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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi Bri, missed you on the x-post....but I think you and Jackie will make a great pair of quit twins! Anyone else want to join with them and make it triplets, quadruplets, etc. etc.Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Hey guys. I just caught up on my reading. Lots of post here and I love it.
Jackie. Bri Ed so glad your joking us, like cowboy said we've fort a good group going here. There's so much concern and support,
Cowboy my sons visa was approved now he has to go pick it up. He still thinks there's a chance it won't be granted. He is planning to come home end of August as school starts for him very beginning of sept,
Helped CJ bake tonight, took Lucy for a walk. I walked a lot today. I don't have a step tracker. Maybe soon. I must have the only dog in the world who doesn't like to walk. She runs away when she sees the leash. Post more in the morning, I'm so tired.
Going pretty good Ginger!
My mom is a diagnosed paranoid schizo, try growing up like that. She hid it very well for YEARS. It is very sad for her to be so ashamed of something that is so out of control. As a child it was just confusing as hell.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Oh Eloise, my daughters best friends mom has the same. Yes it was difficult for her as well.
In planing her wedding Mari would come to me for advice. I went to help pick out her gown. So glad I could be there for her.
Not much new to report since last night. I have been busy and it's hard for me to post while at work. You know, they actually expect me to work! Two more days of work and then I'll be on vacation! Mark goes to the Swiss embassy tomorrow. Praying it will go well! Got those darn butterflies in my tummy again! Not to mention the dog was throwing up this morning and is mopey.
Happy Thursday guys, I'll be back later.
Happy thursday all. A quick check in. We've come on out hold to the Lake District. Arrived yesterday after a mammoth 8h drive and two kids
Lovely to be here and will try and post as much as I can. Hard as we're staying with my old friends and they also have a 9m old. So in total 2 9m olds and my 4.5yr old. Busy doesn't even cover it. Lol.
Stay strong guys x
Wow! Lots going on here.
Min, enjoy your time away. Stay close if you can but if you can't, remember we are all out here rooting for you to have an AF trip. Hope you have a plan if triggers come up.
Liz, Enjoy your trip. Will you be checking in on your trip? Will you be posting on FB. Sure hope so. I love seeing your pics!
Bri, I just cleaned out my mailbox! Sorry about that.
El, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom's condition. I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you.
Jackie, you are doing great with this quit. Keep up the good work!
Pauly, hope work today is better!
ABC, glad you had a better day at work. Even when you work day sucks, you still get to come home to Bubba and Hank. What a blessing!
BG, glad Mom is doing ok. Sure takes some of the pressure off when they have a support system outside the family. My Mom has just about run off all her friends over the years. "/ Glad you got to take a day off. You needed it.
AG, how are you doing? Are your boys home yet?
How's everyone else doing around here? As ABC would say....don't quit on your quit, eh?
I'm going dark later today. I'll try and check in before we head up!
Guten Morgen Everyone-
It's another bright sunny day in western Washington. I think we have had a year's worth of sunshine in the past month. It has been nice but the lack of rain is becoming a concern.
Cowboy- you are right about not doing this alone. For years I have thought therapy would be a waste of time. I am a crazy alcoholic and I know all the reasons for it so why go, right? Wrong. Knowing why I drink is not helping me move forward. I went five years without drinking. I didn't drink but I would not have called myself sober. I was a dry drunk that failed to deal with the issues causing the drinking. I am vowing to do things differently this time. I haven't found a therapist yet so everyone here is going to have to the job for now. Good luck-I am pretty screwed up (ha ha). I have been stuck in isolation mode, thinking no one could possibly be as bad as me or understand how messed up my head is. Just being able to put things out on this forum and knowing get it is a big help. None of us are alone in this. We just have to keep reaching out and letting others help us.
Ginger-have fun on your trip. I hope you escape the heat.
Bri- stick with me on this, o.k? You are right-we should be gentler with ourselves. I am wired to want instant gratification though. I want to be cured of alcoholism in a week and I also think I should've lost 20 pounds by now. Have you seen the movie "Postcards From the Edge"? Meryl Streep (playing an addict) says, "Instant gratification takes too long". That sounds just like me.
Hello to Min, Lizann, AG, BG and anyone else I may have missed. Lizann you should think about getting a FitBit. It has really helped me step things up.
Keep on the path all.
Hey guys, I'm this close to my 10,000 steps,however I feel lazy,so dunno if I'm gonna make it, Jackie,what you said rang a bell with me,the dry drunk feeling you had is what I'm going through this weekwhen I first quit I'm hung ho and happy, excited, then40 something days in I get resentful in a way,yesterday I was feeling that its not normal to be sober ALL the time,sorta feel punished in a way,but I KNOW that drinking is the real punishment for me,I just wish that feel free feeling lasted longer
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Is it me? CJ worked at the cafe today for her bf. he came here tonight, apparently in some sort of a snit, really. My daughter works a forty hour week and helps you out and your gonna be upset and take it out on her, I saw her barely get into his car and he raced off! I like flipped out. Called her and texted him, I did talk to her, and she said she's fine, I on the other hand, not so much. Ok, so another few gray hairs.
