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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hey everyone!

    Hope all are well!
    Lizann- how come you're off sorts?
    AG- 10,000 steps is awesome. And you too PW. My iPhone apparebtly is tracking mine but it's not correct as I have phone in bag and bag on buggy so it's often not counting steps- is that right? Does it have to be on me?

    Cowboy- have a great trip- bet your stoked to see daughter- where is she agin- I seem to hbe missed that one ��

    Beachy- ginger how are you guys??

    Shitty day this side- stupid row with hubby since yesterday and I can't stand to be in the same room. Normally would have a drink but didn't even think about it today.

    Saying that I did get antibiotics from dentist for my tooth and she told me I can't drink on it anyway. Lol metronidazole for a week I think. Then back to see her again. May consider taking them out. Unfortunately unless I have regular acute inflammation and infections they probably won't on the NHS.

    Still on pain killers as well. I am sure in rattling with all these pills. Lol

    Enough ramblings. I'm off to feed little man and then bed.

    Stay strong my dears!


      Glad you got some antibiotics Min,make sure you eat some yogurt while taking them,need to keep your healthy bacteria Louie made me sick, just a sore throat and sneezing, I swear I'm always sick, keep moving forward, this too shall pass
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Shitty day here too, MinStar. Got the word today that my sons work visa in Switzerland has been rejected. Normally I would go grab a drink or five, but nothing in the house. I'm so heart broken for him. His airline tickets and housing is already paid for and the government won't let him work. Not sure how this is gonna pan out.
        Off to my group. Not sure if that's good or not. I'll check in later.


          Lizann, I feel for your son, that is heartbreaking. Can he appeal? Glad you are fighting the urge , hope your group goes well.

          Cowboy, winnie the pooh and friends are my boy's favourites. Thanks for that, made me smile on a rather dreary day. Have a great trip!!

          Action girl and minstar you both sound great, and clocking up those AF days is fantastic.

          Beachygirl, Ginger, Pauly, Chief hope you are having a great week. So happy spring is around the corner, here's to exercise and getting those rays.


            Thanks OH. Yes his boss is going to appeal. He'd have just been that much more upset if I drank, I just couldn't do that to my boy, but I did think about it.
            My meeting went very well. A small group tonight. The one older woman and I seem to be hitting it off. She knew I was upset and gave me a hug. For me that's huge, as I am not a huggy person.
            Off to bed as I have a headache. Allergies, I think. Sleep well.


              Hoping the appeal goes well Lizann, and as we know drinking doesn't make anything better, knowing this doesn't make it any easier though, but we are fighting the good fight. Proud of you!

              Hope you feel better tomorrow Lizann, you too Pauly!


                Evening my friends! MS, 2 oldest daughters are in Vancouver, British Columbia, the province to the west of Alberta. It will be a great visit, but not to fear, my tablet is coming with me, I'd go into withdrawals without you guys for 5 days!! Liz, we had the same issues with our youngest daughter's US work visa, but it all worked out in the end. Just keep up the faith, if the company wants him, they'll do what is necessary..

                I had planned on saying something to each of you tonight, but changed my mind. We probably all read around the forum and have noticed a few "tainted" threads. How some adults still display such childish behavior is beyond me!! This thread is near and dear to my heart, all of you have become such great friends to me! This thread, in my opinion, is what MWO is all about! No anger, no lectures, no gossip, no whining, just here as a bunch of drunks trying to get and remain sober by helping and supporting each other! If we can't rely on each other, then who can we count on??

                Ginger, Lizann, paulywogg, BeachGirly, open halo, MinStar, actiongirl, Chief, we seem to be the core of this thread, I for one have no plans on leaving it! And maybe some of the other members can see what we are accomplishing here, keeping each other firm in our quits, not going crazy if someone has a hiccup, just accept them back with open arms and hearts and let the past be just what it is, the past! You have all become as important to me as my family is because you are a part of my family now!

                I'll check back in the morning, but for now, remember to keep up the good fight!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Dang, Liz, that totally sucks! I hope the appeal works out for him. How disappointing for all of you. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out. Good for you for not drinking at the situation!

                  ABC, Thank you for the post. I feel the same way about all of you. This is our safe harbor from the AL storm. So glad you are all here too. I think about all of you throughout my day, just like family.

                  Min, BG, AG, Pauly, OH, Chief and anyone else I missed.... Thank you for what you bring to this thread. You guys rock!

                  Hubs is mending nicely. Completely off the pain meds and that alone makes him feel better. Tomorrow is Mom's home assessment where the PT goes and looks at her home and suggests changes we need to make in order for her to be safe there. Her hubby hasn't been feeling well. Hope she doesn't have to go home and take care of him. She won't be able to manage all that, I don't think. Growing old... Such a challenge.

                  Have a great evening everyone!! Stay close/Stay strong


                    Lizann. That's awful but as the others say don't give up hope. If the company needs and wants him they will find a way. This is a hiccup and good for not drinking. Things would not be clearly handled in a fog of drink and hangovers. I'm keepig all crossed that things move in the direction you want. What's the next step for him?

