You are an inspiration Ginger and my thoughts are also with you - so very hard to lose our furry family members. Peace, IMT
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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Good morning, Umpteenthers! We had a good rain last night so the heavy heat wave was washed away, at least for awhile. How refreshing! Hope you all are guarding your quits like your life depends on it because it does. Hubs (occasional drinker without a problem) and I were talking during our walk yesterday about how much better we feel AF. He's been abstaining in support of my efforts. (I'm a lucky lady) He received a thank you gift of a special burbon and had a shot last night. After he drank it, he looked at me and said, "I wish I hadn't done that. What's the point?". LOL - My AFness is catching!! Love you guys!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Ginger999 - agreed, I love the weather break too, and yes, I'm still guarding! Sleep isn't so great, but I know it's normal and at least I can go back to sleep when I wake up (unlike waking up WIDE awake at 3:00 am like before, and then still waking up in an AL-soaked fog). This is much better.
You are indeed a lucky lady!!! As I wrote earlier, my hubs is abstaining but only during the work week. It's something I'll have to figure out how to deal with - I feel bad asking him to abstain on weekends when I'm the one who can't quit once I start - but I guess the only thing left to do is talk about that too.
Hey everyone on this thread, how have family members who drink impacted your quitting for the umpteenth time, and even more important, how have you stayed AF with drinking family members around?
Have a great day everyone and keep up the good fight!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
IMT, Yep just need to talk it out with him. However, as Alkies we need to be able to stay "quit" even around it. My hubs didn't abstain during the early part of my quit. It wasn't until recently that he began to think he'd do it for his own health benefits. I still don't sleep very well yet. Seems I only need about 6-7 hours in my old age. I sure don't miss that 3am wake up either. That used to suck big time.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
My hubby drinks a pretty much nightly. I don't like beer, so it really doesn't bother me. Falling asleep and staying asleep without al is a problem for me, but at least I'm able to function. In the mornings. Still taking it just one day at a time.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Ok so that should be one beer a night. So since my last post tons has happened! My hubby has to be out of his office by Sept 30th! We knew this was coming, but didn't expect it so soon. He is a chiropractor with only a few more years until retirement. I thought about going to get a bottle of wine, but didn't. Went to my husbands office and started cleaning some things out. Worked for four solid hours, after a full day of work. I'm exhausted, numb and most importantly sober! We will do more tomorrow. The plan right now is that he will see patient here at the house.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann, you did great. Stress is a real drink inducer and you handled it with aplomb. What short notice you have. Hopefully him working from home will ease him into retirement and it might end up working to both your advantages. Things happen that way...
Ginger, I hope you are doing better since your little Ellie was put down. It takes so long to get over the fact that she's gone; it's so black and white with dead. We're either completely and utterly here or completely and absolutely gone. There's no in between or preparation usually.
Ginger, did I miss your Day 100. If I did, I hope you celebrated like crazy... Please let me know what your count is as we are side by side and I'm at 109...
Have any of you heard of ? It's a site where you write your future self a letter and it arrives to your email on the date you predetermine. I have sent myself a few and it was fun to see the changes I predicted and the actual changes that had occurred. I've sent myself a letter as far into the future as 2017 and as soon as November 25th of this year when I'll be six months sober. I'm challenging myself to continue to improve my body and my mind. You might want to check it out.
On the subject of husband's support, I have booze all around me and hubby drinks whenever he wants to which is about four times a week and never much. I don't care really but occasionally I envy him."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Yep, I don't like beer either and don't want it even when I'm having a monster craving, so that at least helps!
Wow Lizann you did great. I'm reminded that several years ago, our internist got fed up with the hassles of joint practice and started practicing out of his home. He's going strong and really likes it; we like going there because it's so comfortable-feeling.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
SS, I'm much better today. I still look for Ellie at every turn but I know that will pass over time. We leave for a 10 day trip tomorrow and I'm glad to be getting out of town. Remember when I was freaked to be going camping! What a difference 101 days makes. LOL There will be plenty of booze floating around the first part of the trip so I have my plan ready. The second half of the trip will be pretty much 0 alcohol but I still can't let my guard down!! The beast is always lurking! Off to bed.... It's been a long one.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Ginger, my heart goes out to you at the loss of your beloved doggie friend. We are on our third dog, and losing each of them felt like we lost part of us. Life just goes on, never the same.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
After a foodnights sleep, I feel my resolve to not drink somewhat weaker. I am sad, after thirty five years of practicing my hubby now faces retirement! I am home alone and have allowed myself a good cry. I don't do changes well and we are definitely entering another phase of life. Our daughter (the newlywed) has offered to help us today. I will not drink. I need to be here for hubby. He seems ok with it but he's not one to show emotion, he's a go with the flow type of guy. Thanks for your encouraging words. I will stick close here as much as I can as I need you all right now!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann, Sorry you are going through this right now. Maybe this is a gift and you just don't know it yet. The universe has a way of giving us what we need even before we know we need it. Keep your mind open to the changes that are coming and just see what happens. Glad your daughter is around to help with this transition. And above all else... Protect your quit. This would all be much harder if you were still drinking. Stay strong and stay close.
We leave today for our 10 day trip and won't be back until the evening of the 24th. I may be MIA off and on but will be thinking of all of you and checking in as much as I can.
Chief, Were are you, dude??
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann, try to stay calm and not drink. It will be so counter-productive if you do and you'll be sadder and more depressed so please stay close.
Ginger, I knew you were at around 100 days... WOW!! You are one amazing sober trooper.. so happy to be doing this together.. xoxox Have a great vacation."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."