strong!


        Jane27 posted this over on the Loamers thread. It's a good read. Take a few minutes to read it. Good stuff!


          Good morning friends.

          Mama - as Ginger says, we are all different but I know, just stopping coffee can give you a headache for a few days, so I imagine AL could as well. You body is going through some physical and chemical changes now and you will feel so good and proud of yourself soon. Glad you are here with us.

          Cowboy - your story gave me goosebumps and a tear as well. Bubba is one special lady. You are so right, we were selfish and never even realized how we were effecting others (like a teenager - hmm). Thank you for sharing that wonderful moment with us.

          Ginger - your day is coming so close. I am out looking for the party hats - I can only imagine what Cowboy will find to wear this time - heheh.

          Pauly - part of this 10 day detox I did was about learning to like ourselves. We were making small changes to get to our goal, or dream. They had us write out what our dream was for our life. I really struggled with this... but some of the tips where:

          - write in the present tense. (ex. I do not drink, or: I am running a 10 k race.)
          - use your senses ( how does your dream feel, see, smell)
          - pass the goosebump test ( does it really resonate with you)
          - no absolutes (never, always,)
          - no negatives
          - no digs at self (putting self down)
          - make it a reasonable time frame (ex - next Sept I am running a 10k)

          We can have several dreams, one for health, one for work, one for relationships. Just pick a simple one to start, and see how it starts to change your mindset.

          Like your day today - thinking is great. Try to think good, positive thought - when a neg comes up- push it away. You were doing something good for your body, walking and having a peaceful time for your mind - that is very positive. You have made it over 4 weeks AL free - VERY POSITIVE.

          I have huge faith in you girl.

          Hope the "dream" idea gets others thinking as well. It sure has me more conscious of my thoughts.

          OH - how are things going? Settling down a bit?

          Hi to Min, Liz, Pie, Chief - glad you are all here with us to share our journeys and milestones.


            Hello everyone!

            Cowboy that was very emotional. Funny you write that piece as today I was thinking the same with regards to my daughter and son. I need to be there for them and them not suffer for my drinking. And for my husband. Lord knows what he thinks when he is on his way home. Thanks for posting that today.

            Day1 completed. Feeling much more motivated and strong than. I've felt in ages.

            Special thanks to cowboy :-)

            Hope everyone is going strong

            Congrats Mama on d3. We should pal up along this road :-)


              Good job mama on day 3! MinStar congrats on getting through yesterday! Glad you're feeling motivated! Min I often think my kids and hubby deserve better, it does motivate me.
              Yes cowboy that was a great post! Great motivation to keep on this dry road! She's sounds like a wonderful woman! Thanks for sharing.
              Beachygirl thanks for your post as well. I haven't yet looked into that dr. Hymans detox, but I have taken sugar out of my diet, day four. Feeling really good. I will try the dream thing. I tend to see the glass half empty. Thanks for those pointers.
              Pauly blue laws are when you can only purchase necessities and not luxuries. Malls, clothing stores, car dealers etc. are all closed in our county. You can go food shopping and such. Just wondering if this is the only county that still has such a thing. It's actually kind of nice, as it cuts down on traffic at least one day a week.
              Off to chill a bit. Worked 10 1/2 hours today and have to go back in tomorrow. Have a good night!


                Great job on 3 days Mama!!everyone is right on as far as withdrawal goes,I'd get muscle pain like I lifted weights, was weird, congratulations on day 1 Min Liz,that's kinda odd,is it a religious thing? When I lived in Utah, some stores were closed on Sunday, maybe it's kinda the same, hope everyone is having a good day
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Great job Mama, each AF day adds up to a better life. Wonderful! Cowboy thank you very much for your lovely post, sometimes we forget how our drinking affects so many others. AL is truly a selfish disease. Such an uplifting story and very inspiring. Hope everyone is doing well, Ginger my thoughts are with your mom. I am staying really busy which for me is very helpful in keeping AL at bay. I am reading but not posting as much right now due to working late nights like Lizann! However I am thinking of all of you and know that you can do this! :love::hug:


                    I thought of who my drinking affected,8 immediate people,plus Winslow, he always acted so depressed when I drank didn't even want to lay down with me,and for him that's weird, yes it is a selfish addiction, but so is getting/staying sober, but to me that's ok for now,hope everyone is having a good night
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Evening everyone! A good day today, I hate doing renovation jobs, but I love seeing the end result and the smiles on the customer's faces when I'm done! But I managed to get more done today than I thought I would, so that is a plus! Had the tiniest, fleeting thought of a cold Budweiser today to wash all the old grout dust out of my mouth, but poured another cup of coffee instead! What a great feeling...

                      Mama, those first few days are the toughest, just keep adding them up and they'll start to fly by! Not sure on the sensitive temples, but I agree, see a Doc if they last to long or get unbearable

                      MS, you know you can do it, I'll be prodding you everyday if need be lol

                      BG, great post! Positive thoughts are the only way to go, negative thoughts just open the door...

                      OH, sounds like you are moving along smoothly, the odd urge to conquer, but just kick those thoughts out like you've been doing..

                      Chief, you get stuck out in the back 40 off-roading in that new Jeep? lol

                      Liz, glad to see you adding up the days again! You have the right attitude, now keep up the determination! I remember growing up in Saskatchewan, all the stores were closed Sunday and Monday. Not such a bad idea me thinks, give everyone a chance to spend quality time with family, and what store stayed open past 6?? It was unheard of back then.. brings to mind Tim McGraw's song...

                      Piper, how's the quit going for you? Hopefully you're still adding up the days..

                      Ginger, if I remember correctly, there are some bass out there just waiting for you guys! The excursion still a go-ahead?

                      Pauly, just about through the rough stretch, you can do it!! I know you can!!

                      As for me, still one day at a time, but much easier now. And yes, the best part of me sleeps beside me every night, and for that I am truly grateful!

                      Have a positive evening everyone!
                      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                        Morning all from London! A bright sunny day here. Am glad d1 is over and feeling a lot of positivism.

                        cowboy- you're a gem! Sounds like you had a super productive day- it's habit to think of a cool one to finish the day/job. I'm glad it was just a fleeting thought.

                        In yoga they say the mind has memory like that of ripples once a stone has been thrown in water. These ripples fade as they get further from where the stone dropped. Your Vrittis (ripples) are fading ��

                        Quick hello to everyone else. I have a hungry baby to tend to.

                        mama- onwards with D4!

                        Hope all are well. I will check in later x


                          Morning everyone! Just checking in, back to my reno job today, will be my home for the next week or so lol. And today we have a belly button birthday to celebrate!

                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Hey all, Happy birthday Min not much to report this morning, which is weird cuz usually I have a lot to say haha,just feeling congested and headachey,always happens when the wind kicks up,been reading about how the wind causes a bad mood by blowing around positive ions, kinda interesting that and the moon's effect on us,maybe it's all b.s but I still like to read about it hope everyone has a nice Tuesday, back later
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Hey - watch this video about positive thinking - the one with Dr Hyman and Laurie G.


                                Happy birthday, Min!

