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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    That was nice Cowboy looks like we're all a bunch of pizza freaks on this thread haha,having really yucky anxiety anybody else deal with this? It's making it hard to stay positive, probably because I haven't been exercising lately, grr,just want to feel good, hope everyone has a nice Saturday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Hey gang - happy Saturday.
      I am off to work, and hoping it is not like last night- crazy busy.

      Pauly -you could be right, even a short walk around the block might help. Do you ever listen to calming music, like waves or nature sounds. I found if I did that it got my anxiety under control. I don't feel it anymore but I do recall the awful feeling!!
      Hang in there.


        Min- I just read something on my detox site. It is all about the way we think.
        It said instead of thinking you are deprived of the goodie, think of it as if you do eat it - you are depriving yourself of the healthy lifestyle you want.

        By not drinking, we are giving ourselves a treat.


          Quick hello. I'm off to bed soon. Just watching movie. Day 5/6? Done. Hope everyone so well. I'll read back when I can x


            Day 6 done MS!!
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              Hello again all. Just came up yo bed. Horrendous wisdom tooth pain. Can't recall if I mentioned. Been lingering for a few days but been taking Meds for it today. Will have to see if I can get an emergency dental spot Monday if this carries on. I'm chewing cloves atm lol

              Thanks for the positive thoughts BeachyG and Cowboy for clarifying D6 :-)

              Still feeling tired but had my first coffee in a week due to detox. It was lush. I'm omitting sugar and had good food all day and then succumbed to chips in the evening. Ha ha ha. It was my treat.
              Hubby suggested swirling whiskey for tooth pain and I politely declined. Would've been easy to say yes but I know one would not be enough and Id be back to the sneaking and lying to get a drink in.

              We went out today for a walk and baby sleeping so I waited for hubby and daughter in a pub- I had some tea but the thought of a drink did cross my mind. I see these as hurdles and challenges I have to overcome.

              I hope everyone is ok - sorry to not oersonally reply to all.

              Pauly- try meditaiotn vids on you tube?

              Lizann- did you manage a walk? How's your long weekend?

              Cowboy- 5 days lucky you. We have a three day one coming up :-)

              Wish me luck with this tooth please. It kept me up last night. Ghrrr


                Try some warm water and salt Min,it might help, maybe some peroxide or oragel/anbesol should have some handy with a baby around I think my anxiety is eating more sugar lately and slacking on exercise, I don't want to take antidepressants if I can avoid it, but I'll see where I'm at in a week or two, hope everyone is having a good night, it's windy and rainy here
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  MinStar, yes I managed a walk! Met up with some of the neighbors and chatted, Lovely afternoon. Planted some seeds, read on my swing. Think I got a little bit of color. Totally unwound from a rough work week!


                    Hi all! Glad to see you all staying close and checking in. I'm still crazy busy. Hubby is doing well but already tired of only having one arm! Poor guy. It would suck. Mom should be home May 6.

                    Take care all. I'm crashing


                      Ginger- great news on your mum and sorry Hubby is getting frustrated. Poor mite. Hope he is doing well

                      Thanks Pauly. I've never used peroxide. The other two I've never heard of, is it a USA product?

                      Just had Meds every 4h and keeping pain at bay. Cloves and clove oils also worked. I will try water washes this morning and more cloves and pills.

                      Slept semi well- still vivid dreams but thinks sweats have resided a lot.

                      Lizann- what did you plant? I keep meaning to do that here with my daughter and getting side tracked. :-(

                      Some shopping and relaxing around today. With chores thrown in of course :-/

                      Action girl, mama, cowboy and anyone else I've missed- hope you're ok

                      Right,better make breakfast for the clan. Happy Sunday all. Stay safe
                      Last edited by MinStar; April 26, 2015, 02:38 AM.


                        Min star, is the tooth infected? Had all four of mine out years ago, it was a pain at the time but I'm glad. Planted Sweet Williams and Bachelor buttons. Hubby is an avid gardener as were his parents, it's in his blood. He gave me a little section in the yard to play with! I like flowers I can cut and put in a vase to bring inside. I will tend to my little section. Bought some hydrangeas as well. Right now they are on the front stairs, but will plant them also. They are my new favorite! Look at me, I've got a new hobby! Hoping Lucy doesn't dig up my seeds!
                        Ginger glad mom is coming home. Will she still need you as much? When are you hitting the road again?
                        Cowboy, I have missed you? How's your weekend going? Saw a bunch of robins yesterday and thought of you.
                        Anniversary of sorts for us here. Hubby and I moved into this house 29 years ago today:love: Am I the only one who remembers such dates? Anyway, off to get ready for church. Have a good one guys. Feeling very grateful for each one of you! You have helped me so much on my road!


