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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hi everyone, I have a lot going on and the wire from the outside post to the house was severed a week and a half ago. It took our internet supplier that long to come fix it. Today we got internet back. I really suffer when I can't or don't access my sobriety sites especially this one.

    I have had a drink or two in the past few days but nothing to get all worked up about. My objective is still total sobriety. I guess I am getting there but the hiccups are part of my journey I guess.

    I believe I will be sober on a continuous basis as I have been since February with the occasional act of stupidity which I will forgive myself for. Every time I do have a glass of wine I don't really enjoy it. I usually pour it out after a few sips. It's like I am not able to do anything that would make me feel accomplished but my heart is still in it 100%.

    Feeling great and not down.

    Looks like everyone is dropping by and reporting in. So happy to see it. Will be here more now that internet is up and running.
    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


      Hi All....just checking in. I've been working a lot of hours lately. I started working for our Regional Transit Authority driving LTV's ( Light Transport Vehicle). They are small buses that hold about 12 people and have wheelchair lifts on them. I do door to door service where I pick clients up at their house and take them to their destination. It could be work, stores, doctor's apt, etc. A lot of them are elderly or disabled and in wheelchairs. I've been in training the past 3 weeks. There was a week of classroom (DOT regs and such) then 2 weeks of driving different routes with different drivers everyday. I passed my final test Friday and I go out tomorrow solo on my own route. I really like it. I love to drive ( I grew up racing go carts, motorcycles, and cars) and I really enjoy helping people. I had a little old lady yesterday in a wheelchair and she has dementia and I was taking her to her doctor. She is just cute as a button. Her name is Ruby. It was cold and snowing and I had her on the whellchair lift loading her in the bus and she looked at me and said " Honey, will you take me to California?" I laughed and said " Sure, Ruby.... me and you are heading to California!" She just looked at me and grinned. It's really satisfying knowing I'm getting them to where they couldn't otherwise go. I'm a Realtor and it's always slow during the winter so I wanted to do something to keep me busy. A friend of mine who's also a Realtor has been working for this company for 6 years and just loves it. About a month ago he told me they had an opening and said I should apply. I'm glad I did. It's fun.

      Well, last Tuesday it was 6 months AF for me. I am SO happy I quit drinking. There is no way I could do this job if I were still drinking. Sometimes I have to get up at 4:30am to be at work by 6:00am. I couldn't imagine doing that all hung over. I get up now bright eyed and bushy tailed rarin' to go! I love having clear eyes and feeling good and looking good. Life is good.....

      I hope you all are enjoying your AFness or are getting close to making a life changing decision to take back the controls and kick the Beast to the curb....



        Originally posted by Chief View Post
        Hi All....just checking in. I've been working a lot of hours lately. I started working for our Regional Transit Authority driving LTV's ( Light Transport Vehicle). They are small buses that hold about 12 people and have wheelchair lifts on them. I do door to door service where I pick clients up at their house and take them to their destination. It could be work, stores, doctor's apt, etc. A lot of them are elderly or disabled and in wheelchairs. I've been in training the past 3 weeks. There was a week of classroom (DOT regs and such) then 2 weeks of driving different routes with different drivers everyday. I passed my final test Friday and I go out tomorrow solo on my own route. I really like it. I love to drive ( I grew up racing go carts, motorcycles, and cars) and I really enjoy helping people. I had a little old lady yesterday in a wheelchair and she has dementia and I was taking her to her doctor. She is just cute as a button. Her name is Ruby. It was cold and snowing and I had her on the whellchair lift loading her in the bus and she looked at me and said " Honey, will you take me to California?" I laughed and said " Sure, Ruby.... me and you are heading to California!" She just looked at me and grinned. It's really satisfying knowing I'm getting them to where they couldn't otherwise go. I'm a Realtor and it's always slow during the winter so I wanted to do something to keep me busy. A friend of mine who's also a Realtor has been working for this company for 6 years and just loves it. About a month ago he told me they had an opening and said I should apply. I'm glad I did. It's fun.

        Well, last Tuesday it was 6 months AF for me. I am SO happy I quit drinking. There is no way I could do this job if I were still drinking. Sometimes I have to get up at 4:30am to be at work by 6:00am. I couldn't imagine doing that all hung over. I get up now bright eyed and bushy tailed rarin' to go! I love having clear eyes and feeling good and looking good. Life is good.....

        I hope you all are enjoying your AFness or are getting close to making a life changing decision to take back the controls and kick the Beast to the curb....

        Hi Chief -Just read your post and wanted to reply. This is exactly the kind of information that offers real "hope" to those trying to be free or who are newly free from firewater. I too am in the real estate industry, and more often than not, I just don't get that sense of "feel good" about earning money from what I am doing. Sure, it pays the bills (most times), but it does not offer that real-down to earth, feel good feeling. I can only imagine how awesome it has to be to do what you are now doing -that directly affects and probably benefits the lives of others.

        Thank you for making this post.


