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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Good evening!! I guess I feel a bit privileged, this is indeed the finest group of ladies I have ever met, and I consider myself the thorn amongst all you roses! I think I can cap it up pretty easily by saying that I'm so proud of all of us to be where we are, sure we have our day to day issues, but by talking about them, there's no need to think that AL will solve anything. We have the best support system we need right here! And by sticking together and supporting each other, we're holding hands and marching down the road to recovery!

    I still have to pack (which will take me all of 5 minutes lol) then in the morning we drop Hank off at the vet's (they board dogs as well) and that will be the tough part, leaving my buddy in someone else's care for 5 days! This will be the longest time we've been away from him since we got him as a pup! we have a 2.5 hour drive to the airport in Edmonton, then off we go. The flight to Vancouver is shorter than the drive to Edmonton!! Go figure... So tomorrow night I'll be posting from the Pacific shores of Vancouver, it better not rain the whole time we're there lol

    And a little something from Hank & I, how he got his name...

    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Oh Cowboy, you're a real cowboy?? Awesome but I never doubted that. Great video,thanks for posting, I loved it!! Stay real peeps!!


        Good morning all!
        Cowboy have a great trip! Vancouver is a wonderful city, one of my favorites.

        Well, despite my enthusiasm for the Hank video. yesterday was NOT a good day. I was very unproductive and got less than 4,000 steps. Ugh.

        I'm feeling better today and have a few things this afternoon that will get me out and about. I'm mentoring a 3rd grader so I'll bring her the "glitter" crayons that she wanted to try. Who knew crayons could sparkle??

        Someone in Newbie's mentioned having a goal of getting 3 things done. I like it. Have a great Thursday!


          Awesome Cowboy!but where's Hank? Woke up totally hungry, I HATE that, then I drink black coffee and it makes it worse, bleh nuts to the rescue!totally blew off my walk this morning, will try and do a exercise DVD this afternoon just couldn't get with it this morning, it's getting hot here in the 90's woo-hoo,I love the heat,bring it on! Liz,if you get a chance post some pics of Lucy on Facebook, she's just too cute AG,how's things in your world? Ginger, where you off to on your next trip? Min,how's the babies?Beachy,sounds like you're keeping busy, you too OH off to get ready, safe travels to you Cowboy and I hope we all have a great Thursday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Here's my buddy! IMG_0998.jpg
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              Good morning! Have I mentioned I love you guys:heartbeat: Woke up late for a day off because I had a nightmare! Dreamt about a dear friend I lost to breast cancer, she was so sad. Anyway I'm sure it's tied into this whole Switzerland thing somehow. I actually woke up crying. I came here and read and it's all positive, I really needed that this morning!
              Off to the library in a bit for a new recipe club. Who knows I'll try it. Will also let the powers that be know I will take charge of the garage sale in June.
              Thanks guys, check back later.
              Have a wonderful trip cowboy! Could you drive to Vancouver? I would watch Hank for you!


                ABC, I love Hank!! If you've visited my FB page, you know that I'm a BIG dog lover. I think we humans could learn a lot from our furry friends, if we'd just pay attention. Talk about unconditional love. I bet it was really hard to leave your boy. I know every trip we take "Ginger" is at the center of it.

                Mom's walk through at her house went great. We need to do a couple of things but nothing big to get her ready to go home. I'm going to push for next Tuesday so my little sister can help get her home. That's her day off. Mom is so excited to get home and back to her comfy bed and familiar surroundings. Her neighbor across the hall at the "home" is dying and that has been really hard on Mom. So sad.... No one is with her holding her hand as she makes her transition even though she has kids. Not sure how a person can let a parent die alone.

                Liz, sorry about the bad dreams. I hate that when it happens. I hope the recipe club is fun and you meet some great people there.

                Pauly, I'm with you! I love the hot weather. I think I was a lizard in a past life that just loved to lie on a hot rock! Our next trip is back to Steamboat Rock State Park. We usually do two trips there every spring with hubs sister and her hubby. The guys fish and the girls hike/explore with the two dogs. What I really need though is a beach trip. I'm formulating a plan....

                AG, Enjoy your day and forget about yesterday. You'll enjoy today better that way.

                OH, what part of the country do you reside in? Glad you had a gorgeous day. We are getting a string of those for the next few days. I love spring/summer/fall here but have to spend the winter in NV, CA and AZ to avoid our gloomy cold weather in central WA.

                BG, isn't great to hook up with old work mates! Glad you were able to do that and that it made your day. You are such an awesome person. No wonder people love to see you coming!

                Min, my daughter in law stopped by with my 4 year old grandson and I thought of you. Little ones are so busy! I bet you don't get to sit down much, do you? Good for you for choosing to be completely present with your kids. You will never regret it!

                I'm feeling so lucky to be part of this great thread. You guys are amazing!!! Sorry if I missed anyone....Have a great AF day everyone.


                  As requested, my Lucy:heartbeat::heartbeat: cinco de mayo at the recipe club today. I'm stuffed!


                    What a cutie Liz!! I have more pics posted in my album on my profile page, I might get around to posting some "cowboying" pics of me lol

                    Have done some exploring on FB and getting comfortable with it, really enjoy looking at the pics you all have posted there, thank you!

