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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Oh, does he see that you are trying? That must count for something!
    Welcome home cowboy! I think of your guys too when I feel the urge. I don't want to disappoint.
    Just a quick check in for me. Meeting tonight.


      Hi everyone, quick check in for me as well! The tractor seat is calling my name, seeding has begun! I'll have more time in the evenings to post... have a great day everyone..

      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


        Nice pic Cowboy have fun on the tractor, everytime Louie sees one on tv he yells"I wanna ride that" so cute, threads been kinda quiet lately, I'm part of it cuz I'm just sorta going through a mood, they come and go of course but it scares me cuz yesterday I was this close to drinking, I'm hoping it levels out cuz this drinking thinking is bullshit!and it will only hurt my already bad mood, ho hum
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Quick hi - before I head to the zoo- oh, I mean work.

          Pauly - good thing you shook that off!!!


            Morning peeps!

            Pauly, I've been a little off too.

            I think mine comes from dealing with mom all day long for months to NOT having to do that daily. I have to find my place again. I did a little web coding for pet rescue that made my brain have to work a little harder and that felt good. Maybe I'll start doing a little more web work. Who knows.... Still having to do a lot with hubby and his lame arm/shoulder. Heading camping next weekend so that may help. It usually does In any case, I don't have drinking thoughts, just a little bummed. Nothing to complain about too much!

            Hope everyone is staying busy (not too busy though) and guarding your quit like your life depends on it. In the does. Have a great AF day you guys!


              Hey, Ginger. I hope it's ok if I jump in here. The time around big milestones can be a little weird. Even though you aren't super focussed on the days (and even lost track of your "birthday" :wink, it still can be a vulnerable time. Couple that with your new freedom, which is its own kind of stress, and how you're feeling seems pretty normal to me. You'll be fine :hug:.
              Pauly, I sure hope you come to this thread or another one and get help from your many, many friends if you start feeling that way again. You've been doing so well - you've got too much to lose, right? xx, NS


                Hello all - PW, I hope the sun is out in your neck of the nest today. Join me in getting a good walk in?? I'll check back later, work is super busy right now! Which sometimes for me can be overwhelming and will stop me in my tracks, but I'm focused on getting 3 things done. Great advice. Catch you later peeps!!


                  NS, you jump in any time/any place!! Thanks for the reminder of the milestone. I was just thinking of my mom ordeal... Hmmm

                  Just made plans to go with my older sister to the beach June 12-17. That should make things all better! We did this trip last year about the same time so I was only a few weeks into my quit. My sis is a non-drinker and was so happy she didn't have to deal with her sloppy sister's drinking the entire time. It stands as one of my best sister beach trips. Looking forward to another one!

                  Hang in there everyone!


                    I appreciate your support peeps I don't like posts like mine this morning, seems people post about thoughts and a few days later we see relapse, AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!! I'm approaching a milestone and of course weird thoughts creep in,read a nice article on PAWS yet again(I always forget about that nonsense) but it comforted me,wrote PAWS on my wrist as a reminder of what I'm dealing with, this too shall pass, I'm not saying anybody is doomed to drink during this time, actually I think it's this addiction trying to muscle in and after I'll come out stronger, Kuya(old member) said she believes that the brain repairs itself in waves and she could feel these uncomfortable feelings way past a year sober, I tend to take what she says as gospel, she was as smart as Byrdie and Lav when it comes to this sobriety business AG,I did get a walk in too,thank you
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Well good for you Pauly! What is PAWS? The brain repairs itself in waves. Definitely something to ponder.
                      Ginger, the beach sounds wonderful! Did she worry about you getting sloppy? I am assuming she knew you had a problem? Still kinda weird with me and my sisters. I just feel like they look at me differently now. Thought of you today, hubs and I were watching a show about these amazing huge RV. Would love to travel around like that someday.
                      Cowboy, happy for you and your tractor!
                      Well off to chill a bit. Working a couple of hours tomorrow, my day off. It's busy and I don't have to go in early. Still haven't heard about my sons work visa. He's going in like 3 weeks.


                        Liz it's post acute withdrawal syndrome, I read 75% of alkies get some symptoms, insomnia, fatigue, depressed mood, anxiety, usually happens at 30,60,90 so on days, who knows for sure
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Thanks Pauly. I did a little research and have been reading up on it.


                            I was reading about PAW today too. It makes sense to me. Hang in there, Pauly! Stay close and let us know if you feel like slipping before you do. We can hang on tight to you.

                            Liz, My sister has seen me at some of my worst drinking moments. She's always been patient with me and never said a word or a threat. That's just the way she rolls. She's so happy that I've made the decision to stop drinking. She is smart enough to know that unless I want this, it won't happen. She was married to an alcoholic for years. She knows how the AL devil works. I'm so glad I made the decision when I did.

                            Stay close you guys. If not here, some other thread. Just stay close.


                              Hey - Thursday challenge - how many steps?

                              I pledge to do 10,000 steps tomorrow. I am working my full day, then 2 hrs at the transcription place. But I will walk a bit at lunch break and then take the dogs for a walk in the eve.

                              Anyone care to join me?

                              Had a great day today. It was crazy at work today, two of our main analyzers down, shipping specimens to another hospital. ICU and ER over packed...but I was calm and happy. This detox stuff has helped me to slow down, enjoy the moment, not stress as much and to be positive.

                              The evening staff came in and one of the girls is very negative. (but a super nice girl). she just always seems doom and gloom. Everything is going to happen and be bad. So I gave her a talk about the law of attraction and helped her to see that if she thinks that way, then it will be that way. She said I sounded like her mother. hahah. But it did get a good conversation going at work and it was interesting.

                              Ya there was crappy stuff happening at work. It was going to be that way anyways. So we can choose to be happy and accept it and deal with it, or we can choose to be negative and stressed. I chose happy and it was a fun day anyways.

                              So I am going to amrch on and get my steps tomorrow. I need that kick in the butt to get moving. I am not very good at that. I can always find an excuse...


                                Ginger, your sister sounds lovely. I love my sisters and they are trying to be supportive, but they just don't get it.
                                BG you are sounding wonderful. Thanks for the pep talk. I tend to be a doom and gloom person. I think I will have a good day at work:happy2:
                                Cowboy, I'm sure your off enjoying the tractor and seeding. Spring was a long time coming.
                                Sadly I can't even open the windows here as the allergies are terrible. We all suffer here. This too shall pass.
                                MinStar, hope all is well with you. It gets hard to post when we are busy, I know.
                                Happy Thursday guys. Thanks for being here.