          Hey all. Not AF right now but not been horrible. Tomorrow begins a brand new quit. Four weeks to 40 and I need to buckle down and do the work. Glad I'm back on track at the dojang. Need to work on the meals. Not a big fan of cooking. Also need to read back. Good for you Chief, giving back like that. That's the same reason I miss working psych.
          “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

          "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

          Newbies Nest
          Newbies Nest Roll Call
          Cattleman Cafe


            Still debate self medicating vs. addiction but in the end does it matter?
            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

            Newbies Nest
            Newbies Nest Roll Call
            Cattleman Cafe


              Welcome back, Ori! I've been thinking about you. Stay close and you will get the freedom from AL that you are longing for.

              BG, what's up? Chief, what a wonderful thing you are doing. SS, howdy! Glad to see you posting and not beating yourself up. Lizann, what's up with you? Hi, SW and welcome.

              We made it back to town in 24 hours. That's about 1,000 miles in a day. Way too many hours on the road for a couple of "oldies". Hubby did say he was glad we went and that he had a great time. He is up for doing it next year too! We will be home through Christmas and head back down to So. CA. Cold and foggy here today with a light drizzle. Why do people (family mostly) question why I hate this weather? I left sunny 65-70 degrees to come back for this. UGH.... (count my blessing, count my blessing, count my blessing)


                Thanks Ginger.
                “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                Newbies Nest
                Newbies Nest Roll Call
                Cattleman Cafe


                  Ugg...was doing so well and then...slow motion decent into a bottle of wine last night...Yuk!!! I thought my wine days were behind me. I think the Holidays are pressuring me somewhat more than I thought they would. I hear Byrdy in my head ' no matter What- No matter who....'
                  Ok back on track...for the umpteenth time!! :eek-new:
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Kradle, Welcome back. Sorry for the slide but you are back and that's what matters. Maybe it's time to check out the toolbox again. Before you take that first sip, come here first and tell us what's going on. Then head straight to the toolbox. Just reading through the toolbox has helped me so much. You want this, you can do it!


                      I was thinking about the tool box actually last Ginger. Funny you should mention it!

                      The thing of course is I get so distracted I don't want to come here because of course...then I can't drink.
                      That sounds so awful but it's the truth.... :egad: I find that I have to get on in the morning and just read for a bit...then I see to be properly set for the day. If I fail to do that simple excersie...well, that way lies the liquor aisle in Albertsons!!

                      Home tucked in safe tonight.
                      Big hugs and heart.
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Oh Kradle, We have all been there and suffered through the exact thing you are talking about. I still have to come here a few times a day to keep my head straight even after 200+ days. I guess that just proves the alkie brain is always lurking in people like us. Just keep coming back and checking in. We can do this together.


                          Hi All! Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! We did....had a great dinner with family then my grandson spent the night. That's always fun. He's all excited because Tuesday is his birthday. He's going to be 5. He's at such a fun age.

                          I worked yesterday and picked up an older guy on my route and took him to the grocery store. He lives in a senior citizen's apt. complex and is a regular on my route. I picked him up at 10:30am and he reeked of beer. Every day we pick him up and take him to the store and pick him up an hour later and take him home. He buys a case of beer every day. He's a nice guy but he always reeks of alcohol. He has the complexion of a heavy drinker. It makes me sad to see him....but it also makes me grateful that I was able to quit drinking because I remember looking in the mirror and seeing that complexion. I am so thankful I was able to dig down deep and stop the insanity. I hope every one of you who are struggling are able to find the path to sobriety that you want deep down inside of you. Don't ever give up. If I can do it, so can you. You just have to find the strength, stubbornness, and determination to make it the absolute number 1 thing in your life.

                          There's snow on the ground but it's going to be 55 degrees tomorrow!

                          Well, I have to go pick up my grandson and we're going to get haircuts then I have to be at work at 2:00.

                          Check in everyone....and don't allow The Beast to convince you the holiday season is an excuse to drink. He's a relentless son of a bitch and uses this time of year to try and get in our head.

                          I say, "Bring it on, Beast....hit me with your best shot!"



                            Hi Chief! I enjoyed your pics on FB. You are so right about gkids. Everything about them is the best! I'm so happy for you!

                            I survived Thanksgiving unscathed! I found myself in such a thankful mood while watching everyone over indulge in food and beverage. I stayed true to my AF commitment and vegan eating choices. I had several people tell me how great I looked.... hmmmm that was nice. Two others took me aside to ask how I was able to quit AL. It felt good to tell them about my AF journey. It was like a testimonial. I'll will see if they contact me again. We are all pushing toward 60 and the drinking life really takes its toll. Most everyone didn't rally yesterday until after noon only to start again. Ugh...

                            I'm thankful for all of you, for my AFness and my vegan lifestyle. Check in people!


                              Originally posted by Ginger999 View Post
                              Oh Kradle, We have all been there and suffered through the exact thing you are talking about. I still have to come here a few times a day to keep my head straight even after 200+ days. I guess that just proves the alkie brain is always lurking in people like us. Just keep coming back and checking in. We can do this together.
                              Ginger, wow! 200 days :welldone: but who's counting as Mr. g would say :happy2:
                              Glad your trip went well.
                              Hi Chief. Well done for helping this older gentleman . It is a strange experience to be around people who used to be us....
                              Hugs and heart everyone:hug::heartbeat:
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                Howdy Kradle! How is the AF journey going?

