Now, what's all this talk of giving up on the quit?? Time for me to preach again eh!
I'm no different from the rest of the group, how many quits will it take? I just can't do it! Nobody cares anymore! I don't care anymore! Just leave me alone already! Does that sound familiar? That's where my head was not long ago. The only thing that will change that way of thinking is your firm determination. Nobody can do it for you! And as for belonging to the quitters, once a quitter, always a quitter! Nobody will be turned away from the support this thread offers! I don't care how many times you have to get back up, you'll always be welcomed back with open arms and hearts. You just might get a lecture from this cranky old cowboy, but it will always be sincere and meant to support, not belittle.
Now you're saying "it's easy for cowboy to say, he doesn't have the same problems as me or under the same pressure as me" Well guess what, I have, I do, and I will! The only thing is now I don't use them as my excuses to drink, I use them to build my character and firm up my determination to make this my last quit!
Ask yourself, how many quits do you have left in you? Each one gets harder and harder, and soon you just don't care anymore. You don't care what anyone thinks of you. You lose all self-worth, give up on life and living. All you care about is the next drink, telling yourself that you won't get wasted, but you do anyway! You know where this road will lead? To an early headstone is where, I know, I've almost been there. Don't make the same mistake I made. Stick with the quitters, it's a much better place to be! And if you still think you can't do it, I'll give you my phone number and you can call me collect when the going seems to tough, yes, I care that much for all of you!
Enough of my sermon, I think you all get the picture lol Signing off now from the seat of my John Deere 9630T