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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Thanks for checking in on me. I made it through Day 1...THANKS to the support here.

    Now on to Day 2!!!


      Hi folks, quick check in from the family vaca. Have not been able to read back....not a lot of time alone. Some one had posted about using beads to repeat mantras, and I was trying to find it but couldn't. Ginger, I thought it was you....but maybe I'm wrong. If anyone can point me in the right direction would much appreciate it. 4 days to go and mantras are needed! Everyone is unique. Will be one. I need the other 2 to be about calmness and acceptance . Open to suggestions. Need to work to make this a positive experience. Love to all. Xx
      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


        Good Morning Everyone-

        Yesterday I took some friends to the horse races. Of course they sell alcohol there. It was a hot day and my first reaction was "Damn that beer looks good". Two of my friends asked if I wanted a beer and I politely declined. I went in knowing I would not drink no matter what but there was still a split second where I felt weak. It makes me sad that alcohol is such a big part of life. Not because I can't have it but because we are all indoctrinated to think we NEED it. Sporting events, concerts, parties...we are all brainwashed to think these things will be more fun if we drink. And people are willing to pay a ridiculous price at events just to have that drink. It's crazy.

        BG-I too need to start a fitness challenge. I am starting week three of no drinking and I finally feel my carb cravings subsiding a bit. After our July 4th holiday I am going to get started on eating clean and exercising more.

        Mama- Glad to see you back. That witching hour is terrible for the first week or so. Our bodies are used to having alcohol and our minds tell us "Ok it's 5 o'clock-time to drink". Like Liz&Cowboy said, find lots of substitutes and power through. I promise it does get easier.

        Bandit-Nice to see you! I see Cowboy posted a link to the Bubble Hour for you. It is a podcast on recovery. The show is mostly women talking about how they got sober and how they face challenges in life now that they are. I really enjoy listening to it. It helps me to know that I am not alone in my battle.

        Cowboy- Hank is adorable. I have a black lab. She has been lazing around quite a bit during our heat wave. Hot or not she still springs to action if I even go near the dog leashes. She will drive me nuts if I don't take her for a walk or swim everyday.

        AG-Your cabin looks awesome! Do you have to fight mosquitos and bears?

        Bri- Glad you are still hanging tough. It does help to get on here everyday and post something. Just connecting with other people that understand helps a lot.

        Ginger-Sorry about the crappy end to your adventure. I hope you at least escaped the heat for a bit.

        Liz-I hope you are staying calm about your upcoming trip. I am sure everything will work out fine and you will have a great time.

        Hello to Min, Pauly and anyone else I might have missed.

        Have a nice, calm day everyone.



          Hi all.....I have been AWOL for quite a while....too embarrassed to come back. Hope I can join you in my umpteenth quit?
          Have n't read anything back yet..... Could do with your support.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Hi Daisy-

            You have done well by coming back. I know lurking for years was doing me no favors. Please don't be embarrassed-we have all ridden the stop/start merry-go-round. It is the nature of addiction and part of the learning process. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone that snapped their fingers and recovered. It takes a lot of self awareness and work. I have failed in the past by leaving the door to alcohol open a crack. I now realize the door needs to be slammed shut.
            Come by and post as often as you can. It truly helps to connect with others that know what it is like to struggle.
            I hope this is the start of an amazing journey for you.



              Thank you scared as the first day I came here. I hear you and will do it!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Sneaking in to say Hi, Daisy. You've been missed :hug:.


                  Coming back is scary. But it is not half as scary as continuing to drink.
                  When I think of the damage I have done to myself and the terrible decisions I have made due to alcohol it scares the crap out of me. I am lucky to be alive. I plan on living the rest of my life alcohol free and grateful to be here.
                  Take care and be well. You can do this!



                    And the fun continues.... couldn't figure out why I was having trouble with my wireless router until I realized I'd been hacked! Took two hours to resolve it. Ugh! Some people suck! All better now though.

