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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Good morning all...

    Pauly, sorry to hear about your daughter issues. That's a tough one. Might it be time for some tough love? Whatever you do, protect your quit!

    Min, you hang in there girl. I was the same way when my kids were little. I felt I deserved that bottle of wine after keeping up with three active boys all day! Boy howdy, if I could only go back and have a do over. My sons all struggle with AL issues now. Can't help but wonder if it wasn't my example that caused that. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

    Howdy ABC! I could sure use your expertise around my house for about a month.

    I'm off to the beach this Friday with my sister. We rented a house right on the ocean so won't be pulling the TT this go around. No hubby, no dog either. I'm really looking forward to a "me" trip. Unfortunately, the weather won't be cooperating but I don't care. It's triple digits here. I could use some 68 degree weather for a few days.

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there and doing well. AG, how's it going? BG, OH, SS, anybody I missed.... Love you guys!!


      Good morning.

      Oh boy Pauly - that is hard. We had one son like that...many years of stress and worry. Hugs to you.

      Min - glad you are here. Can you get all the wine out of the house? I know it will be hard for a few days, but then it gets better- really. I totally get the "I deserve it" thought. I still have those. Have you tried non alcoholic wine yet? That really helped me at the beginning. MADD makes a very good one.

      Ginger - that beach trip sounds wonderful - and much deserved.

      Not much to report today. I have survived a weekend of intense studying. Exams are all this week. My son is not stressed at all about it...which I guess is good. I have to be careful not to push my thoughts on to him.

      Hi to everyone - have a great day.


        Hello all. Quick hello. Managed to work this evening which kept me off drinking. I'm off to bed soon so I will keep this short. Thank you for your support. I just need to get my head straight. I've done this before and I need to do it again.

        Thanks guys. Hope you're all staying strong.


          Ya Min - you did it - keep going!


            Good evening all.
            Pauly, maybe it's time for some tough love? I honestly wouldn't know what to do either. Do you have her contribute financially. That always worked with my middle one. Hang in there, stay strong!
            MinStar, I so get that reward thing. I feel like I deserve it sometimes too. I'm here if you need me.
            Cowboy, you have me laughing. We are all beachy sunstreaked blond! I don't know how you did it cowboy, but the boy got an appt to pick up his visa today!!!!! Thank you, thank you. So the latest plan, if we can pull this off is, we all go to venice together. After the cruise Mark heads to basel and we head home. And I so far have gotten through this with al.
            Ginger have a wonderful time at the beach it sounds so relaxing.
            Beachygirl, good job on the studying
            Have a good night all


              Oops that should say without al


                Tough love? She has mental issues, I'm not gonna send her out on the streets
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Pauly, how did the rest of the day go? Hang in there okay?? You know where to reach me..... and if it's any consolation, I'm going through some "tough love" with our youngest daughter, she's the one in Nebraska, playing her mom against her dad...nuff said...

                  Liz, great news!! Maybe my extra prayer thing is for sure, it didn't hurt! I bet the hairdo's look great as well!

                  Min, never give up....your day will come!

                  Ginger, your vacation sounds fantastic, weather or no weather!
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    Hi all - Homecoming went really well. It is so great to have hubby home, he is my rock. I am doing soooo much better. Haven't been getting the steps in as work is really busy right now but I will get back to it soon.

                    PW - so sorry to hear about your daughter. We are going through some pretty serious stuff with my 22 yr old nephew too and it is just overwhelming.So hard to know what to do. My heart goes out to you. Praying for wisdom and peace.

                    MinS - I so get that too. ARGH!!! Such a mental piece of this. Hang in there, great job on going to bed early.

                    LizAnn- wow, what a journey! But it should be very exciting . . . glad you can share some of it together.

                    Cowboy - what happens when the seeds are in the ground? What work are you doing now? I take it your farm is not near your house??

                    BG - My sons just finished 7th and 9th grade. They have been so sweet for so long but are now double-teaming us in true "teenager" attitude and style. Oh boy. Its hard not to take it personal . . .

