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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

    Hi Folks
    Happy 4th of July to all of you South of our Border. Looking forward to the weekend and a nice bike ride and run or maybe a hike if I can steal the time from the housework and gardening.
    I was looking forward to sun through the weekend but the weather has turned and it is raining. Hopefully it will clear tomorrow but if not I will still get out there. We don't rust.
    Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.
    Don't worry, be happy!


      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

      Morning! Made it through the 4th without a hitch. Got the travel trailer washed and waxed and ready for the trip. I just need to load all the perishables and clothes. It's still a week before we leave but the extended forecast at the moment looks promising. I have my plan and I'll be working it!


        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

        Hi All
        Sorry to report that I did it again. Let the Antabuse wear off (forgot to take it and then let the days add up)
        the drank a bottle of wine last night. Hubs has been asking me to work through our issues with some marriage counceling package he found on the internet. I just don't know if I am ready to work through things at the moment so steadied myself with booze. This is not the way to work out problems, I know.
        Really hate how I feel today. I was going to go for a nice run or bike ride but don't feel like it. I missed church too and feel guilty. I am just going to have to muster up the courage to start once again on day 1 and keep going. I will stuff the pill down my throat in about an hour to ensure it has been 12 hours since my last drink and get on with it. I am going to beat this demon! I guess I am in the fight of my life or for my life. I need to suck it up and face the marital problems head on too. They are not going to drown at the bottom of the bottle.
        I will post later today!
        Hope everyone enjoys what is left of the weekend.
        Don't worry, be happy!


          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          R4L, Sorry about your night but hey.... today is a new day and you are here. That is half the battle. So many of us started and failed over and over until it finally stuck. It is the coming back that will get you to that point. Don't ever stop coming here no matter what. I'd like to think my quit has stuck this time but I know how fragile it is so I still just go one day at a time.

          Maybe the next time you feel pushed in the corner by hubs wanting to work on the marriage, come here instead or private message one of us. I'm here if you want to do that. In any case, still get outside today even if it's just for gentle walk. Your body will thank you!

          Thinking about you!


            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            Hey R4L - I understand!! I have been on a roller-coaster or teeter-totter this whole year. I think it's great that you are getting back on the AB right away. I was letting a week or month go by before I would get myself pulled back together. So, GREAT JOB!

            I'm sorry about your marital issues. It is not easy. Really glad that you came here to post......:l
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              Thanks Ginger. No I wont stop coming here. It is a life line for sure. I will get out for a run today. I am feeling better. I will pm you if I have any drinking thoughts. I think that would help. Thanks for offering your support. You have been a great help already. I definitely need someone to work through the difficult moments with. I really can't talk to too many people about this. I also know that I need to hit this AL addiction hard this time. It is getting harder and harder with each quit. I have no trust for myself.
              I have conquered so many obstacles. Just don't know why I haven't got a grip on this one for all these years. I am a bit worried about the toll it is taking on my body. Drinking is working against all the good dietary habits and exercise regimen that I have been following for the past few years. I am so fed up with it and I really don't enjoy drinking once I am doing it. My job settles down a bit over the next few weeks so I have decided to take this time to focus on getting a grip on this drinking.
              I will post later. Off to take my Antabuse and fix the flat on my bike!
              Don't worry, be happy!


                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                Hi R4L,

                Did ya TTFP?



                  Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  Running 4 Life, so glad you are using this thread for the purpose it was intended. Coming back immediately after a relapse is the only good that can come out of one. So you are back on the wagon. don't worry, your quit will be final when you are ready. Hopefully now or soon. I screwed up so many quits that I was more than embarrassed to come back here too many times to count.

                  This time it's different... not much has changed except I now clearly see the pointlessness of continuing the cycle.

                  Nora, thanks for the compliment about my blog. I really enjoy posting on it.

                  Ginger, glad you are having minimal difficulty staying sober. We are neck in neck my friend. Enjoy your camping and especially the clear, bright, sunny

                  I was at the lake; just hubby and me. We fished, kayaked, swam naked, had lots of good meals and good sex; he drank wine with his dinner both nights. I took my usual sniff of the bottle just to make sure I wasn't missing anything.. I'm not.
                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    R4L, glad you're here and posting. It means a lot when you don't enjoy drinking once you've started. I remember those days and it's what really got me to thinking "What the hell am I doing?"

                    I'm sorry about your marriage problems but you know drinking won't solve anything and it won't make it go away. You'll still have the problems plus you'll be mad at yourself for letting yourself down. Believe me, I know what you're going through. Stick with us and let our help and support help you to take drinking off your list of things that aren't right in your life. We can do it...



                      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      Hi Pie, Yes, I TTFP thank goodness. Hello Ginger, Sober, Chief, Nora. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I felt a bit trapped once I took the pill but I have a clear head to look forward to tomorrow morning. I am teaching Vacation Bible school every morning this week so I need to be in tip top shape to enjoy the little ones. They are so cute. I didn't get out for my run today but I did do some gardening and wrestled with a bush for a bit so I think I got my exercise for the day. I have been wearing my fitbit which tells if I got enough steps in for the day. I reached my 10,000 steps by 5:30 today.
                      I will run tomorrow as I am training for a Half Marathon again and need to stay on schedule. It also helps keep me from drinking on the weekends because I have to do my long runs on Saturday or Sunday morning and it doesn't feel great to run distance hung over.
                      Early to bed for me tonight. Talk to you tomorrow!
                      Don't worry, be happy!


                        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        R4l, I too had a few glasses of wine this weekend. Would've had more but thankfully people were watching. Let's start this quit together and really do it this time! I need to keep super busy. Running really helps, so off on the treadmill I go.


                          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          R4L and Lizann, Team up and do this thing! Accountability is so important for me. Knowing I'm coming here to post really helps keep me on track.

                          Sleep: I have been having the best sleep EVER!! When I drank I always took Tylenol PM. Partly to ward off the headache I'd surely have the next morning and partly to sleep. It's taken some time but my body has finally adjusted to no AL/no sleep meds and I'm sleeping great. I'm having the most vivid dreams and remembering them in the morning. I may have to dig out my dream interpretation book and give it a go again. Just one more excellent benefit of NOT drinking.

                          Hope you all have a great AF day. It's 7:30a here and already 70 degrees so off to walk the dog before the asphalt gets too hot for her.

                          Love you guys!!


                            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            Ginger, Tylenol and al a dangerous combination! Please be careful.


                              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                              Lizann, I know - right?!! Being AL has helped me get past all that. Thank goodness. It's also a reminder when I feel wiggly the terrible things I was doing to my body that wasn't even visible to the eye. UGH....


                                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                Hey, guys at over two months sober I really am feeling healthier and purdier too. What a waste of good looks for all those bloodshot years LOL...

                                No chance in hell I'm losing this quit. It took me years to get here after constant attempts to quit and this one's for keeps. My life is so much more real, productive, organized and vital.

                                Stick with it!!
                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

