Wow SoberSoul, ..sorry you lost 4 months and it must be hard to not only have a neighbors but family members who don’t support your sobriety. As everyone here knows, there is no way AL makes anyone less boring or more fun by itself...that is just a matter of perspective. Hopefully you can shake this one off and convince those around you that (for you anyway) there are so many other things to enjoy in life other than AL and you don’t need it for a good time. Best wishes.
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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Wow SoberSoul, ..sorry you lost 4 months and it must be hard to not only have a neighbors but family members who don’t support your sobriety. As everyone here knows, there is no way AL makes anyone less boring or more fun by itself...that is just a matter of perspective. Hopefully you can shake this one off and convince those around you that (for you anyway) there are so many other things to enjoy in life other than AL and you don’t need it for a good time. Best wishes.“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Never feel like you lost months of sobriety if you slip. You will never lose them unless you fail to get back on that wagon. Those months of AFness are still there and all the lessons learned while being AF are still there. Time and lessons are never lost, just get back on that wagon!!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
I so glad you posted, SS.....It would have been easy to not post and to just continue drinking today.
Here's my 2 cents worth....I think you decided to drink before last night. Look at your post on the 8th. You said drinking was inevitable. I saw that and commented on it to you. Try and reconstruct why you were trying to convince yourself that you were going to drink. I know the house, the trailer, the mud...etc., but we all have day to day shit we have to deal with. Just try and think about your thinking...that's all.
The comments made by everyone who was happy about your drinking are comments made by people with drinking problems. You know you have a drinking problem and want to do something about it and we all are very proud of you for having the strength to do it. So get up and dust yourself off and get back on the horse and the hell with everyone who gets in your way....even family. That's just the way it has to be....
Stick with us, are not depriving yourself of a damn thing by not drinking!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
From the bottom of my heart I thank you all. I am not beating myself up about drinking; I just haven't had the urge to bash myself on this one. What I am is scared. I have no desire to drink tonight and the same box of wine is still sitting there. It's only 3pm so it's still early yet but I would be such a fool to drink tonight. I would really have to hate myself to do it. I like myself and have accepted this slip but don't plan on making a big deal of it.
You are all right; getting back on the sober bandwagon is the answer and here I am. I did not run and hide. I was hiding from you all for weeks before I slipped. Wish I knew how the sub-conscious mind works...
Stay close everyone and those of you who are still struggling, learn from me. It's not worth it but not the end of the world if we slip. I am still proud of my A/F time and as of now, I do not drink.
xoxo"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Oh, SS. That's so tough! I'm right there with you. We can do this.
Chief, I enjoy that first glass of wine, it relaxes me. If a little makes me feel good A little more will make me feel better. I feel like I'm more outgoing and just more fun. I too woke up with a head ache the morning after. I hate what it does to me.
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Back again and on the wagon still. Lizanne, glad you've checked in and thanks for the words. I know you are in your own difficult situation too. So happy you're on the team.
Ginger, you are so encouraging and I feel like we've been steadily doing this together for a long time.
Chief, your words really resonate with me as you are the voice of reason here. Your photo makes me think of a calm, gentle giant.
Tonight was a great, big, fat test. I suggested we order a pizza and hubby said he preferred to go to the local village restaurant. I knew they served draft. I really like draft beer. We went, he ordered an amber draft, supportive angel that he is, and I ordered a lemon water. I did have a struggle though. I'm not out of the woods yet.
The past four months were really easy compared to this. Since I quit, I never truly struggled; not like this. Now I am going to learn what people are talking about when they say quitting is the hardest thing they've done in their lives. If I can get through these next few weeks sober with the family, business and living conditions being as stressful as they currently are, I CAN DO ANYTHING!!
I must get my hands on some A/F drinks so I fit in as that seems to be my weakness right now. I'm going to check out Living Sober's list. Tools are what I need right now.
It might be time to amp up the meditation practice."If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
SS, I'll have to check out Living Sober list too. The more tools in the arsonal the better! Stay close.
Lizann, Thinking about you too! Keep checking in and posting.
Chief, Thanks for always being the voice of reason!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Really a/f drinks? I'll have to check it out. A few weeks ago while at a work related event everyone was asking why I was not drinking. Perhaps a drink in my hand that looks like "a drink", would have taken care of all those questions.
Thanks for your kind words and the support. Not feeling particularly strong today. Taking it one minute at a time!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi Lizann, remind me again how many days you have under your belt. Sorry I forgot.When I first climbed on this wagon, I thought I'd never get through those first few weeks. They were nothing less than brutal. I couldn't sleep, my cravings were unbearable and I felt overall rotten. I kept thinking was it worth it to go through this crappiness?? Today is 130 days for me and I can honestly say YES it is worth the initial pain and discomfort. I'd never want to go back and start over though so that keeps me looking forward to each new AF day. I'm happy to report that all my complaints are subsiding. The cravings are all but gone. For me AF beer and wine are just too close to regular beer and wine for my comfort zone. I keep sparkling water and fresh lime/lemon for my drinks at home or when we travel (we are RVers). We rarely go out but when we do, I just have water. My hubs is completely supportive and always asks me before he buys or drinks anything, if I mind he does. I'm really lucky that way.
Hang in there everybody!! What we are trying to do is the best thing for our body, mind and soul. Stay close and post often!!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Thanks, Ginger, lovely post!
I'm getting the intense cravings now and boy, are they bad. I'll just stay close here and surround myself with the comfort of fellow soberists. It's windy and rainy here at the trailer and the floor is covered in mud from hubby's comings and goings. I've washed it twice this morning already.
I've got some work to do so I'll check in later. xxo"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Good morning, SS! Sorry about the gypsy life and all the mud. We RV all winter down south. Fortunately, we are in weather that allows us to live outside most of the time and mud is virtually none existant in that neck of the woods. I've been on the beach in bad weather in the RV and I must admit, I was pretty punky by the end of the week! Wet sand every where. YUK
Stay close my friend!!
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
I can't do the AF beer either. One of the times I relapsed I started drinking AF beer because beer is my drink of choice. Before long I found myself drinking 6-8 per night. One night I let The Beast convince me that I could have "just 1 or 2" regular beers in conjunction with the AF ones. Well, that didn't last long and before I knew it I was right back to drinking heavily and my AF time was done. I had lost all the progress I had made and was right back to square one.....
Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Ginger sadly I'm back on day three. Never tried the non al stuff and have no desire. I don't feel crappy at all and thankfully am sleeping blissfully. The cravings is another story. I was so busy today but the thoughts still come!! It's an almost constant struggle. Thanks for the support guys.