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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hello everyone - didn't check in yesterday but things are going OK. Had a bit of a tricky time tonight - trying to deal with my anxiety and such in healthier's been so long though since I did deal with it in healthier ways that there are moments I feel lost and overwhelmed.
Welcome to all the new posters on here.
Ginger, would love to hook up via FB.
Jackie - I am on week 2 as well...would love for us to keep in touch and keep one another accountable.
Day 8 here for me today.
Felt like Fall in Ontario (crazy weather!!)...lately all I want to do is sleep to be honest with all of you. I don't want to think anymore...I just want to sleep to forget about everything that is going on in my life...just because I don't know how to deal with it I guess...and oftentimes I just feel alone.
Don't mean to be a debbie downer. Sorry! I guess it's off to bed for me shortly.
Hi - just checking in. Welcome Ed, JackieM & Bandit!! You are in a good place.
Bri, I'm so proud of you! Day 8! You are doing so well. Do you have a (sober) friend that you could connect with? And remember you always have us.
My youngest lost the Little League tournament tonight but I had a great opportunity to connect when driving him back to Boy Scout camp at 9pm. He gave me a big hug. When the fleeting AL thought came at 5, like it does, I just said to myself, I love my son more than AL. And I do. Picked that one up on this site somewhere, so true.
BG, PW, Ginger, Liz - did you get your steps today? If anyone else wants to join us (Bandit??) my goal is 10,000 a day which I don't always get!! Today was an exception as I got 13,000+. Two dog walks. Yay!
Min - how are the babies?? Healthy? I forgot how old your older kids are . . .
Have a great Wednesday all! AG
Morning y'all! Seems I'm never sure where I left off in my previous post, but I'll do a small one this morning, and bigger one tonight...but a big hug from me to Bri, 8 days? Fantastic!!
Want to share an experience I had yesterday, a great example of what being AF can do for you. My helper and I are up at the big Mennonite Church/Hall/School that is finally coming to a completion! We will be there for about 4 days to set plumbing fixtures in all the bathrooms, then back again in a month or so to set all the fixtures in the new kitchen. My helper was setting toilets (12 of them) and I'm always on him about wearing ear pods and listening to music as he works. About mid-day, one of the tile setters hunted me down and told me there was a huge leak in the main ladies washroom. I told him to let Mark know, he said he tried, but Mark didn't pay any attention to him. Why? He was listening to music and couldn't hear anything else! It was a simple fix, tighten the water supply, but it took 2 hours to mop up the water! Thankfully no damage to the building or tile floor! If that would have happened a few months ago, I would have come unglued at the seams, made a big scene, and fired him on the spot! I didn't, I took a deep breath, said an "Our Father" explained why he needs to leave his ear buds at home, and helped him clean up the mess. It's so great to be AF and calm! Have a great day my friends, no matter what hand you get dealt today, no quitting eh!
ps - Thanks Ginger! You made my day!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Hey guys, Bri,great job on 8 daysyou can find me on Facebook too if you want,had urges to drink yesterday, just say F-it,sheesh is this gonna be a weekly thing?went and read the"what drinking was really like at the end" thread and I tell you, if I want to go back to that,I'm insane! Just a mix of a bad day at work, lack of sleep,a headache that didn't want to go away,just not feeling paulyish haha,110 yesterday, didn't feel THAT hot though, I thought 100 maybe, seriously want to hear from SS and Chief,at least a drop in
Isee SS on fFacebook, she seems happy, sorry about my typing,downloaded a glowing keyboard and although it looks awesome, i tend to double tap,trying to lose 5 lbs,but a ice blended coffee is calling my name, grrr,hate to deprive myself but......hope we all have a Wonderful Wednesday, I DON'T DRINK, you guys don't either!!!!!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good for you, ABC!! That's a perfect example of what we can do without the devil AL in our lives. Eventhough, I'm sure it was still really hard, your AL free brain was able to get past the problem in a productive way. YEAH! Hope you have a good day today.
AG, glad you had a good evening with your son and was able to get past that voice. That is a perfect mantra for a mom to use, "I love my son/daughter more than alcohol". Having a single mantra like that one can be a great tool when that drinking inkling hits. Good for you!
BG, how are things going with you, girl?
Bri, I sent you a private message so you can friend me on FB.
Pauly, I'm sure glad you enjoy the heat because LV looks like it's HOT!! Stay cool!
Liz, looks like your summer is coming along nicely. You are doing so well! Keep up the good work.
Ed, Bandit, how's it going? Hope everything is well. Let us know if you need any help.
Min, how are those wee ones? Keeping you busy I bet!
Hi Jane, thanks for checking in with us. I follow you around on MWO because I so enjoy your great insight.
Yesterday I rode the bike 5 miles and walked 3 with the "real" Ginger. One thing about having an extremely active always have a walking buddy that's at the ready to head out the door!
I rode with Mom as she drove herself to and from physical therapy yesterday. She did great but I felt like I did when I first rode with my kids when they were learning to drive. Edgy! Baby steps but we are getting back to normal.
Planning to leave tomorrow afternoon for the lake. No cell service up there so I'll be dark until Monday unless we come down for some reason. We will have two of the gkids for a night so things should be FUN!! I hope to get in some hikes too.
Hope you all have a great day! Stay close and read/post/read.
Good morning friends.
