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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Lizann! So good to see you here again. Those stupid cravingsI had some a few weeks back and man it was tough. I came here and posted and Chief gave me a good talking to! It was all I needed to rally. MWO has pulled me through this kind of thing more than once. I'm so thankful I landed here. This Thursday will be seven months since I took my last drink. Whoot whoot!!
Glad you are back!
SS, I saw your blog post. Wow! Glad you guys made it home safe and sound. How is your AF journey going?
Chief, Kradle, Ori.... Whatz up??
Hi Ginger all you umpteenth timers
Well here I am again, totally fed up with feeling rotten and trying to stay sober so I can be efficient through the holiday season. Wine is interfering with my fitness and running goals so it has to go. I chose to be healthy.
Looking forward to your support once again for my AF journey. You guys are doing so well.
R4LDon't worry, be happy!
R4L! Welcome homeThis umpteenth business can really suck - right? Do you have a plan in place for this holiday season? If not, might be time to put one together. I'm sure glad I had one in place for Thanksgiving. Man oh man... did the wine ever flow! I knew if I slipped Chief would kick my butt so I stuck to my plan like it were glue. I felt so good both mornings as I watched everyone else (not my hubby - he's a good boy) stagger out to start the day. By 3pm the drinking started all over again. I've noticed the last few years even the hard drinkers are starting to slow down. We oldies just can't keep doing this without it taking a major toll. Hell, I guess it takes a major toll no matter how old you are! Stay close and feel free to PM anytime!
Lizann, Funny you should ask.... I just had to address this at Thanksgiving. I was asked during happy hour why I quit. I told them that I felt like I drank too much and it didn't fit in with my healthy eating lifestyle. I'm vegan. The people that did ask commented they wished they could do the same but they just weren't ready to say never. Believe me.... Some of them should definitely consider it!
Seven months Ginger!!!! I'm very proud of you, lady. You're a great example of committing to a way of life that YOU want to live no matter what circumstances come your way. You talk the talk and walk the walk and people respect you for it. Thank you for being here and showing everyone it can be done.
Good to see Lizann and R4L back and ready to take back the control. That's really all it is. Taking back the controls and start flying the plane instead of just being on autopilot. That's the way I use to feel when I was on autopilot.
The holidays are tricky because a lot of people are drinking and expect you to join them. But it's also a good time to take a stand and do it for you.....just don't drink. Trust me, people will notice and more than one will respect and envy you for doing something that takes courage.
I'm doing well. I'm working a lot of hours and loving it.
My grandson's birthday was Tuesday and he turned the big 5! He is so much fun to be around.....every day is an adventure to him! He said to me..."Grandpa, can you believe I'm 5? I remember when I was born and I couldn't even eat ice cream Orio cake!"
FYI looks like our work holiday party will not happen this year do to turmoil in our unit (which I am not involved in). You know what? I'm thrilled not to have to worry about drinking at that party! Don't know if I ever would have said that before. Progress? I sure hope so. My other holiday parties will be dry ones, so no worries there. I tend to hang out with church friends who don't drink, so how the heck am I where I am? Anyhow feeling good today.
Hubby had some blood work for a possible issue, which normally would drive me to the bottle. Used that tool box and decided that if I felt like I needed to I would drink tomorrow and not today. Well it freaking worked! By the time tomorrow came I didn't want to anymore! Another day AF! He's fine by the way and I got thru it without the wine.
Taking it one day at a time.
Ditto that, Lizann and way to use the toolbox! That's exactly what it's for. I love the one you used. Your comment about church and how did you get here.... some of the biggest drinkers I know are church people. The AL beast does not discriminate based on race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation...... You get my drift.
Hello everyone else. Whats up? Chief, I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job and that grandson of yours. Helping is the best medicine. I just watched my 4 year old granddaughter the last two days. It was so much fun but I must admit, I'm exhausted. Think I'll go curl up with Netflix. Over and out!
Doing good. Ran a 5K this morning! Wrapped Christmas gifts this afternoon with which usually had a glass of wine. I had tea instead but I really did miss the wine. If only I could stop at one, but I know better. Feeling good now though. Watched tv with my boys and it felt good to really be present!