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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
BG, thanks for the reminder to stay positive at work. Even if you work in your basement, ha ha, still need to focus on the good! I accept your Thursday challenge!
Cowboy, I hope the equipment is running well and the seeding is progressing.
PW and Liz- I had never heard of PAWS either. Interesting. The mind is a crazy thing.
MinS - how are things? I never had trouble getting steps in when my kids were little. I was running all the time.
Have a great THURSDAY and I'll be back later.
Morning fellow quitters! First day in the books! It will take me a while to get my body used to the 14 - 15 hour days in the field, so I might be quiet few a few days, but I'll always check in and at least read all your posts. It's when you don't see my "likes" that you'll know I'm AWOL lol.
Ginger, when you say a trip to the beach, does that mean a lake, or something like California? It's great to see you and your sister having a great relationship and her being your quit buddy when you are together!
Liz, are the meetings going better? Hubby and the sisters letting up on you a bit? I'm on the fence about PAWS, don't think I really experienced them, yet lol.
BG & AG, both sound busy! I prefer to keep my days busy, it keeps my mind focussed in the right places, instead of the places I used to be in!
OH, I didn't read back very far, so I hope you are doing okay and sticking with us!
NS, nice to see you drop by, you should stop in more often! You always have great words of wisdom to share that everyone can benefit from!
Chief, you have a big day approaching as well if memory serves me right...any special plans for the 1yr birthday?
Pauly, I love the new you! You are getting through the tough moments and reaching milestone after milestone...and keeping your sense of humour through all of it! We all have those blah days, but like you said, there's always tomorrow and another adventure in store for us!
Of course I probably missed mentioning someone, but it wasn't my intent lol. You all are so very important to me and I want each of you to know it! Once I'm back feeling comfortable in the tractor seat, I'll be able to be on here more often using my phone, but the first few days I'm on extra alert watching equipment behind me to be sure everything is going smooth. Our neighbours seed just over 7000 acres, and this year with 2 drills going, we hope to finish the first week of June! Fingers crossed... Pauly, here's a couple of pics for Louie, show them to him if you want and tell him "Uncle Bruce" will take him for a ride anytime! Have a great day my friends! Remember, no quitting on your quit!
IMG_0521.jpgIMG_2537.jpgQuitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Hey all, Cowboy.will definitely show him the picsGinger I too am wondering what beach you're gonna head too? I wanna go to Miami, should have gone when I had the money, someday
hit my 10,000 steps yesterday but not all at once, just a quick walk in the morning and built it up during the day, AG,how are you doing? Hi Beachy,I like the positive spin you put on the bad work day,hello to all, back later
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Mind if I jump in here? Just feel like I need to attach myself somewhere besides the nest. Seeing as it's my umpteenth quit, this place ought to fit.
BG, about how far is 10,000 steps? 2 miles or so? just wondering. I don't have a fit of a pedometer, but would like to join in on the walk. I have a dog who would love it. She'll be 15 in June, but can still go the distance if it's not too hot. Pushing 90 degrees here today, record high temps for this time of year.
Speaking of the Beach my DW and I are headed to Florida to see my mom at the end of May can't wait. Mom's a non-drinker, so that should make things a lot easier.
Stay strong everyone!
Hi Mr,Vervill I know you from the nestwelcome aboard our humble little thread
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
I drank on day 58I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all! Hope you're all staying strong. Welcome Mr V!
I've not been to the newbies Nest for a while. I seem to recall it moves very very fast. I found it rather overwhelming when I came back from my gazillion fails!
How are you all?
Sorry I've read back quickly but am hitting bed so won't PM individuallyy right now!!
Reading up all the time though x
Mr V, I think I have seen you in the nest. Welcome! The more the merrier.
MinStar good to see you! Glad you're reading, if not posting. How are the little ones?
Cowboy, loved the pictures! Working and keeping out of trouble good for you!
Action girl, how are you?
Oh dear sweet Pauly! You made it to 58! That's fantastic! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Just a little hiccup honey! Please don't be so hard on yourself. Look back at how many sober days you've had so far. You ARE doing this! Please keep reading and posting. PM me if you need to. I will PM you my number, call me if you need to. We can do this!!! I had a difficult time myself today. Hubs was invited to a BBQ with the guys in the neighborhood. He went to buy beer. My dinner plans out the door. I just wanted a glass of wine so bad!! I was so close! Kids wanted to go out to dinner and I knew I'd have a glass of wine if that was the case. I was just blindsided! Made the boy and myself a quick dinner. CJ and the boyfriend went out. My son and I went to the store and loaded up on Gelato and M&M s. Anyway, close call for me tonight too Pauly, so I get it! Tomorrow's another day. Love you all!
Welcome, Mr. V! Glad you could join us quitters.We've all been around the block a time or ten!
I'm with Min. I love reading the Nest but it's a little too busy for me to post. I always feel like I leave people out and that makes me feel bad. There's great stuff there so I read it almost daily.
I live in central Washington so just a quick hop over the Cascades and we are on the Washington Coast (5hrs). Our childhood vacations were always on the coast so Long Beach, WA holds a special place in our hearts. We try to get to the coast at least twice a year with the extended family.
Hope everyone has a great AF evening and upcoming weekend!
Our coast is usually cool and the water cold. Not much wave action either. You can walk for miles without seeing a soul.
Welcome Mr.V, this is a great thread with wonderful supporting people. We understand and are here for one another.
Pauly, hope you are doing okay, just remember this does not define you and everything you have accomplished. Hope you are doing and feeling better. You came right back here and that is the best thing. sending you hugs, know how you feel:hug:
Welcome Mr V!! Glad you are here.
PW-please just come back and go forward from here. We do NOT want to send out Lav's chickens! But we will if necessary! Plus, we (ok, I) need you here, your support has been so meaningful to me.
MinS, what's up with the kiddos? How are they keeping you busy?
BG, I got around 12,000 steps today. As I mentioned, I had vacation time to watch my kids march in a parade. So . . . took advantage and got in a lot of steps. Not really fair! DID YOU GET YOUR 10,000 steps?? Such a great goal, I love doing it, thanks for the challenge.
Cowboy - tractors look great! Thanks for the photos.
I missed a whole bunch of folks but you all in my thoughts. Take care !! AGLast edited by actiongirl46; May 7, 2015, 10:02 PM.