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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Happy Birthday as well Min, so happy to have you back:happy2:. Just a quick check in as well, have a great meeting Lizann. Thanks for the link Beachygirl! Pauly, I also wonder if a full moon plays havoc with us as well... Thanks for the post cowboy, you sound great! Hope everyone else is doing great. Remember if you have the urge, get your butt here instead:hug:
I agree with you Pauly, getting sober has elements of selfishness as well and I'm okay with that, for my commitment to be AF is not leaving a path of devastation and destruction behind me like my drinking used to do. For that I am eternally grateful.
I agree OH,to be present and honest around my family, is far,far better than the half assed being "present" while drinking where I'm there in body but the mind is in it's own world, half listening, half being involved,half caring about anything else except the next drink, so selfish!the selfishness in staying sober is I don't go to places that could trigger, Kell wanted to go gambling the other day I said no, hubs wants to go see a band playing,I said no,if I'm not feeling good I excuse myself to bed for an early night, it may be selfish but I see it as taking care of myself and I won't apologize for that, how's everyone doing? Min,Mama, Chief, again I stress check in even if it's just a weather report haha, staying connected here is vital, even through any b.s that's going on, look around the boards and you'll see that the long term sober people are here everyday, the people who stops in on "another day 1"stay for a bit,then leave and you see them awhile later back again on day 1,up early today, been sleeping well these past few weeks, but sometimes still wake up early, feel hungry need to find some nuts or something, hope everyone has a great WednesdayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hey Pauly, just saw on the news you had some narly weather in Vegas! Hope you didn't blow away!
Mom is making huge progress now that the cast is off. She's walking with a walker about 100 feet or so. Whoot whoot! Three or four more weeks and she should be home. Her blood work is amazing too so internal things are working as they should.
Hubs and I are heading out of town for a few days. Had a fishing trip on the books before Mom's accident. We both need a little break before his shoulder surgery next week. More fun times!
Stay strong, stay close and stay AF. You'll never regret it!
Ginger - so glad things are going better for Mom. She is a feisty one and will be home soon.
I am working evenings this week. They are hard shifts, and busy...but the good side of it is that I get the quite house to myself for a few hours in the morning. I can have my coffee and check in here. I will have time to take the dogs for a walk.
So good to see all of us checking in and sharing life. Even when I am busy, I know you are all here and I can do a quick check and stay strong.
My son had his first rowing regatta this past weekend. They are a new team, and rowed against some very experienced rowers. They did as expected. :welldone:
As they were getting off the boat I heard the other 3 complaining that they did so bad etc. Then I heard my wonderful boys voice give a pep talk to them. He explained it was their first race ever, that they did good in finishing, and that it was all about fun and team work. Man I was proud of him!!!
Hey all. Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was full of family home made fairy cakes by my mum and daughter and somosas. Lol. Alcohol free but I will not lie and and say it didn't cross my mind.
Today has been a touch one as baby has been unsettled for two hours. Sorely tempted but managed to stave off and just eat my body weight in food.
Sorry ive not replied to all but keep falling asleep whilst reading. Been sleeping but had some sweats last couple of nights. Which I know is normal. Talking of sleep d3 done and in heading up at 8.30pm.
Night all x
Don't count the days, make the days count, love that Beachy!!Min,good on you for day 3,Ginger, think this wind is giving me a headache today
just feel congested in the nose/head,like I'm full of dust, sounds like everyone is cruising along, remember were here for each other, I'm usually on here checking in throughout the day/night, benefits of phones haha,anyone needs an ear I'm here,have a good rest of the day
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Sounds like everyone is doing good. I did read back! Just home from a long day at work. Quick check in to let you know I'm fine and sober. Feeling good, tired and good. Off to chill a bit with Lucy and my boys and calling it an early night. I'll post more tomorrow, as I have the day off!
As promised I am here. Woke up early feeling queasy. Figures right. So I went to my meeting the other night. I'm thinking other than the fact that this is church based this group it is not for me, I was uncomfortable. Hubby is insisting I continue and if I am afraid he will go with me. Neither of these prospects excite me. I just kept telling myself my family needs to see me trying. But I find myself being resentful. I did exchange numbers with another woman there.
Anyway I did read back and I'm glad there is a lot of activity here. I am feeling strong in my quit right now.
Cowboy I have been reading your posts throughout. Thank you for your words, they are so uplifting and encouraging. You truly are an inspiration here. You are so strong in your quit and now you are helping us. Again thanks.
Hoping to do some shopping today and a run when this queasy passes. Hope you all have a good day. I'll check back later.
Morning everyone! Great start to a fresh AF day, Bubba, Hank, coffee, and my friends! I had a good day yesterday, but was down a bit as I had to go to the Rec Center in a small town not far from here and fix a few small problems and check all the equipment in the new commercial kitchen I did for them a few years ago. They are having a steak supper and dance on Saturday as a fund raiser. Of course Bubba and I were invited, but I politely declined. I remember all too well my inability to remember the fun I had at those functions lol. So it got me to thinking I had to change those negative thoughts to positive ones! All I had to do is think of how much happier I am now that I'm sober! Next year I'll be a lot stronger in my quit and know that I'll be able to go without any fear or shame.
Liz, thank you for those kind words! I'm not sure I am much of an inspiration, and if you think I am, then you have to think the same about yourself. Everyone who posts that they made another day sober should be an inspiration to us all. Maybe some are a bit stronger in their quit, maybe some have a lot more AF days behind them, and maybe some have a stronger faith to help them through. But as alcoholics we know we are all the same, just one drink away from becoming a drunk again! That's way I "like" or "thank" every post, because every post inspires me to keep going... Are there any other AA meetings where you are? Maybe it's not the content, but the people who are making you hesitant on going to the meetings.
Ginger, you and hubby have earned your fishing trip with everything you've been through! I hope you guys limit out each day, but in the spirit of wildlife management, just keep enough to enjoy a fresh fish fry each night!
To all the rest of us quitters, I don't always have something to say to each person, but I will say this... log on each day even just to say hi! Pauly has said this on a few occasions. If not for yourself, then do it for me, just so I know how you're doing, no matter how you're doing, you've all become an important part of my daily living!
Have a great one my friends, no quitting on the quit eh!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Liz, I'm with Cowboy, cam you look around for a group you feel comfortable with? Does it have to be that group?
ABC, I always look forward to reading your posts too. Powerful stuff, my friend.
Hello everyone! Happy AF Thursday to everyone. Like ABC said, come and check in regularly even if you don't post. (Doing this one my phone. Makes it harder to post)
Made it to Banks. All set up and ready to fish and hike. The ticks are terrible this year. CreepyGorgeous morning here. Just had a flock of wild turkeys walk through our camp. Nice!
Pauly, do you have an app you use on your phone for MWO?