                          Morning friends! Liz, I’m here, every day. Some days I don’t think I have much to contribute and just spend my time reading, other days I get a notion from somewhere in my wacky brain that I need to share. It was a pretty quiet day around here yesterday, the weather was ugly and cold, so we just spent the day inside. While reading across MWO and thinking about all the various personalities we have here, why they are here, and what do they expect to get out of a site like this. So, if you guys don’t mind, how about we try and do a bit of sobriety exercise? This came from my counsellor on my first visit with her. I was told to sit down and write out the reasons why I want and need to quit drinking. Here is what I wrote down, they are not in any order of importance, just what came into my head at the time…I’d love to see your reasons as well…

                          Physical Health. I don't want to be at risk for problems from drinking too much. I don't want to wake-up hung-over and sick. I don't want to be so busy drinking that I don't eat well.

                          Emotional Well-Being. I think drinking has taken a toll on my emotional wellbeing. I drink rather than dealing with my problems. I drink if I'm upset. Sometimes, I think I have an anger issue that is caused by drinking too much. That’s why I’m seeing my counsellor, for my emotional wellbeing.

                          Mental Well-Being. I don't remember things well when I've been drinking too much. I wake up groggy and unable to think as clearly as I should be able to.

                          Social Reasons. When I'm drinking, the people around me are more likely to be drinking. I've had a few times when somebody drinking with me has gotten out of control. I don't want to be around that, and by drinking, I encourage my companions to drink. Probably no sober person wants to be around me when I'm drunk, either. I don't want to keep company with drunks anymore.

                          Bad Incidents. I'm tired of waking-up hung-over and sick. I'm tired of waking-up tired. I'm tired of things like drinking WAY too much and waking-up hung-over when I have to spend time with the family. I get drunk and I say things I shouldn't, I don't want to repeat those times. I'm scared I'll get a DUI or something worse if I keep drinking.

                          Money. I'm tired of wasting money on alcohol. Then I get stressed because there's not enough money and I want to drink more.

                          Time. I'm tired of wasting every night drunk. I could be doing better things, like accomplishing things around the house and instead I'm too busy getting drunk.

                          The Need. I'm tired of "the need" to be drunk all the time. When I'm not drinking, I'm craving alcohol. When I am drinking, all I want to do is drink more.

                          I Can't Moderate. Whatever it is, I can't moderate my drinking. I've failed over and over to cut-back. I can for a few days, but then I'm straight back at it. Alcohol is a problem for me. One drink makes me want another and another and another until I'm drunk enough to pass out or fall asleep.

                          I think we’ll all have a lot of the same reasons, but I’m sure there will be individual ones as well, so everyone, share your reasons for quitting…
                          Have a great Sunday everyone!

                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            ABC, I can only add one thing to your all inclusive list. Roll model: I have a second chance at being a roll model to my grandkids. I feel like I squandered that with my sons. I can be present with my grandkids in a way I missed with my sons because of my obsession with AL.

                            Liz, I don't think Mom will need or want me around as much once she gets home. She loves her home and is content to be there alone. My sisters and I spent the day at her home painting and doing some spring cleaning. Whoot whoot! 😊 we are on count down!

                            Our next trip is mid-May. All the trailer work will be on me but I think I can do it!

                            Hope everyone has a great AF day.


                              A great list cowboy, and a great addition ginger. Being a roll model for my kids is in my mind as well. Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday. Exercise is essential in my mental well being right now. I think I just have an addictive personality, and I'm glad exercise has replaced AL for me. Two more months and I will be competing in the Spartan race, hope to perform very well. Off for a run. Am also doing a 5km run with my 9 year old in 3 weeks :happy2:


                                Awesome list Cowboy, I could identify with all of the reasons on your list, the need for drinking was a BIGGIE for me,how many times I couldn't drive to the gas station fast enough to get that booze and the distraction in my mind, the kids or hubs would be talking and I'd zone them out so preoccupied with thoughts of drinking, jeez,and Ginger, oh I want to be there for Louie, I've drank around him in the past and I didn't play with him, hug him,just a mess! I don't want him seeing me as a alcoholic, yesterday there was a beer commercial on and they were showing it all bubbly and Louie said"pop pop" I says no that's not soda pop it's poo-poo juice haha,he said "oh" kinda boring Sunday, he's sick and threw up all over my rug so we'll spend the day cleaning up and trying to get him well, poor baby, hope everyone enjoys their Sunday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

