Working some crazy overtime. Doing ok and paying those bills.
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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann, YES!! You can do this. You WANT to do this. You've racked up some days and you DON'T want to go back to day one. AL just isn't worth it. I've been going through several stressful personal things this past few days.... faced with putting down my beloved dog (Monday), Mom (82) has A Fib and heart failure and bro-in-law is in a 3rd world hospital with CHF. It would be so easy to open that bottle of wine and stick my head in it but how would that help? It wouldn't, it would only hurt and make it harder to cope with these things when I sobered up. Lizann, hold tight to your days!! This thread has been kind of quiet so hop over to the Ladies on a Mission thread. There is lots going on to read there.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann, Here is a great post from NoSugar to someone in the Ladies on a Mission thread. It's worth a read through. BTW... NoSugar is an amazing example.
NoSugar;1690706 wrote: Doing a version of "play it forward" can be so helpful. How would it have gone if you'd decided to drink?
I bet you would have had to gulp down the first glass because you would have been feeling so guilty and wrong, you'd have needed to get to that fuzzy place of not caring as quickly as possible. I've heard the first one usually tastes pretty bad after a period of abstinence, too, so gulping might have helped you get past that, too. The second glass might have been more enjoyable but you still would have been with it enough to know you were undoing 86 days of hard work. You truly would have been swallowing all the pride you'd gained. After 2 or 3, you might not have cared about the consequences anymore and would have been on your way to the desired state of oblivion. At some point you would have reached it and either crashed on your couch or staggered off to bed without cleaning up. In the morning you'd figure out which of those had happened. And this is the best case scenario - not being as used to drinking as before, you might have gotten really drunk and sent emails or text messages that would mortify you this morning, you might have fallen and hurt yourself, or you might have for some reason had to drive and gotten a DUI or in a tragic accident.
Even if you had only blacked out, safe in your home, you would have awakened with the sickening feeling of failure. You would wonder what was wrong with you. You would have given anything to turn the clock back 24 hours or 12 hours -- just long enough not to make the horrible choice to drink.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi all,
Hope its ok to post on here. I too have been struggling with sobriety for over 3 years, before that I was in total denial and just drinking a lot. In the past 2 years, it became such a significant part of my life, that I practically lost everything. I found this site last spring and achieved about 5 months sobriety-- it was incredible, then there were a lot of life changes, a cross country move, a new job, a breakup and I fell down. Everything came crashing along with me. I have been drinking, for the most part, for the last 11 months. Ive quit for 15 days here and there but always go back. I am checking in now to say today is Day 1. I am going to do this and would love any support or words of encouragement-- I am hopeful, not confident yet, that I can do this. I have the willingness to do so and thats the best I can offer for now. Thank you for listening and have a wonderful day everyone.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Welcome LostSoul!! You have definitely come to the right place. The people here are so supportive. The best place to start is to visit the two links below. Introduce yourself in the Newbies Nest, if you haven't already and then go to the tool box and read, read, read. There is so much good information and tips for helping you make this your final quit. Life is always going to throw us curve balls and learning to navigate those triggers alcohol free is essential to becoming the new you! If you've had success in the past, you can do it again. Congrats on making this day 1! If you haven't done so, go through your house and throw away all the alcohol. Get that poison out of your house ASAP. Come here and read/post/read as often as you can. I checked in three or four times a day when I was early in my quite. I'm pushing 100 days now so I know it can work, if you work it!!You may feel pretty crappy at first. I sure did for the first 4 weeks sober. If you do, make sure you come here and tell us about it. It's always nice to know that others have had the same experience. If you find someone's posts particularly inspiring, don't hesitate to private message them. I've made some amazing friends on this site and some even go beyond this site. Stay close!!! We are here to help.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Welcome LostSoul!!!! We can all relate to what you're going through, how you feel, and how much you truly WANT to quit drinking. Right Lizann? Ginger, that is a great post by NoSugar. It's right on the money. How many times have we all let The Beast, in a weak or stressful moment, convince us to take that first drink? And the end result is ALWAYS the same......regret, remorse, guilt, anger, ashamed. Right Lizann?
Like Ginger says, spend as much time as you can on this sight reading and posting. Get through day 1 and day 2 will follow. Just keep doing it, day by day, and you will start to feel better and think clearer. We're all here to help each other succeed and get each other through the tough times, because we care.....right Lizann? :l
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi Everyone, so glad to have new relapsers joining us here. We have ALL been where you newbies are. I can't imagine drinking after five months abstinent but that is what alcohol does, eh? It sneaks up on you when you feel recovered and whispers sweet nothings in your ear and before you know it, down goes that drink! That's why we should stick around even if we've achieved many months.
It's so tempting to get involved in other things and let the recovery blogs and sites go by the wayside but it's the beginning of the end.
So do as we do and stay close, read everything and post often. Once you have a few days under your belt, reach out and encourage those on their day one. Giving of ourselves really motivates US to stay sober.
I could not have done this without everyone here. We all have weak days and especially when things go wrong.. Ginger ... thinking about you; you too Lizann. When life throws us curve balls, we have to rise to the challenge to face them authentically. It's part of growing up as they say we stopped maturing when alcohol began ruling our lives and I believe that. We don't want to feel pain or fear but it's part of who we are and we have to learn to accept those feelings and to let them blow through us. Those feelings always leave eventually whether we drink or not.
I am so happy to be among you all. xoxo"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Just found you all
Hi everyone,
I just found this thread. I am a 54 year old woman whose story is a lot like Sober Soul told everyone, a few months ago - when I got to the end of this thread and found you all, still going on and supporting each other - what a burst of hope! You can't imagine - or actually, you probably can imagine. I have been trying to stay AF off and on for about six years now.
Now, it's day 5 AF, for what seems like the millionth time. I feel so good today, I think to myself, why would you go back? Yet, I have gone back - again and again. Heading into the weekend, and have some support from my husband, who is willing to go AF during the work week - he's less committed on the weekend. In the past, I've gone ahead with him for "one or two" on Saturday night - we all know where that leads. So, this weekend I'm going for it all - meaning, going for NONE - regardless of what hubby does. The nice thing is that we can talk about this tonight - he'll do what he can to help me, other than not have a few on Saturday night himself. We need to get to the point where we can talk about both of us stopping - just not there yet.
Anyway, the tips on this thread for keeping it up, even through previous failures, have been really helpful and I am going to try some of them this weekend. Thank you to you all, but especially to you Sober Soul for starting this thread. It helps so much to know I'm not the only beginner - for the umpteenth time.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
It's My Time! Welcome to this thread. I too thank SS for starting this thread. It has completely changed my life. I'm creeping up on 100 days. I know I'd never be here without all the support I've found on MWO. SS also writes a blog you may find helpful. I love to read it. She's an excellent writer. It is here: Granny Gets Sober
If you start to drink this weekend, play it forward all the way to the end before you drink. That can really help. Also, come here first! I'll be checking in and looking for you. Glad you made the decision to join. Stay close!
Everyone else! Hope you all have an excellent AF weekend!!