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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Howdy ho quitters! First things first, welcome back hulagirl! I liked your opening line "after lying to myself", but you didn't lie to yourself, your addiction did! The real you realized it was a lie and decided to do something about it, and 9 days is great! Not sure the time difference from Hawaii to stateside or Alberta, but we'll be here to help you get to day 10 and beyond! Keep coming back!
Second thing...
Liz, with Lucy sick, I know this won't feel like such a great day, but think of what it would be like if you had a hangover this morning! Great job on 2 months and we all wish Lucy a speedy recovery!
Jackie, you've had quite a bit of sober time built up in the past that a 1 month milestone probably doesn't feel like a big deal to you, but it is! It shows everyone how cunning AL can be and that starting over is doable!
Min, I don't think I can add much more to what you said! You have got all the right thoughts in your mind right now and a positive attitude to go with it!
Bandit and daisy, how's it feel to be on your last Day 1? And you know it can be if you take it one day at a time!
Ginger, your seat is here for here when you are able to get back to it!
BG, how's life treating our island girl? Me thinks you and hulagirl have that in common now lol
Pauly, you still floating around all the threads keeping everyone in line? haha
AG, OH, SS, and the many, many others I've missed, have a great MAE, remember, no drinkin' eh!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Welcome HulagirlLiz,I hope little Lucy is ok,at least she's not throwing up anymore though, Min,I agree about no al in the house, we never have any but of course that never stopped me from driving to the gas station and buying it,its really dumb cus I've stood at the cooler with the glass door still shut eyeballing beers and think no,I'll open the door put my hand on it and think no,but damn I'd buy it anyways, I really think the only way this will work is changing my thinking, being more grateful for the small things, sick of beating a dead horse,I'm so over it,I hope everyone has a great day
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Just watched Dr Phil. He is trying to help a young alcohol/drug addicted man.....'Live hard, die young and make a beautiful corpse!'.........hits home!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Liz-I hope Lucy recovers soon. If it is any consolation, one of my dogs had a bout of pancreantitis years ago and everything turned out fine. I know it is hard not to worry though. Congratulations on two af months!
Welcome Hula Girl. Waking up unhungover for the past nine days must feel good. Keep it going!
Min, Bandit&Daisy-Good to see you gals ready to give it your all. Strength in numbers.
Pauly-The gratitude thing is really helping me. I am truly grateful for every night I go to bed sober and every morning that I wake up without a hangover.
Knitty, TMH, Bri&OH-You still with us?
Cowboy-Thanks for the acknowledgement. Any month spent alcohol free is a good month.
Hello BG and Ginger. I hope you all have a super sober Wednesday!
Evening my quitters!
Sounds like everyone is pretty upbeat about they're quits. Good work guys.
Long day today- lazy morning but shops and kids and usual stuff. Won't say Al didn't cross my mind. It did and I did want a drink. Lots of stress in the house but I'm staying strong. Another day done!
Bandit Daisy Jackie- my little new quitters Gang- keep strong. We can do this together.
Oh, SS, Lizann, BG,ActionG, Ginger, Pauly, Cowboy, knotty,Bri, TMH, and of course Hula Girl- thinking of you all!
Hello everyone, I'm here and doing okay on day 15. I survived our wedding anniversary night out, just drank water but had dessert (freshly made key lime pie) which I do not usually do and it was yummy. Just had 2 days in a row where I was so busy/distracted that I forgot to take my All-One in the morning, but I realized as soon as had fleeting thoughts of AL so took it later in the day and the thoughts fizzled out. Taking on extra work/duties/chores is keeping me busy enough to keep the focus away from AL, which is working well for me at the moment as I just want to get some AF time behind me. However, there is one phrase that I have been thinking about throughout the day - not sure who first posted it - but it is something like, "I can either live the life I want, or I can drink." That has really struck a chord with me and it makes me realize that I cannot do both, it is one or the other. I'm very grateful for the person who posted that truth as I feel it is helping me stay on track.
