Even though I am far from perfect, I am feeling the need to not just read but to post. I need the accountability. I also want to stop sitting on the sidelines. So . . . I'll check in here if that's ok!
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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi all . . . I'm usually reading in Newbies Nest but want to join in here. I joined in Dec 2014 after a particularly scary AL episode in which I passed out on the kitchen floor and my 13 year old son couldn't wake me up. Horrid. He had to go across the street to the neighbors holiday party and get my hubs. Then, I threw up in the bed. Of course, I remember none of that. So awful to hear your loved one tell you the horrible things you did the night before. So surreal. Since then, I've stopped and started, stopped and started, stopped and started, etc. You get the picture. That being said, just being on here and reading has REALLY helped me understand I am not alone. Also about being AF and how to do it. I have learned a lot and I so appreciate this site.
Even though I am far from perfect, I am feeling the need to not just read but to post. I need the accountability. I also want to stop sitting on the sidelines. So . . . I'll check in here if that's ok!Last edited by actiongirl46; April 16, 2015, 09:23 AM.
Welcome Actiongirl! We are so happy you are here. I soooo wish I'd come to my senses when my kids were younger. I'm so happy for you that you have.Come here any time and read/post. Like ABC says... we are just a bunch of quitters
Quick post, hi Actiongirl,I "know" you from the nest,I don't post much there but read everyday, welcomeI'll read back later, got food poisoning last night and I'm weak,had tocall off work, love to all
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Oh Liz,I hope this isn't a"bug" I was in total hell last night!!seems to have passed but still a little dizzy and weak/tender in the stomach, but at least my protein shake and a little sandwich are staying down/in,never buy frozen fried chicken!I've never been so sick, I'm in the same boat as far as AA goes,the meetings close to home are all ghetto people, I sound like a snobI'm not trying to, just they seem dirty, shady,just people I don't want to be around, not everyone of course, some seem nice, but last time this creepy guy was staring at me like a killer, and when he brought around the collection basket, I put a dollar in and he just stared and grunted,freaky! I swear I'm not making excuses again, I just want cleaner alcoholics surrounding me haha(bad joke)
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Welcome action girl. The more the merrier. That must have been very scary for your son to find you like that. I'm ashamed to say I've done things my family has seen that never should have been. One of the main reasons I'm here. I'm not just hurting myself anymore, it's all of them too.
Pauly, hope you are feeling better.
Started looking into flights to Switzerland . Not sure when we will go. My son has a week off, so we would like to travel around with him. A lot to figure out. Overwhelming to say the least.
Well just checking in. Have a good night!
Howdy everyone! Welcome actiongirl (aka AG), great to see you here! Get comfortable, get to know the folks, and start reaping the benefits of our support system (whatever the heck it is lol)
Liz and pauly, sorry to hear about illness, being sick sucks big time! I was blessed with some special rare antigen that super charges my immune system so I rarely get sick. Need some blood? lol
Liz, I hear both you and pauly on the AA member issue! A big reason why I stopped attending, but I would if there was another meeting to attend that wasn't a 45 minute drive away. Liz, I know what you're going through on the resentment issue, I have some of my own to deal with and I'm going to talk to my counsellor about it at my appointment next Thursday.
Chief, OH, BG, MS, and the others, take care my friends, do pop in and keep us updated!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Thanks all! I so appreciate a place to say "I'm here and I'm reading and learning".
Lizann - it was very scary for my son . . . I have to type it here because obviously I don't talk about it with my family or girlfriends or anyone but it DID happen and I need to remember that. Ugh.
On the topic of AA, I have a VERY very public job where I do a lot of presentations to groups in the community, mainly educators, so any type of AA meetings, however good they may be for me, scare me to death!! Any thoughts on that?
I guess what I've been learning is if you show up at an AA meeting isn't that better than a DUI or passing out on your children?? Doesn't everyone know anyway?? So, just saying that, I still can't get up the nerve to do it. So afraid.