                    Pauly, what's going on with you? You ok?

                    AG, Alaska for a month? That would be totally my idea of a mental health break. Like JackieM mentioned in her most at peace place to be is the mountains, by a lake or in the high country. It is my total Zen place to be. I sat by the lake yesterday for two hours mostly just soaking in the peace and quiet of that beautiful place.

                    Liz, I hope CJ's BF isn't showing his true colors! She's been working her butt off for him as you all have. It's really sad that he'd let his bad attitude affect how he treats her. You are on count down for the big trip! Whoot whoot!

                    ABC, I was out working on the arborvitae that attacked our trailer (Joe's shoulder is still giving him some trouble) and I about passed out from this heat. I don't know how you work out there. I'm sure I'd melt into a puddle like the wicked witch of the west on Wizard of Oz, if I had to do it everyday! Stay cool, man!

                    JackieM, I took two years of French in highschool and I couldn't say two words. You and Liz are impressive! Speaking of impressive.... you are doing amazing at this quit. You are full of wonderful advice and support. Thank you for joining this group of quitters!

                    Min, hope you are enjoying your lake time or are you home? I had two of my gkids for one night up at the lake and I was completely exhausted. I'm not sure how I raised three kids! Well, I guess I was 35 years younger then. LOL

                    Mama, welcome back!! Stay close even when you don't want or feel like it. It will help. I promise you!! PM me if you want to hook up on Facebook.

                    Bandit, Good for you on making it through your Sunday trigger! Just take one trigger at a time and make a plan for each one. If you are prepared for the trigger, you can beat it!

                    Bri, good for you on getting through the anger but I do encourage you to come here even when you don't really want to. Just a short post saying how you y will help you and we can all support you. No judgement just suppport!

                    BG, good for you on getting through the AL run and for dealing with all your Mom stuff. I feel for you, kiddo. You have a lot more on your plate than I do and you are getting it done! When I first quit drinking, I wouldn't even go down the booze isle at the grocery store! Isn't it nice to be winning that AL battle?

                    Jane, I don't know anything about the beads for mantras but I love the idea. If you find it, share back here. K?

                    Hi, NS! Always good to see you pop by.

                    Hope everyone has a great week! If I forgot someone, sorry... I love all you guys even if I forget someone in a post. You make each day brighter just knowing you are out there supporting me!


                      Daisy! Sorry I forgot you! Welcome back. You've come to a great place for support. Will you do something for me? Will you make a list of your triggers? Once you have that list, make a plan for when that trigger pops up. I found the most important thing is having a plan for every situation that triggers my desire for AL. It really works. Also, NEVER feel like you can't come here. That's why we are here, to help! Please stay close and read/post/read.


                        Hello oldies and newbies. Just quickly trying to cach up on threads. Has moved fast since yesterday.

                        Just want to say goodnight. We got back around 8pm tonight. Sorting kids and baths and dinners. I'm now shattered. Tired and off to bed.

                        Hope eceyone is sticking close x


                          Wow, busy place here today. Took me awhile to read back. Happy to see everyone doing so well!
                          Daisy welcome back, like Jackie said we've all been there. Don't be embarrassed to come back.
                          Ginger, that really sounds like quite a trip. Were the neighbors mad?
                          Yes cowboy, today was my last day of work for awhile, and what a day it was! These next few days are the toughest for me. Once I'm on that plane I'll be fine. I gave a brief thought to stopping at the "store" on my way home, but it was just that. I'm determined to do this sober. Ton of errands to run tomorrow and maybe even some pool time. After I run on the treadmill that is.
                          Mark FINALLY got is work visa:welldone: it only took, what, 4 1/2 months! He managed to change is airline ticket yet again. So now he is (are you ready?) flying to Venice, cruising with us then taking a train from Venice to Milan, from Milan to Zurich and then another train to Basel Switzerland! Things seem to be falling into place and he is very excited!
                          Love you all!