I had to actually take a day off of work just to get caught up. I was busy before Mom fell, now I am insane. I have one hour to myself now, and should be out getting those steps in...but thought I should post here first.
Welcome to our new friends. You found a great place for support. We are all here for you. Lots of good advice already I see. One day at a time.
Big graduation ceremony this evening for my grade 9 boy - moving out of the school he has been at for 10 years. I have klenex ready. I hear they do a slide show of the kids from kindie up to grade 9...yikes.
Mom is doing ok, and luckily for me she has a lot of lady friends that are stepping in and helping.
I am proud that I have not had urges to drink and bury my head (in beach sand). But I really do need to exercise to stay sane right now.
So good to read all your posts and see you all LIVING life.
Hello All-
Week two of quitting is opening up the emotional roller coaster. I feel firm in my decision to quit.But, all the things I drank to cover are coming to the surface right now.I find myself becoming a weepy mess over nothing (or maybe it is really everything).It is really hard to allow myself to just feel what I am feeling&let it out. I know my repressed feelings go back to my childhood.I grew up in the type of family that talked about nothing. My Mother would have extreme emotional meltdowns-"Why did I ever have kids", "My kids all hate me", "I'll just do away with myself" of her other favorites was "I'll give you something to cry about". The latter she used when we were physically hurt or emotionally stung from being hit (not abused-just 1970s type discipline).In retrospect she was probably going through menopause&suffered from untreated depression. No matter the cause it is obvious that I never learned how to deal with emotions in a healthy way.40 years later I am still trying to figure it out.
I have been looking for a therapist but haven't come across anyone yet that jumps out at me.I would like to find someone that has experienced issues with alcohol.I think that only an alcoholic can understand an alcoholic.
Sorry to make this all about me. I just felt the need to get some things out.
I hope everyone else is having a great day!
Oh boy Jackie can I ever feel your pain.
I just want to say it does get easier and you will be happier if you can just kick this habit. Somehow you will start to see life in a different light.
Just get through today.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Hi El! How's it going?
Jackie, I'm pretty sure we are related now that I read your last post! Seriously, same family over here. Kid you not! Please keep us posted on how it's going finding someone. For me, those first four weeks were hell. I seriously thought more than once, if this is how I'm going to feel screw it! Fortunately, I voiced it here and people swooped in to assure me things would get better and they did. Hang in there and if you feel like "making a post about you", you do it! This is MWO and finding what works for each of us is key to getting it done. Stay close, we need you as much as you need us!
Had one of those days where Byrdie talks about drinking AT people, very slow at work and the ones that did come in were idiots!had to take a piece of antabuse just in case my mood went "there",also on a healthier eating plan which isn't helping my state of mind,I want ice cream!!and not that skinny cow bullshit, the real stuffI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Crazy how childhood stuff can impact us decades later. Just getting it out&knowing others understand is very therapeutic.
Hi Pauly-I am trying to get my diet straightened out also.It is hard.I feel ya.I hope you are keeping the steps going.
Walked 2 miles and road the bike 5. Loaded the trailer, weeded for about an hour and pruned the grapes. I'm saying I got my steps in today.
Pauly, sorry your day sucked. Glad you made it through ok.
Just remember.... A pint of Ben and Jerry's is WAY better for you than a pint of vodka.
Howdy my friends! A better day today, a whole lot better, thank you! I was going to do a big long post tonight, but Ginger did it for me, so I'll take the easy way out and ditto what Ginger said! One other thing though, Liz, now that your son is finally going to get to Switzerland, how long will he be there for?
Jackie, it'll be tough for the first bit, all those repressed emotions coming back...but now you can try to deal with all of it with a clean, sober train of thought instead of masking it all with AL. I took my counsellor's advice and thought of sobriety as a gift.
You can get and stay sober if that’s what you want. It’s not an easy step to make, that’s ok. Fighting for something we want only makes it that much more beautiful. Being grateful to not wake up shaking or sick is a gift. Being truly grateful for life itself and the struggles, gift. Building solid relationships that you can bring light too instead of darkness, gift. These are things I’m learning as I grow along spiritual principles in the journey of recovery. Why be alone in guilt, fear, shame, anger, anxiety, we can get and stay sober together! It just takes the first step… Have a great one my quitting buddies, keep it between the lines eh!
Edit to add, Ginger, enjoy your trip! I know you'll have a great time and your chair here will be waiting for you when you get back!Last edited by abcowboy; June 24, 2015, 09:17 PM.Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Ginger!! I tried to PM you back! Your inbox is full!! I had a quick question about adding you - don't want to add the wrong person! Let me know once you've deleted some messages...I'll see if I can try resending it tomorrow??
Jackie - I am always in my second week...going on Day 9...and I too am an emotional, weepy mess. I drank to cover up my anxiety and I have to figure out how to deal with all this BS without my crutch and it's super hard.
I can cry at a drop of a hat...I can become enraged at the drop of one too! My emotions are all over the place...and there are days where I do not want to do a damn I feel useless and unproductive...then again...I am just starting week 2 so we should be more gentle with ourselves.
And you can see you are not alone here. So many of us are going through or have gone through the same thing.
A therapist is also a good idea...for me it was hard to find one that understand to the extent that I was "looking" for as they weren't alcoholics's just easier to talk to someone that GETS it, that is for sure.
Hang in there Jackie.
Take care everyone.
I ate a crap tun again tonight. Ugh. :/