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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

    Thanks for the welcome. I haven't read the book you are talking about but I read a similar one. I think the point that resonated with me most was the comment in the book that you have to go into sobriety "with a happy heart", focusing on getting free not on loss.

    I decided that as I have been drinking so much, I would use yesterday and today to taper off significantly. I have to say that even with that (and without much sleep), I feel better this morning. The suggestion to keep busy is great, I have an ankle injury and exercise is difficult for me right now, but today I am going to try to do some painting. Picture me on a ladder with a walking boot...


      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

      CMH, You are already making a plan. Way to go! I was in a boot for eight weeks last winter so I feel you pain. I found ways to get exercise though. I road the recumbant bike (have one at home). It was akward at first but it worked and didn't stress my ankle. Be careful on a ladder though. That could be tricky! Post back so we know how it went. Have a great AF day!


        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

        So yesterday I almost made it through day 2. Again. Trying to sort out where I went wrong, what I need to cover the next time. The ape was there following me around all day at work, on the way home from work, when I got home from work. (a little early which was nice) No problem. I get back from the Dojang - there's my problem. I think. Head was foggy all day and typically after exerting myself at the Dojang it takes me a while before I can think clearly again, all those endorphins getting me high, so I really need to focus on my habits there right when I first get home.
        “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

        "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

        Newbies Nest
        Newbies Nest Roll Call
        Cattleman Cafe


          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          Thoughts at day 47... these are just MY thoughts ... you don't have to agree

          To all of you who keep relapsing.... it's a true and important part of recovery. Just the fact that you are trying means that you are going to succeed. You would not be here if you planned on failing.

          I was the Queen of relapsing!! I started many threads and have the writing ability to lure people in to join me... then I would just disappear. I probably relapsed more times than all of you combined. Willpower has NOTHING to do with it.

          When you are REALLY ready, you feel like you've hit a wall. It felt like a quiet, complete and utter STOP!! There was no big fall, no crisis, no big drunk or rock bottom. One day I just knew that was it. I am not saying that the alkie voice doesn't haunt me often but when it does instead of giving in I say to myself "that cycle is unavoidable if you drink. You will only end up back here within a short time trying to quit." The absurdity of it all was so clear and evident.

          We are here together and the enthusiasm on this thread is astounding. Those of you who are on your millionth day 1, this thread is for you. No matter how many times it takes, there WILL be a day when you will reach your final quit.... and then the healing begins.

          I am not here as often as I would like and it's killing me. I highly recommend either starting a blog about your abstinence or following the wonderful blogs out there in cyber space. Comment, comment, comment, read, read ,read.

          We will overcome!!
          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            Sober soul, I have not hit that wall. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to relapse. I'm just tired of not remembering things and being too tired to do anything. I want to be a better mom and wife. They deserve the best from me. Felt good today, the beast was not lurking.
            Another AF free day under my belt!


              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              Great post SS....

              For me, it simply got to the point where I realized the pain of drinking was more than the pain of quitting.

              That's when I made the commitment to change my life.

              We can all do it.



                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                Liz....nothing means you are going to relapse. Nothing can make you relapse. You either drink or you don't.

                And you don't....:l



                  Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  Greetings all.... Gearing up for another long camping trip. I have my plan, my sparkling water and plenty of yummy healthy snacks for around the fire. I'm feeling good about this. I DON'T DRINK!!

                  Thank you all for being there, sharing and inspiring me to finally tackle the monkey on my back!


                    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    Keep it going Ginger....we're very proud of you.


                      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      So this is day one for me. I am determined to make it. It is a dark, rainy and dreary day here today. I still have more painting to do, so I have a plan for the day. Thanks for the encouragement Ginger. I tried the bike but it made my ankle swell and PT said don't do it. Of course I have healed a lot since then, need to try it again.


                        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        Sarah, I am new here also. I have been reading as a guest, but just made the commitment. Three days without alcohol is better than no days. I guess you pick yourself up and start again. We can both be on day one (again).


                          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          Chief;1670495 wrote: Great post SS....

                          For me, it simply got to the point where I realized the pain of drinking was more than the pain of quitting.

                          That's when I made the commitment to change my life.

                          We can all do it.

                          Yup, I think (hope) that is where I am, or almost, at too.
                          I am pretty afraid of what I have done to my body and mind. And what more drinking will do as I age? Scary to think about. I want to be one of those old ladies who 'has it together.'
                          At the rate I was going I really was having trouble coping with getting everything at the grocery store in one trip. Between the wine and the internet my brain is like a tennis ball... bouncing all over the place. I have returned to reading actual books at night, the ones with paper pages... remember those? Instead of on my iPad. Less distractions. I am also glad not to have grown up in this internet age. Somehow, life feels a bit unnatural. I can go the entire day without talking to a human until evening...

                          I may make light of things but I am very serious.
                          Perhaps you can say I am in self preservation mode?
                          I do notice that I am better able to put things in proper perspective the last few days, or so? And I do not flip out if I forget something insignificant. Which I do all time, I might add. I am able to take it in stride. Before I would think ' OMG, I am losing it. My brain is as shriveled up as a peanut!! I never used to be so forgetful.' Or maybe I was and I just forgot?

                          Spending time visiting nursing homes isn't much of a help either. Or maybe it is? Seeing these poor souls sitting around without a clue of their situation. A blessing I guess? If it forces me to look at reality then it must be a blessing.

                          I am going to stop rambling now.
                          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            Hi Eloise, Your post just brought something home for me that I'd like to share. Since I retired I've been helping my elderly mom and aunt get to appointments and such. What I've noticed is how "with it" my Mom is (never drank in her life - 82 yrs) compared to my aunt (party girl all her life - 80 yrs). Mom is smart as a whip and can remember every detail while my aunt can't remember anything or even follow directions. She also just lost her license because of verbal responses to questions at the DMV. It threw a red flag that required her to be retested and she failed completely. Just one more reason to stop this madness while there are a few brain cells left to salvage.

                            We can do this with each other's help! I'm convinced of that. Hope everyone has a great AF day. I know I'm planning on it!


                              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                              I agree, alcohol has certainly not helped my memory, so many day 1's through the years and I forgot how shaky you get. Here I am on day 1 of detox, with a torn Achilles tendon, in humid 80 degree heat, painting the walls of my office. Not sure the ladder was a good idea for today but now it is about a third done and I feel committed to not having to wash everything until it is finished. My goal here was to keep busy... I am taking a much needed break for some ice water, I will finish this and I will not drink. My reward will be a long cold shower.


                                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                CMH, Sending you a ton of good energy! Hope you have a great day.