                    At the airport in Edmonton, an hour to kill till boarding. Liz, it's a 14 hour drive out there, we've drove out probably as many times as we've flown, but on only 5 days, time to fly lol. When we drive, we take extra time, taking a few days to travel both ways. I love to B & B, really enjoy meeting and talking with the other guests. Our next trip out will be a drive instead of plane.

                    Have good one all!
                    Last edited by abcowboy; April 30, 2015, 02:02 PM.
                    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                      Cute pics of the doggies love the sombrero Liz,haha sinuses are acting up and making me drowsy but allergy meds do nothing for me, oh well, hope everyone has had a fine day so far
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Hi all, much much better day today, thanks Ginger for the advice. You're right, not much can be done about that anyway. As my 14yr old would say, I just had a case of the "meh's".

                        Love the pictures of Hank and Lucy!! Cinco de Mayo hat looks great on her!!

                        P1010291.jpg Hey, learning something new tonight. Here is a picture of one of my best friends . . . his name is Bandit and he is with me everywhere! I love this dog, even though he can be quite naughty and an alpha. Like I need more testosterone in my house, ha ha!! (I had told hubs I wanted a small FEMALE lap dog and this is what I got. We got him at 8 months and he was already huge!!) He is super sweet though and a great motivator to get outside in any weather. He's now about 6 yrs, we think.

                        We were camping in Montana in this picture last summer. He is on the leash because earlier he saw horses (his first) and went running towards them. He ran super fast straight into the barbed wire fence (his first as well) and punctured himself right between the eyes. He was just fine but yes, he is my third and most wild child right now.

                        On the same trip, he slipped his collar at Lake Louise and ran like wild all around the grounds of this beautiful hotel while a large family (looked to be of Indian heritage from all the saris and henna) was having an outdoor photo shoot for a wedding. Oh, the horror!! Of course he relieved himself as well and we had to ask the hotel for a plastic bag. Needless to say, our family visit to Lake Louise was quite short. Just some of many many stories. Most of the time, thankfully, we are much more prepared.

                        Have a great evening all!!
                        Last edited by actiongirl46; April 30, 2015, 05:36 PM.


                          Hello hello my lovelies!
                          Sorry late and short post. I have a live one wriggling next to me. I love night time cuddles even though I wish he would sleep. Lol

                          We hve a house viewing tomorrow morning and then the usual school runs I do need my little man to sleep. :-)

                          Loving the furry friends pics. Keep them coming :-) <3

                          Cowboy- safe trip and see you on the Pacific side
                          Lizann- I hate those 'real' dreams. I hope you feel better your pic is too cute- I need to try new recipes too. so pleased you didn't have a drink tonight another day logged in and next one in line. Well done hun. Any idea what your son will do otherwise?

                          gingers how are you?

                          BeachG-Yes 4yr old is busy. But she's actually a great little helper for me. I am super lucky! What line of work are you in? You mentioned your in the lab- I'm a scientist so it's perked my ears :-)
                          Pauly- sorry sinuses a pain- did I ever mention the neti pot? Helped me tons when I hd oain from sinuses during pregnancy.
                          Open H- how are you?
                          actionG- keep plodding. Some days you hit targets and others you don't- the main thing is to keep going. In behind (a lot behind) you. Lol
                          Right really should sign off This was meant to be a short one.

                          Night all x


                            Love the pic and the stories AG,sounds like a rambunctious pup! Min,I do the neti pot,the air is just really heavy today for some reason, just can't get a good breath through my nose holes and it gives me a headache, this too shall pass I love how we're all powering through and living life, getting things done, working as a teamlove having you guys by my side, question, do you dog owners have a special voice and use it to talk for your dog? I'm embarrassed to admit that I do,I just say what it looks like Winslow is thinking haha,hubs says I'm nuts but I catch him doing it too!! Hope everyone has a lovely evening
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Pauly, Heck yeah! We talk for Ginger all the time. She says the funniest thing too. LOL On a sad note re: Ginger. We noticed this past summer that she wasn't responding to us like she used to. IE... Come when she's called. Come to find out, she's going deaf. At this point the vet guesses she only has about 20% of her hearing left. He thinks before long she will be completely deaf. She's only 5 years old! I've ordered a vibrating collar for her and will begin training her with that for off leash hiking so we can get her attention to get her to come back to us. She's been through agility training so she knows hand signals. I just have to be able to get her attention so she can see them!

                              Looks like Mom gets to go home in a couple of days. Maybe as soon as Saturday. Boy, this has been a long haul for her! They assessed her today as a HIGH fall risk though so that's scary. Praying that doesn't happen!

                              I love our little thread here. We are all awesome. Right? Have a great evening everyone!! Love ya :love:


                                Hello friends, Ginger, that's so sad the good news is that she is 5 and has had her hearing so she knows commands,good that you're training her now before she loses her hearing completely, dogs communicate with body language and eyes most of the time too,Winslow always looks like he's trying to tell me something, it'll work out, at least she's overall healthy right? day off today and not much planned, just clean up this joint and TRY to get into the yard for a bit,allergies are atrocious right now and I don't want to aggravate them but I have things that need to be planted before they die, anyways hope everyone checks in today and I hope we all have a nice Friday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

