Slow day at work and whiskey was calling my name. Procrastinated until I made it to the Dojang. Just got back a little while ago and can't help but smile!
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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Slow day at work and whiskey was calling my name. Procrastinated until I made it to the Dojang. Just got back a little while ago and can't help but smile!“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb
"See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest Roll Call
Cattleman Cafe
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Two finger typing on my phone up at the lake but wanted to pop in to say hi and Yay us!!!! The more I look at myself and other recovering boozers the more I am convinced that relapse is truly part of the journey which begs the question "Is this my final quit?" "Is it yours?" I feel that I've learned all I was meant to learn on this leg of my life's journey in the numbing myself out department. It serves no purpose now since I am ready to tackle life authentically. Face the fear and do it anyway... my new motto..
That's why it's so important when we do relapse to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and ask ourselves what we've learned from this in order to do better next time.
Thanks for plugging my blog, Ginger. It's really helping stay sober. And Kradle, you were such a huge part of my first steps towards getting sober and taught me so much. Thank you my friend. Xx"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
So good to hear everyone is in the game! What a team we have!
Welcome Its My Time!!!! It is your time.....hop aboard and enjoy the ride! I'm running a 5K tomorrow morning. The weather is suppose to be great.......should be fun.
Enjoy your AFness everyone!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
SoberSoul;1691300 wrote: Two finger typing on my phone up at the lake but wanted to pop in to say hi and Yay us!!!! The more I look at myself and other recovering boozers the more I am convinced that relapse is truly part of the journey which begs the question "Is this my final quit?" "Is it yours?" I feel that I've learned all I was meant to learn on this leg of my life's journey in the numbing myself out department. It serves no purpose now since I am ready to tackle life authentically. Face the fear and do it anyway... my new motto..
That's why it's so important when we do relapse to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and ask ourselves what we've learned from this in order to do better next time.
Thanks for plugging my blog, Ginger. It's really helping stay sober. And Kradle, you were such a huge part of my first steps towards getting sober and taught me so much. Thank you my friend. Xx
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Thanks Chief, and SS, and everyone. Just checking in - had a rather rough Friday evening. Went to the store with my husband (bad idea!) and bought produce we didn't need while he picked up his beer, just so I wouldn't go back to the AL section. OK. Should be proud of myself, right? Instead, when we got home, he went to watch a movie and have beer (I told him I didn't feel like watching a movie just then), and so I went to pick blackberries. More on that in a minute. When I got back, I sat in our bedroom and just cried, and cried. Now, I know and truly believe in the value and importance of being grateful (SoberSoul's post this morning confirms this, as well as Chief's - 5K! Wow!), but I also thought that it's probably normal to grieve for what is lost. The truth is, having AL (Chardonnay for me) on Friday night is - WAS - pleasurable. Watch a movie with hubby, sip into oblivion, fall asleep, never make it to the end of the movie (don't even remember what movie we started to watch) but who cares?
But, that is exactly why I have trouble making it past day five. I can do OK during the week - I'm a really early riser naturally, so if I can keep myself extremely busy and get past the witching hour to 9:00, by then it's like, what's the point? You have to go to work tomorrow, go to bed. But Fridays are different. And that leads to Saturday night, and Sunday, and then maybe even Monday, Tuesday with AL ... don't worry, it's OK, you can try to quit again NEXT week... A bad cycle. When will I be able to watch a Friday night movie with my husband again? I don't know. But here's what I DO know.
It's day six, and I made it. Have made it to day five many times, and have made it to day six ... maybe a handful of times. What makes this different is that I got past my grieving (for now anyway), and this morning really felt like I was starting to grow into my screen name - it's my time.
Now for a bit of humor - when you are really trying to stick to being AF, you can sure get a lot done, right? Here in the Pacific Northwest the blackberries are in full season. My husband gave me a strange look last night when I said I wanted to go pick blackberries instead of watch a movie. Why? Because we already have a freezer full that I have picked the last couple weeks - keeping myself busy in the evening so I won't drink! Really. An entire freezer full. We could supply Safeway at this point. Since I've now picked every last ripe berry within walking distance, tonight I'm going to finish sewing a skirt that I started, I don't know, a couple years ago? It's probably out of style by now, but I'll stay busy! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and thanks again for the support.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
It's my time, great post. I believe that you hit the nail right on the head! I never thought about it like that, but I believe I am grieving too! Crying is very cathartic. Keeping busy is key I find as well. Thank you for that insight!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
It's My Time, my personal thread is called "Welcome to the Window Shoppers" where I describe my life drinking pattern similar to yours. I understand the grieving, I do.
I'm proud of you, Blackberry Queen.
:l Patty"God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down." :hug:
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
It's My Time, Congratulations on day 6! You can do this one day at a time. The first week is the hardest. They say it takes 6 weeks to make or break a habit. Don't know if that's true or not but I swear when I hit 6 weeks AF, I started to feel human again. Up to that point it was a battle everyday for me. Hopefully it won't take that long for you but if it does just remember it gets so much better. Today I stood in the booze isle with my hubs while he picked out a bottle of gin. I didn't even flinch because I DON'T drink anymore. I wouldn't go anywhere near that isle in the early days of my quit!! No flippin' way!! I'm sneaking up on 100 days and life is good! Stay close and if you feel like slipping, come here first. You can always PM me too. BTW... I'm in central WA.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Thanks Ginger, Patty and Lizann. I'll take the title "Blackberry Queen!"When I read your "window shopping" thread Patty, it so very much hit home. I can believe that you understand the grieving - it helps, because I sometimes wonder if people would think I was nuts, that I should be so happy to have overcome a craving, but no, not always. This is just plain hard right now, but I can do hard. That's what I keep repeating when I want to slip. Ginger999, you have helped me see through to what mid-Sept might be like. I need to remember that this is an addiction but also a really really bad habit.
Tonight I'm sewing my way to a day 7; let's keep on having a great weekend (that we'll remember) everybody!