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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Have fun Liz- I will be cheering for you. I know you are ready for this and will enjoy your time.


      Hey guys, Ginger,I didn't think it ever got that hot up there,dang! I'm excited for the 4th,gonna watch the hot dog eating contest on TV,BBQ,and my neighbors get the illegal fireworks so the whole block sits in their driveways and watch theirs plus let off a few of our small ones,Louie's at the age where its fun to let him watch them,sounds like everyone is good,hope we all have a great day
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Shit I forgot, Happy Birthday Bandit!!!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hey thanks Pauly! and hi to everyone and thanks for the birthday wishes

          Quick check in from me, day 8 and doing okay, its hard but its going to be

          Camping out in the garden with the kids tonight just for a bit of fun,finding it hard to sleep anyway so it won't matter if they keep me up!
          It's 8.30pm here now and off to have some cake!

          Hope all are doing okay
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


            Happy Birthday Bandit. And a big thank you for everyone here who takes the time to post and reflect. Just reading everyone's posts is helpful. Am hoping to post more when I'm in a better head space. Finding inspiration from everyone here. :hug:


              Morning everyone! Reading and posting in.

              Hope everyone is doing well. bandit- well done! Hope your sober birthday was a treat!
              OH just come back and post- doesn't matter what's happened. That's kn the last you don't have to reflect on what has happened. Focus your energy on what you can do today.

              That's my motto today as I start again after a good AF stretch. Pick myself up and shake the dust and start again.

              Lizaan. Safe travels my dear! I know you will be fine. Enjoy. Europe is roasting atm! Pop into london if you can


                Back to the start for me. Questioning myself bigtime. Triggers for me right now are just about anything.
                Dropped my niece off to my sister and she was in the garden drinking wine. Looked good. She asked me to come out. I drove back home, went and bought wine and because I dont trust myself drinking, ended up sitting at home alone doing what I usually socialising, no reward from doing it.....hating myself while doing it.....could run away again but I won' my first couple of decent days in months just because of you guys.
                Need to get it together again.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Hi all

                  and Happy 4th July!:happy2:

                  Well, survived my first AF birthday in about 28 years - did the world come to an end, was it reported on the nine o clock news, did I get a congratulatory letter from the Pope or the President of Ireland, NO - but it was an achievement to me

                  It was fine in the end, rode the panic/craving wave a few times but didn't want to undo the week I had already put behind me. It was good to be sober, not be afraid to answer the door or the phone in case people would know that I had a few on me and really good to be there for the kids, remember everything I said to them and look after them.

                  Daisy, just keep on trying, I so easily could have caved the last couple of nights, like that just existing is a trigger for me at the mo -seeing people enjoying wine on TV, people ahead of me at the shop with drink in their trolley looking like they were so happy and about to have a great evening, the noises coming from the local hotel where there is probably a wedding on, the good weather, the smell of the BBQ, the list goes on and on. Every AF day counts and I know it will get easier, it will always be there but it will get better

                  Hope everyone has a good Sat
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    daisy, thank you for coming back! You're right, you could have just stayed away and spent the rest of your life in a bottle of wine, but you didn't! Right now your AV is just a bit stronger than your SV, but you can change that! If you feel lonely, get out, walk the shops, window shop, take in a museum, art gallery, go to the library, it doesn't matter. If being lonely is a trigger, then do whatever you have to do to spend more time with other people. Don't look for companionship in a bottle, he is a fickle friend, the kind none of us needs! Stay here with us, it'll be your day before you know it!

                    And Happy July 4th to our American quitters!

                    Good job Bandit!
                    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                      Bandit, Great job! it's not easy but you showed yourself what you want more than ethenol in your system and that is to be sober and present for yourself and family. GOOD FOR YOU! ODAT you can do this!

                      Daisy, I'm so glad you came right back and let us know. I get what you mean about triggers being everywhere. I'm amazed now that I stopped drinking, how much we are bombarded with AL. Everytime you turn around it's in your face so everything being a trigger isn't a surprise, really. I'm a major health nut, vegan, exercise, etc so reading about the harms that AL can do to our bodies was a major motivator for me. It can be pretty scary though but for me, that's good. I need the shock factor sometimes to make a change!

                      I woke this morning feeling like I'd drank last night. You know...headache, nausea, fuzzy head. Got up and it went away almost immediately. I remember when I'd wake up and feel that way most of the day, everyday. It reminded me of what I never want to feel like again. I'm glad that happens once in awhile. It reminds me....

                      Hope everyone has a great day! Off to SIL for the day/night. I'll check in if I can.
                      Love you guys to the moon!


                        Hi Everyone-

                        Happy 4th of July to all and if you are in America- Happy Independence Day!

                        Bandit-Good for you on an alcohol free birthday. Every time you are able to jump an alcohol hurdle it builds strength for the next temptation. Really reflect on how good it felt to be sober yesterday and wake up without a hangover today. Sear that feeling into your brain.

