Mine is today......tried and tried to do it alone.....glad to be here with you all today.
No announcement yet.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Well done Mr Vervill! Day 1 is the hardest one to catch a grip of.
Mine is today......tried and tried to do it alone.....glad to be here with you all today.IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Hey guys, Mr.V I understand that feeling of embarrassment of coming back,but I do cuz I want sobriety and if it means a tail between my legs show up, that's OK,I think its just important to NOT dissapear,even if you drink,I've been on some really dark benders and would open MWO up and just read,awhile back a member named Fennel said if I was lurking to"screw the beer and just take the bull by the horns!"and just the stern post was enough to get me to wake up out of my dark misery,I quit the next day,so you never know if you'll read something that hits you upside the head,Ginger,you are right about that,I was gonna post that on my thread today in fact as a reminderCowboy, excellent post,I think two things are key,I hatemy job,and iI worry too much about the future,huge anxieties,also last year I took on too many credit cards thinkin I'd "use responsibly" hah!!too many bills for a job change,anyways,Daisy,just do it today,lots of water,rest,movies
hello to AG,Min,Liz,Bandit,Beachy,Jackie,OH,I know I'm missing people, more coffee needed,have a Wonderful Wednesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good morning! Wow, how is it July? Nice to see this thread so busy.
Welcome Mr V!
Going to start packing today. Cleaned yesterday! Took a long walk, nice breezy afternoon! I am enjoying my time off so far. Cuddling with Lucy right now. Gonna miss my little girl. I will take her to my parents tomorrow. Have a good one guys.
Good morning one dayers and all the rest of us.
Be strong . One day at a time - and keep busy.
Pauly - I noticed when I stopped drinking I started to question a lot of things in life. It is like waking up. Someone told me to be careful not to try to change to much until I was firm in my quit. Very good advice. But reflecting and realizing what is GOOD first, then the things that might need tweaking is good.
I am now working on clean eating - and some exercise. One day at s time . I have choices and I choose to eat healthy. Hang in there chickie!
Pauly, I'd like to see those numbers when you get them sorted out. I checked your thread but didn't see them there.Off to get a haircut this morning. My little sis is a hair dresser. She co-owns her salon and has been in the biz for 35 years! She hates it most days too but it's WAY too late for her to switch gears now. "/ Hang in there, kiddo. You are on your way to your last quit!
Crazy, busy day today. Lots of appointments throughout the day for Mom. How can one person see so many doctors? I swear, when I get to be 83, I'm going off all meds and firing all doctors! The poor woman never gets a rest from it.
Our state is suffering with the fire season. Wenatchee has a roaring fire that wiped out 24 homes. So sadThe fire is still burning too. Send prayers, if you are inclined. If not, send energy, thoughts, positive vibes. All is needed right now.
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Remember to be grateful for the things you have. I forget that sometimes.
Good Morning Everyone-
Daisy-Happy Day One! Sounds like you have a good plan. I have only recently started listening to the Bubble Hour. I really enjoy it. Onwards and upwards for you!
Mr. V-Hello and welcome back. It is hard to make that first post after being gone. I think most of us have felt that way. Keep posting everyday-it will help keep you accountable. And it is really helpful to connect with others that understand.
Pauly- I have been thinking about my multiple relapses over the past nine years. In my head it wasn't even like they were relapses. It was more like, "Ok, I've taken a break from alcohol-time to drink again". I think I have conditioned my brain to think it's just on a little dry holiday and the alcohol will be back soon. I don't know how to fix that thought process. Is that how you feel?
Hello to Bandit, Min, Cowboy, Ginger, AG, BG and anyone else out there reading this.
No Jackie,that's not how I feel, maybe a couple of years ago I felt like that,now I WANT to stay sober,I just get a weird feeling, doc and counselor both brought up PAWS, could be that,I'm not sure anymore I've analyzed it to death,just dunnoI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Howdy my quitting friends! A holiday today for us Canucks (well, not for BG lol) as we celebrate Canada’s birthday. Each year on this day Bubba and I change the flags at the farm, but we did it early this year as the forecast was for rain, and raining it is! Hopefully the northern part of our province is getting it as well, the firefighters battling the forest fires up north could sure use the extra help! Ginger, Bubba and I watched the news on the Wenatchee fires, just heart breaking!
Our thread is growing and growing, it’s great! Welcome back daisy and Mr V! Straying too far from your support group early in recovery usually ends up in disaster, so you better stick around!
Just going to touch on a few things this morning as it looks like I’ll have all day to read and post lol.
Pauly, Daisy, and Mr V, no such thing as “crawling back here with your tail between your legs” it takes courage to come back, so be proud of yourself for coming back!
And Pauly, you’re a young woman! There’s no such thing as a bad time to leave a job you hate! Get out the classifieds and start looking, or talk to hubby about maybe buying or opening up your own business! I was 45 when I lost my job of 20 years with the College, but it gave me the chance to become my own boss, and I’ve never looked back! Sure, it was a struggle to make ends meet in the beginning, but with persistence and determination, it’s worked out great! Go to your banker, look into a debt consolidation loan, most bankers are happy to help out. Keep your head held high, remember, you’re worth it!
Daisy, day 1 of many more to come!! We’re all here for you as you get through one day at a time!
Mr V, same goes for you! Besides, we need more men on this thread! I’m starting to think the world is full of drunk women lol
Ginger, love your idea of counting AF days compared to drinking days! You’re always full of great ideas and advice! I consider you the CAO of this thread, you kept coming back and kept it alive, you should be proud!
BG, hopefully your day isn’t too busy, but it reminds me that we should all be grateful for our first responders, those people who don’t know what Stat Holiday means. Your commitment doesn’t go un-noticed with me! Also, I’ve been meaning to ask if you did the writing in the sand in your profile pic?
Min, AG, OH, Bri, Jackie, Liz, mama, and Bandit, got you in my sights for an afternoon post, so look out haha.
Last edited by abcowboy; July 1, 2015, 07:49 PM.Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Happy Canada Day to all, have been incognito for awhile. Hope everyone has been doing well, wishing everyone the very best. I have been keeping AL at bay for most of the time , but unfortunately have had a couple of real stumbles. The one thing that seems to help is to be here.....this is where I have achieved the most success. Am wondering if I will ever possess the strength to be completely AF for life..
:hug:OH,I had my own epic fail a few days agoits good to see you, we've missed you
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
OH, you can do it, we can help! No more wondering, start believing...:hug:Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.