                    Ginger - hope you have a wonderful weekend with the girls. Sounds great!!!

                    Sorry if I missed anyone. Take care all! Get your steps in peeps and stay strong!


                      Hey Pauly - it is so hard raising "kids". Poor girl is having a rough time. It is so hard on you. - hang in there chickie!!

                      Liz - that is just the bestest, bestest news. Now you can really enjoy the cruise.

                      Min - I hope you work late every day, and go to bed right after - (not really, but if it works to get you over the first hurdle then it is worth it).

                      Cowboy - send a few prayers my way please. Hubby had his last chemo in this set - and he is feeling sick. Poor guy. Then he read some statistic today that said this type of cancer the 5 yr survival is 80%. So he is very upset tonight.

                      My funny for the day - I went for a treat and had a facial today. Needed some me time... well it was very nice, relaxing, but I seem to have reacted to the cream or something and my whole upper lip is swollen up and I look beyond silly. So much for a treat - haha. Lucky I can stay home tomorrow.

                      Have a great evening all.


                        Good morning everyone...another great day in the neighbourhood! Waking up feeling good will never get old!

                        Ginger, Bubba says the same thing to me, when are you going to take the time to fix some things around here! lol

                        BG, prayers said and sent! I'm not sure how I would react if given the news I had the C word. It's probably normal for anyone to worry even if the rate was 99.9%, the mind would always think about that .1%. It's kind of like any recovery, ours included, one day at a time!

                        AG, glad hubby is home with you safe and sound! Bubba and I watch "Deadliest Catch" on the Discovery Channel, one crazy, dangerous job! I couldn't do it.. Our farm, at least that's what we call it, is 1/2 hour drive from the town we live in. We own a quarter section of land (160 acres) that her Guido homesteaded in 1903. That's not enough land to farm, so we rent out 130 acres to the friends I help. Once the seed is in the ground there isn't much to do, spray for weeds, pray for rain, pray for no hail, and hopefully watch the crops grow. Most of the crops are 100 day crops, 100days from seeding to maturity. Then it's time to swathe and combine. And then the yield goes into storage bins (granaries) until it's sold and then trucked. Then we wait for next spring to do it all over again lol.

                        We have a great group going here, I wish some of the folk that join us would stay around, but we can't do it for them. They have to want it first, and no matter if they slip, if they'd keep coming back, I'm sure one day they'd all be on their last quit. Oh well, if "if's and "ands"...... Be good today everyone!
                        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                          Hey guys, Beachy,I agree with what Cowboy said,80% is good though, but if it were me or someone in my family, I'd be depressed about the 20% too,hope he feels better soon, supposed to rain here today, we'll see,AG,I haven't been getting my steps in fitbit probably thinks I'm dead haha,will get back on track this week though, have fun on your getaway Ginger,wish it was me,hello to all,will post more later,gotta dry my mop,Cowboy, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to reach out to me yesterday, you're a good person to have on our team,a great friend, love to all,later gaters
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Congrats on your anniversary Pauly, have read back a bit but not everything, hope that everyone is doing well. Just trying to get through the next two weeks of school, it is crazy busy which elevates the stress levels which make me want to drink. I need to get my butt here more often, as this is the place that helps me keep on the straight and narrow more than anything. Sending hugs and I keep telling myself DO NOT DRINK!!!!!



                              Beachy, I didn't know your hubs has CA. 80% I is pretty good! but that 20% would be hanging over me too! I think.
                              Cowboy, I agree, we have a good group going here! I enjoyed your explanation of farming. Us city girls haven't a clue about such things.
                              OH, do not drink! Hang in there you're in the home stretch!
                              I'm off to bed early as I am getting up very early. My sisters, my niece and I have tickets to see The Chew in NYC. Not sure if anyone knows what that is, it's a tv cooking show. Gotta be on the train by 5:45am! Hope you all have a good night.


                                Quick check in... Crazy hot here. Busy week with Mom before I leave for the beach.

                                BG, sorry hubby is down. Hopefully he will be better soon. Great to see people checking in!