                        Daisy-I am glad you came back and posted. It is really sad that alcohol is available everywhere and so easy to get. I think it just becomes habit to pick up a bottle without thinking. I know I have drank many, many times when I didn't really feel like it. Sometimes, it just seems like the thing to do. Like Cowboy and Ginger said-think about triggers and form new habits. When you see someone drinking think about the damage they are doing to themselves. Think about how awful you feel the day after drinking. Not just the hangover but the shame and guilt as well. You can do this-you deserve a sober and happy life.

                        Pauly-One thing I am working on is gratitude. I don't feel deprived at all without alcohol. I wake up everyday grateful that I don't have a hangover. I spend a few minutes each morning just savoring that clear headed feeling. It is awesome not having that horrible, anxiety ridden, what did I do last night feeling. I do not ever want to feel like that again.

                        Knitty, BG, Bri, Mr. V, TMH, Mama, Min, Liz, OH (and anyone else I might have missed)-I hope you all have an awesome alcohol free day. If anyone even starts to have drinking thoughts please come here and post. Putting your feelings down and knowing that others understand is great therapy.

                        Be well all.



                          Happy 4th to all my friends south of the border. Have a wonderful day with your friends and families.

                          Jackie - you are so right about gratitude. It somehow takes us out of our AL brain, and we can see other things. I practice this also, and it really does reflect in all other areas of our lives as well. My work, family life, overall feelings are so much better.

                          I was lucky/unlucky - I seldom had a hangover. So I cannot use that as a reminder. But the guilt and shame (and embarrassment) was huge. I try not to think about any of that but I do need to find a way to forgive myself and move on.

                          Way to go Bandit - and happy belated birthday.

                          My biggest trigger at this time of year, is a hot sunny patio for dinner. I love that - the best. But I have to do it without AL. I have done very well, with substituting another sparkly drink and that seems to work for me. Once the drink is ordered, there is no longer any urge or even a thought about it again. Hard to find no sugar AL free drinks when out - anyone have any suggestions?

                          I will be MIA a bit over the next few days. My brother and his family are here from India. We only get to visit once a year so I want every minute with them. He has a business over there that is bringing solar energy to the rural areas. It is similar to a pay as you go phone plan. Some of these people are still using kerosene lantern, or have no light at all after dark. Now the kids can read, small businesses can stay open - it is amazing. I am so proud of him. (this is not for the $)
                          if you have time

                          Be Strong - Be Happy!!


                            Hope everyone has had a lovely 4th. I am feeling exhausted (which I kind of expected) but good at the same time, especially as my tummy does not hurt anymore. Also, I was really pleased to be able to run an errand for my son at 9 p.m. last night - hadn't been out driving at night for a long time - and I felt so free! Weird feeling. I have had a few fleeting thoughts of AL today which I don't like, but I will be okay tonight and will not drink. The fireworks are just starting around here so I am just about to cuddle up with my dog - he gets so scared.

                            Daisy, you are so brave. I agree about the triggers - I felt that today and if someone had offered I might have succumbed. I am very weak when people push me to drink wine after quitting - that has been my downfall many times in the past. I need to stay close to home and not venture anywhere much for a while.

                            Ginger, I also find it helpful to scare myself silly reading about the effects of alcohol. Thanks for the link - I will take a look tomorrow.

                            Bandit, congratulations on your sober birthday. Well done!!!

                            I'm off for a cuddle with my best friend, good night all.


                              Originally posted by BeachGirly View Post

                              I will be MIA a bit over the next few days. My brother and his family are here from India. We only get to visit once a year so I want every minute with them. He has a business over there that is bringing solar energy to the rural areas. It is similar to a pay as you go phone plan. Some of these people are still using kerosene lantern, or have no light at all after dark. Now the kids can read, small businesses can stay open - it is amazing. I am so proud of him. (this is not for the $)
                              if you have time

                              Be Strong - Be Happy!!
                              Hi y'all.

                              BG, I love these sorts of projects. I like also how this one is set up so you own it at end of payment. Sure, it could be tricky if a user is struggling to pay, but the program is innovative and def worth a shot. An old workmate of mine was thinking of doing similar in Africa a few years ago. Not sure how he went. It's a goer for sure.

                              Take care out there. G

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Morning all

                                Wet and miserable day here so won't be up to much. Have a piece of work that needs to be done by tomorrow, usual last minute as always (I need to work on that too) so I better get moving.

                                Hope your dog wasn't too scared of the fireworks Knitty, my older dog is terrified of them, she opens the utility door and hides down the back, if she can't get into our house she lets herself into the neighbours and does the same thing!

                                I'm not straying too far from the house at the moment either and avoiding functions/houses/events etc. where I know drink will be freely flowing. Mr. Bandit is not drinking either so that is helping

                                Nice one regards your brother Beachy, you must be proud of him, enjoy the time with him and the family. Hi Guitarista

                                Hi to everyone yet to come. Have a good Sunday
                                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