                    Cowboy- bringing tears to my eyes. You're ll my secret fried a as no one in real life knows the battle I am in. Thank you so much for being non judgemental if your guys weren't in not sure I'd be back and having another good go for AF.

                    Beachy- Open H - Ginger- Action Gal- Pauly and anyone else

                    Thank you and stay strong!

                    I'm off to do school run now!


                      Hey all, Liz,I'm sure like the others have said it will work outCowboy, yes there has been tension around here lately, not sure why, just stick to the threads that are calm,even though I do nose around and speak up if something bugs me,I guess that's not really minding my own business is it,oh well, Ginger, glad hubs is on the mend hello to Min,OH,AG,Beachy,everyone else, let's have a great Wednesda)
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Morning all! Slow going here, not sure why, but sometimes working from home does that to me. Lots I love about it but its hard to keep yourself motivated all the time. Oh well, perhaps its ok to have a slow day every now and then, makes my deadlines more urgent. Or maybe I just take a vacation day and do stuff around the house . . . hmm . . . sorry for the ramble!

                        Cowboy, thanks for the awesome post. I agree with MinS that this for me is not a public battle but private. (I wonder if that is a mistake??) Well, that is where I'm at right now. So, I need you guys for support and to help me stay in the game. Sometimes to help me get back in the game!

                        I believe in bringing out the best in people. Anger and negativity breed more of the same which can lead to a downward spiral that is hard to come out of. I also believe in being open to learning from others, no one has all the right answers, especially in such a personal battle as addiction. I really think that MWO reflects positivity and a great openness to learning from others. I love that about this site, especially on this thread and on Newbie's Nest. I don't really read too many of the others.

                        Clearly, I need to get out of my own head today!! Ha ha ha . . . have a (focused!!) Wednesday everyone and I'll be back later!


                          Hello again lovelies.

                          Just checking in again before I read and hit bed. Exhausted doesn't even come close to hiw I've been feeling lately. I just can't seem to get into gear :-/

                          Action- hope you managed a productive day whatever you chose to do.

                          Everyone else. Hellos and night nughts.


                            Hi guys,
                            Read back a few days and see several of us are struggling with daily life right now. Liz, I know the pain you are feeling for your son. I sure hope it works itself out soon.
                            Min - those dang wisdom teeth. They can really hurt. I remember when one of mine was infected and they could not take it out until infection cleared. Ouch. Hang in there.
                            Ginger - I am curious as to how the house visit went for Moms house. When we did that for my mom, it actually taught me to respect her more. The lady was so kind. I was going in and saying " we need to change this and bla bla " the lady very calmly asked Mom what she thought and helped her come up with solutions. It was good to be there and learn this. Glad hubby is off pain meds, things are moving in the right direction.
                            Cowboy - you always have the best posts. I don't know what is going on in the other posts. Glad we do not have drama here, just friends supporting.
                            OH, AG, Chief - glad to see posts from you guys.

                            I had a fantastic day yesterday. I contacted a hospital that I worked at years ago, to come in and meet with the transcription team. I work in the lab, so have never seen the transcription side of things. So I had the day there yesterday. The supervisor had done a lot of pre-work for me. Found cases to review, introduced me around and had a tour of the new hospital. That in itself was wonderful. Very educational. But the best part was seeing old coworkers in the lab that I had not seen in years. I had so many hugs and squeals of happiness, made me feel so good to see them all. They were all busy but spent a few min to chat. So cool. It just goes to show you how our friends and support system is so valuable to us.

                            So friends - let's keep this support up. Glad to see everyone trying to check in - even on those stinking busy days.


                              BG so glad to read your post. Yes I agree support systems are so necessary. I appreciate you all so much here! I have heard things are not so great on some of the other threads. Thankfully here things are very supportive.
                              Cowboy, have a wonderful time! Relax and enjoy.
                              MinStar, hope you're doing ok! I have days like that too.
                              Trying to keep positive. But I read the email between the drug company and the HR person in switerzland for my son and it says it is unlikely that the government will allow my son to work there. They see no reason for it. So we wait for official word. We can't even plan our vacation pending this. The Swiss government says they would prefer an intern from the EU! Just want to thank you all so much for your kind words and support. So wanted a drink again tonight. I did not.


                                Beachgirly great story on how positive friends just instill that happiness within us, and motivate us to achieve! And I agree with you, cowboy has awesome posts, with my family not around , this thread has become a go to place for additional comfort and support. I actually very rarely go on any other thread, sometimes just to post what I'm grateful for, I am hoping though that people are getting the support they need. Makes me feel even luckier to be here :hug: I have never felt anything other than support, and kindness, and laughter.

                                Actiongirl and minstar keep doing what you are doing, hoping that posting here daily is helping you put AL on the back burner where it needs to stay!

                                Ginger, Lizann, Pauly, Beachygirl, Cowboy and Chief thanks for all you do, posting regularly and keeping us on track .:love:

                                Most beautiful day than we've had in about 6 months, it is fantastic to feel that sun!