                            Ginger, thanks for the kind words about CJ and her boyfriend. She needs to stand up a little more for herself. His parents are helping out some at the cafe, so helpfully that will ease some of his stress, who knows. She's home tonight and I'm glad!


                              Howdy ho neighbours! Another hot, muggy day over with, whew! I came home early today to get out of the heat and into the air conditioned house, of course Hank had other plans, so I sat in a chair in the shade reading MWO on my phone while he splashed around in his pool! I just about joined him lol.

                              Liz, things are looking good all-around for you and your family! Finally some of the anxieties you were faced with will be nothing but distant memories!

                              Ginger, great to have you back! Joe was looking forward to a new vehicle and camper anyway! With men, any small excuse will do when it comes to getting new toys lol

                              What I do to relax, or “get out of my headspace”? First, as simple as it sounds, I pray. The only three prayers that I know other than mealtime grace. The “Our Father”, “Hail Mary”, and the “Serenity Prayer”. I remember as a young lad, my mom making all 4 of us boys kneel down every night through Lent and say the Rosary! I’ll bet 90% of the kids nowadays, don’t know what a rosary is! So, after thousands and thousands of Our Father’s and Hail Mary’s, the words are ingrained in my head. And the peace that comes from saying them still follows. The second thing I do is read, anything and everything. And, I’m also a firm believer in going to bed on the same day I woke up in!

                              Daisy, welcome back! Sorry to hear about your crash and burn, but rising from the ashes is what’s important, and you did that! There is no shame or fear in coming back to ask for help and support, remember the famous words from the Bible, “Let ye who has not sinned cast the first stone” This is a great thread, no one here casts stones!

                              It wasn’t long ago when I thought the quitters thread was dying, now I come in and look around and smile. We have one of the greatest threads in this forum. We have Day 1 quitters and over 1 year quitters, and everything in between, such a wealth of help and support, if we accept it. But it all begins with that first step, recognizing that we need help. Life always turns out differently than we picture. Two kids, two TV's, two computers, two cars, one loving spouse, all healthy, all good students, all interested in what we like, and all loving of us. (Whoops I forgot the picket fence). Or your ideal may be different. It doesn't matter. I don't know anybody whose ideal works out. So don't let that be a reason to drink, be sad, feel worthless, or eat excessively or gamble or anything else. Don't let reality get you depressed. Practice "acceptance" and "doing the next right thing." It's OK and necessary that things work out differently than you planned. You certainly don't have to feel guilty or ashamed about that. You have to be willing to change, and more importantly, accept change.

                              "The person I was will drink again, therefore, I must change." The first time I heard this at an AA meeting, I was offended. I didn't want to be brainwashed, but a good washing was what I needed. I soon learned that changing meant that I was not losing myself; rather, I was just changing the bad parts of myself. Changing meant doing things differently. For example, helping others without worrying about what I was getting in return, putting what Bubba and my family wanted ahead of what I wanted, and being kind to myself. The result was that I did not get the misery I had while drinking. Instead, I received a loving family and a blessed lifestyle. Try changing your attitude by asking yourself if there is something you need to change about yourself. Sometimes, it may be that you need to change resentment to acceptance. Sometimes it may be that you need to change resentment to sympathy for the other person. Don't drink, thinking that might change things. And don’t fear change. Circumstances will always change, we have to accept that and change with them.

                              Wow, enough rambling, maybe the heat got to me lol. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if we stay stuck in the past, we will never rise from the ashes, if we don’t accept change, then we will never change. And if we don’t change, we will be stuck in the cycle of falling and getting back up for the rest of our lives. Have a great evening my fellow quitters, because that’s who we are!
                              Last edited by abcowboy; June 29, 2015, 08:56 PM.
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Just quickly checking in before I pass out.
                                Getting late here...another crap day at work tomorrow. Ugh.
                                Dreading it.
                                But still sober.

                                I'll check back in and read the last few posts tomorrow AM. Just wanted to pop in - gotta hold myself accountable.