Lizann - I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy. I know you must be worried sick and exhausted. I'll keep praying for you both. Well done on 2 months AF.
Well done Jackie and BG on your new milestones. I am looking forward to having that much time AF. Welcome Hulagirl! I was also in denial for years - well done on 9 days. Daisy and Bandit, so glad you're both still here. Just one day at a time and it will start adding up.
Minstar, yes, I agree, hunger has always been a trigger for me in the past also, but lately thirst seems to be a trigger also. I probably should get shares in San Pellegrino sparkling water as I'm buying cases of it from the wholesale club : ) Anxiety is also a trigger for me too, but that has not been as much of an issue for me this time around except for the past 2 days - seems to be connected to when I forget the All-One.
Congratulations on 6 months Cowboy. That is an incredible achievement. Thank you for all you do - I agree with Jackie, I do not know how you fit everything into your day. You could probably coach on time management - I'm definitely lacking in that regard but it just gives me something else to work towards one day.
Hope everyone else is doing well. Onward and upward!
Knitty,sounds like a GREAT anniversaryI'mssurprised by events I think will be hard to get through sober,actually turn out soooo much funner,my anniversary in June, a birthday party we went to, the 4th of July were all awesome, I think the All one is helping you cuz of all the Amino's and vitamins, I read so many articles on al addiction and they all mention how stripped our poor bodies are from booze,takes a bit to restore the nutrients we need,plus staying away from sugar,caffeine and nicotine which also rob us,but I think if I give up those 3 I'll go mentally insane!!smoking I would like to quit but I swear it's harder than booze,more of a habit I need to break,its weird cuz I won't smoke in my car,at work, out running errands, etc but as soon as I get home I smoke like a 1980 ford pinto Hahahaha! I think its an association between the patio and being alone with my thoughts ya know?gotta find a way to break the association, sounds like everyone is on track,Hulagirl,we'd love to hear more from you,hope everyone's day has beenbueno
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Pauly, you sound like me about the the way you put it...gave me a laugh!
Had trouble getting internet tonight. Had a close call around 9pm.....was in a 'feck it' mood and had to literally talk myself out of it....and it's only day 1!
But it's a day done and I am grateful for that. Had a lovely bath late tonight and put on my fake tan and painted my the alcohol!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
For realz Daisy,who wants to drink at 9 anyways, totally would mess up your sleepa fake tan and polished nails will look lovely on a fresh,unhungover Daisy tomorrow, good job honey
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hey all
What a great anniversary Knotty bayou did brilliantly. As Pauly said- I bet you enjoyed and Remembered it all. What a bonus!
Daisy- you will be the cool chick in town tomorrow- bath and nails AND tan! Brill! I think those are little steppingn stones that make us feel better! Hope you enjoy waking up sober and unhungover!
Mr V- onwards! Back to Day one keep trying. Long shifts- so tired and hungry a trigger? Maybe next time you have a long stretch of horrendous hours grab something to eat fast! Or drink some fizz or juice? I've not niticed thirst as a trigger but Daisy may be onto something here!
Pauly- most addictions are habits but I think the body become so used to them it can't do without. One thing at a time - if you're doing stints like car free from smoke can you try say an hour without a ciggie and see if you can maybe have less? Just thinking of ideas so tell me to zip it if they are useless!
Cowboy- lovely poem. We are so lucky to have you here- how was your day?
Right up I get kids to feed clean dress. We hve a big play date with my daughters friends in Greenwich Park.
Thank you all for sharing your journey with me. I'm not sure when the last time I had this many AF days. Been a while I tell you.
Good morning. Feeling a little more myself today. Slept until 7am! Lucy ate a little bit of rice:welldone: this vacation stuff is a killer for sure. Ok so off for my walk, a little bit of pool time and then tons of errands before I go back to work tomorrow. Skyped with Mark last night. He is working long days! He is tired, poor thing. Have a good one guys!