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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    :welcome: Mischa! I agree with Pauly, I need to give up the smokes as well! But since you quit smoking, you know you just have to apply the same courage and determination to quit AL, and we'll be here to help and support you!!

    Liz, how was day 1 of the sale, things flying off the tables?

    Ginger, you dip your toes in the ocean yet?

    BG, AG, Min, OH, Miss, Nora, SS, Pauly, Chief, and all the rest of us quitters, I'll be back tomorrow morning..... no drinkin' eh!
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Hi all - back home from the work retreat. Good to go away and awesome to be home!

      So glad you peeps concentrated on your steps while I was away! Good job!! At our retreat, I was the one walking outside our work space rain or shine. Didn't get 10,000 every day but most days got 8-10,000+. Even took five laps around the inside of the hotel one night. A little embarrassing but at least I wasn't in the bar!!

      For those of you without pedometers, to get 10,000 steps I typically need 2 walks of about 30-45 minutes. Plus some random movement throughout the day (e.g. up and down stairs, weeding the garden, etc.) Remember, I work at home on my computer so I have to generate every step!!!

      Mischa - welcome! So glad you are here. Hope you get a good night's sleep. Stay close! AG


        Had a first great day at the beach!
        Posting from my phone sorry....



          Aghh - that beach looks peaceful!!!

          Hubbies birthday- so family party this eve - more later.


            Checking in on day two. I got a little bit of sleep last night and feel a bit better. My head hurts though. I'm on call at the hospital all weekend and we had a couple of call backs last night, which is why I didn't sleep as much as I'd like. I'm hoping it will be a quiet night tonight. I came home from the hospital last night and my husband had replenished our stash of alcohol. He gets a bottle of whiskey and I get a bottle of vodka. I put mine away in the cabinet. I haven't told him yet that I'm attempting to quit again because I need to figure this all out first and set up a solid foundation with you all here before I take that step. I know that he will support me in my decision. It's going to be hard though trying not to drink while he still is. I'm just going to pour myself a big glass of water with a little bit of lemon. It looks a lot like vodka.

            It's getting close to my "witching hour" (5:00); however, the fact that I'm on call makes it easier because I can't drink like I normally would. Normally I would have 3 big drinks a night but while on call I keep it to 1. I'm not a huge drinker, but I am a consistent one. Just taking this one hour at a time. Thanks everyone.
            AF since June 12, 2015
            Fall down 7 times, get up 8


              Hang in there, mischa. I find the longer I'm without al the better I feel. I have so much more energy, my eyes aren't blood shot and I sleep better. Keep us posted ok?
              Garage sale was a success. Yes cowboy, things were flying off the tables! A lot of out big item sent. I'm beat, though. Tomorrow we will start cleaning up. I promise to post more tomorrow, having trouble keeping my eyes open!


                Welcome Mischa!
                In my signature line there are two links you may want to check out. Newbies Nest has a lot of activity and is a great thread. Also, the Toolbox has lots of great advice for helping you build a plan that will work for you. This will be much harder if you keep the alcohol in the house but sometimes it can't be helped. My hubby kept having his nightly (1) beer when I quit and that was tough at times. Heck let's be honest.... the first 3-4 weeks were brutal. Just remember you only have to get through today! Stay close and read/post/read. When you feel yourself weakening come here first and tell us before you do anything. Someone here said when the urge to drink hit they'd tell themself they could have the drink but they had to wait for a day. That time was enough to regain their strength and continue with their quit. Find what works for you and you'll get it done!


                  Morning everyone! Hope everyone got through Friday and Saturday night okay! Not much to say this morning, grateful for the cloudy skies and rain, and just mulling thoughts around in my head, no drinking thoughts though...

                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    Hey all,everyone must be busy bees today,I've done laundry, groceries, now watching Louie so I think we'll just kick back and see what's on TV,ate a ton of Mexican food for lunch,feel like captain bloato! Hot and humid as balls outside so just stay in where its cool was gonna message you yesterday Cowboy, wasn't having drink thoughts per set,just had bad anxiety from too much coffee and my brain was trying to go to there,I just went to bed early, hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Message me whenever Pauly! :hug:
                      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                        Hey gang. Checking in. Had a jay weekend of frozen themed birthday parties, work, engagement parties and visiting my mum. Day one again. I just can't seem to stick! I feel defeated and hate myself. Today I've had thiughts of drinking but managed to keep busy and in bed early. Very little booze in the house also.
                        Sorry for not posting much- have been super busy over weekend.


                          Aww MinStar I know how that goes. Once I get a good sober stretch going I don't want to spoil it. But it's tough to get it going.
                          Busy here too. Been a good weekend, though. Got some sun in the pool today. I just love summer.


                            HI Mischa - welcome to our group. Sounds like you have gotten some good advice and welcomes. One day at a time.

                            Sorry I have been so MIA this week. Son had final exams (ie, I had alot of work to do). We had a bake sale at the school, then his big grad party (middle school). So thursday was set up, decorating etc and friday was the party. Then sat was my hubbies b day, so I invited some family for dinner. Today - I had to work all day. I have sat at the computer for 8 hrs - I need to get moving now.

                            INteresting things happened though. The grad party was at a vineyard. Yes, it was for kids, but the wine was flowing for the adults that had worked for the past month on this. I did great - and still did hte chicken dance - no wine.
                            Then for my hubbies party, everyone brings a bottle... I had my alcohol free wine from MADD, and it helped me fend off the questions etc. They all knew it was AF but I guess it made me feel better? I had a bit of dumping down the drain to do this morning, not taking any chances.
                            Anyways - that has been one busy month.

                            Glad to see everyone here, supporting and checking in.

                            Ms Ginger on the beach - happy a s a clam I am sure.
                            LIz, Min , Pauly, AG - I did not get more then 100 steps in today - and my back feels it - I will have to make it up tomorrow.
                            Cowboy - love the farm pictures. So open...
                            Chief - I know you are doing great out there - check in when yo can.

                            Oh - what have you been up to? All calm in your parts?

                            SS, Miss, Nora - let us know what is going on. Love to hear from you.

                            Off to help pack my son up for his week of camping. Does it ever slow down?

                            Hang in there quiters -

                            Did you all see NS post on the other thread as to why she does not choose to drink even one?
                            Great one!!!


                              Hi all - BG, wow, you are staying strong! Great job on not letting the stress and business of life (when isn't it??) get you. I hope you feel proud of yourself, I'm proud of you!

                              MinS - I hear you. It stinks but let's not give up. Stay here and let's both just try to keep plugging forward, just like with our step count. New day.

                              Mischa, I finally told my hubby not to buy the wine for me. It took me about six months to get to that point. Six months with a few pretty low points that these kind folks had to endure with me. Sigh. Hubby didn't believe me at first but he followed through with a dry Costco run. It has helped. Just passing that along for what ever its worth.

                              Liz - any word on the visa??

                              Ginger, enjoy the beach! That photo reminded me of the time we had just arrived at the Lincoln City OR beach and my youngest son was so excited, he ran as fast as he could to the water but then he couldn't stop and went flying in head first soaking his only sweatshirt. It was about 55 degrees. We had about a 3 hour wait to get into the hotel room. Ah, good times : )

                              Have a great Monday all! AG


                                Morning all!
                                Thanks for your support and advice. Lizann- you're right a few days in and I don't want to spoil it. Let's see how d2 goes. I'm feeling rested and tired at the same time lol.
                                Action Girl- I agree like our steps one day

                                Gosh everuone sounds so busy!cowboy ginger beachG Pauly mischa and all I've missed. Hang in there all! M