I'm trying to be as honest as I can on this thread. Please let me know if I'm overloading things or should go back to Newbie's .
Thanks all for the welcome! I appreciate it - AG
Action, never feel like you can't post here. We all learn from each other. I've only used MWO and after many years of lurking I finally joined and started posting. That was my AA. I've never gone to any meetings so I'm no help on that topic. Hopefully someone else will pipe up. People in the public that might see you at AA would surely understand. After all they are facing the same struggles you are. You have made the right choice to come here and share. Stay close, you'll never regret it.
Morning everyone! Ugly day ahead of me, I have to go up into an attic and crawl through the insulation to install 3 new lights in the bathroom reno I'm doing, but it will get done lol
AG, I had the same feelings when I went to my first AA meeting, but there is nothing to worry about. I was surprised when I went to see a few people that I knew, and had no idea they had drinking problems! And when we see each other elsewhere, there is no mention of AA, it's only at the meetings or in private conversation. You don't have to share anything, or even say anything, but it is considered polite to introduce yourself, but that is not required either. There is nothing to lose by going to a meeting, you'll soon see if it's for you. There's no such thing as hogging this thread, I have that covered lol. Post as often as you like, it's the only way we'll be able to help you.
Ginger, hope you get the tech issues sorted out! And hope the fish keep biting!
Have a great day everyone! Let's all slide into a great AF weekend!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Thanks all! Quiet weekend for me ahead. The boys and hubby are going on their monthly Boy Scout camp out. Quiet and having the house to myself sounds wonderful (and it is) but I also know it is a huge trigger. SO, I'm going to make some plans this morning to keep myself busy. Really busy : )
Have a great Friday! Its sunny here and finally feels like spring.
Morning all! I'm trying to use the mobile site for MWO while we are traveling. It's visually a nightmare but easier for posting when I'm on the phone. Anybody else using the site on your phone?
A year ago I was still drinking and going on our first fishing trip of the season. I would have stayed up too late last night drinking with my SIL and woke up this morning so hung over I'd be miserable. I'd be up and ready for a hike but I'd feel terrible. Not this trip! We were in bed by 10p. I didn't drink AL only tea and water. The others that drank, drank much less too. Anyway...got up at 6a to get ready for my day and I feel great.
No matter where you are in your quit, keep your eye on the prize and just get through today. The reward is amazing.
(If this looks weird, I'm on my phone using the mobile site. It's a bit kludgy.)
Ginger, I ALWAYS use my phone, think I've only posted from the computer maybe twice, does it show a view desktop option? I've used the mobile display before and couldn't find a thing!still feeling really weak this morning, probably dehydrated a bit,AG,be sure to keep yourself distracted this weekend, an empty house is one of my biggest triggers too,come here a lot,I'm always around on the weekend, I watch Louie so we're usually on house arrest haha,and please if you want to go to AA give it a shot, my situation is a bit different cuz the meeting close to me is in a sketchy area,I'm trying to find one affiliated with a church or something, hope everyone has a lovely, safe FridayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Ag, never feel you are hogging! Come here as often as you feel you need to. I came here after awhile on the newbies nest and feel like we have a nice support group here. Being alone is a huge trigger for me too. Like, who would know? Keeping busy is a great idea. As far as AA, I have started a meeting not technically AA but a 12 step program as well. This one is in a church, but also a bit sketchy. I am attending because my husband wants me too. He thinks it will be helpful. I believe the 12 steps will help, but I am uncomfortable with this particular group. We shall see.
Pauly, glad you're feeling a bit better.
Cowboy, hope you got through that job ok.
Ginger, glad you're enjoying your away time. You certainly deserve it!
CJ is home from her Atlantic city get away. Alls well that ends well. She actually sat down this evening and played the piano. She hasn't done that in ages!!
Off to go heat up hubby's dinner. Long night at the office, which just happens to be downstairs. Have a goodnight!