I am having a bit of a hard time this AM too...first time my partner has gone to work on a weekend in a while...and there is a beer store across the street. My anxiety and OCD is coming back around...and I have wicked stomach pains (the booze always made the pains go away funnily enough)...
BUT...WE CANNOT drink...
I wish I had a pool. I love being near/in water...very soothing and calms me instantly.
Daisy I get it...and my weight is also what oftentimes led me to slips...because I thought to myself "well, I am not losing any weight after cutting all this crap out so what gives??"...but I know that our bodies are trying to adjust...after having all those excess calories...and then now how many thousands have disappeared??
I mean...I used to drink a litre of wine (probably around 800-1000 calories) a night...or 6 tall cans of beer...which would be around 1000 calories as well...and then during this time I would eat like CRAP...HUGE HUGE HUGE bowls of pasta (did you know ONE serving of pasta is the size of a tennis ball?? WHAT?!! I probably had a tennis court sized amount of pasta when I was drinking...LOL.
So...between huge portions and booze...my bodies probably like, WTF!?! And holding on to everything so I understand it might take time but it is still infuriating when that scale doesn't BUDGE!!! >

ADDY - I am totally down for being gym buddies!

I dislike sweets...so I don't have that problem...well, usually...the first week or so of sobriety I crave weird things (well, weird to me!) like chocolate bars and cherry blasters or fuzzy peaches. Lol. Or even pop...and I never drink pop.
Out of 13 days I've gone to the gym 9 times...not too bad...maybe I should aim for 10...but will see how I feel later.
What do you do at the gym Addy?? Cardio? Weights? Classes?