Other than that had a lovely afternoon with a friend since kindergarten. Lounged in the pool and for the most part our puppies got along,
Hi all - lots of good stuff going on here.
Ginger - Boys will be back Saturday afternoon, I am ready! We leave Tuesday for Alaska for a month. It is my mental health get- away! No Target, grocery store, etc. I just live day by day, no work either. Music, pot-lucks, bon-fires, lots of time to read and take care of my boys.
So, what do you do for your mental health?? How do you relax your mind?? Cowboy? Ginger? Liz? PW? JackieM? MinS? Anyone else I missed please contribute. I'm curious . . . .
Thanks!! AG
Originally posted by actiongirl46 View PostHi all - lots of good stuff going on here.
Ginger - Boys will be back Saturday afternoon, I am ready! We leave Tuesday for Alaska for a month. It is my mental health get- away! No Target, grocery store, etc. I just live day by day, no work either. Music, pot-lucks, bon-fires, lots of time to read and take care of my boys.
So, what do you do for your mental health?? How do you relax your mind?? Cowboy? Ginger? Liz? PW? JackieM? MinS? Anyone else I missed please contribute. I'm curious . . . .
Thanks!! AG
Relax my mind? Probably read a book, take a walk. Sometimes at work I just sit in the chapel. Watch tv. I'd be open to suggestions too.
Watching a lot of the FIFA women's soccer. My boys enjoy it, I love watching tv with them.
How's everyone doing? Tired from a long work day.
Morning my friends! Having coffee in the camper out at the farm, quiet, peaceful, and loving it!
Liz, how did your son make out, picked up his work visa? You must be getting excited, if memory serves me correct, you're headed on your cruise this coming Friday! Stay strong, you have w whole week to ramp up your resolve! What's with CJ's guy?? Bad day at the restaurant? When you told us what happened, it reminded me of me in my drinking days lol, always coming down hard on someone else, nothing was ever my fault!
Ginger, you might be out of sight, but you're never out of mind! Hope you're enjoying your weekend away! How is hubby's shoulder coming along?
Min, how is your weekend away going? An 8 hour drive with the kids is a struggle in itself! You'll have to explain to me what the Lake District is..
BG, another beautiful weekend on the island? We are crazy hot here! Supposed to get to 34C (100F) tomorrow, the have extreme heat warnings issued. I might have to join Hank in his pool! Any plans for Canada Day? Weird having a single day holiday in the middle of the week lol.
Pauly, sounds you had a bit of a tough week! You're not alone, mine was a week from hell as well. But from reading your other posts, you have a good handle on it, we don't drink and we're not quitting on that!
Jackie, it was tough for me to go see a counsellor, but I swallowed my pride and went. It was one of the best things I've done! They have a way of getting you to look at things in a different perspective, to work through them and not keep burying them... I think a few sessions with a counsellor would be a great thing for everyone!
Bri, how's things? Staying strong and marching on?
Bandit, same to you, how's it going? Keep coming back to get support, as I've said over and over, we're all in this together, for the long haul!
AG, great to hear from you! And I second was Liz says, I'm in on Alaska for a month! It is actually one of the things on my bucket list, a trip to Alaska! Hope you really enjoy your vacation, remember what Pauly says, we don't drink!
Think I covered just about everyone. Hank is getting impatient, he wants to get outside and play. Farm time is play time for him lol. Have a great day my friends!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Quiet here! I think many are on vacation.
Alaska is awesome, we have a cabin there and go every year. It will be challenging for me though as historically there is a lot of AL around and a lot of people drinking it. I need to get a good plan. Just being honest!
My boys should be home in a little bit, can't wait. Too quiet in this house. Have a great weekend - AG
Hi Everyone-
AG- Your Alaska trip sounds awesome. I have been to Sitka a couple of times to fish but that is it as far as my exploration of the state. I would love to spend more time up there.
On quieting my mind-hmm, I am pretty bad at that. I have always had anxiety and a racing mind that likes to imagine the worst. I feel most at peace when I am doing something outside&enjoying the beauty that is around me . I get a sense of something bigger than me when I look at a snow covered mountain, see the suns reflection on the water, or stare up at the stars. Those things are very calming to me. I hope you get to experience that kind of peace on your trip.
Liz- I have been watching soccer also. The U.S. will have their hands full with Germany.
Cowboy- I am ready to see a counselor. I am just being picky-reading bios and qualifications to make sure the person will be a good fit for me. I don't live in a thriving metropolis so I may have to drive out of my area.
I hope you survive your heat wave. It is about 90 degrees here and that is way too hot for my liking.
Pauly- I sent you a post on the monthly abstinence thread yesterday. I do hope you will come back here and contribute. No matter where we are in our journeys, we all need each other.
Bri- You still with me? Our week three will be starting in a couple of days. I have had a lot of drinking thoughts but I am still standing. I hope you are as well.
Min, Ginger, BG, Bandit-I hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend.