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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?
Hi BG and Lizann! Good to see you here and posting. It has been quiet around here. Must be that busy time of the year. We need to be even more aware of the beast than ever. When I first started this quit back in early May, I was bombarded with events that were surrounded by AL. It was like the universe was throwing everything it had at me. I was almost in a panic that first camping trip! I even started a thread called "Into the Abyss" to have a place to post just about my travels. I got lots of good advice and it really helped me get through those spring time adventures without a drink. I'm really glad I'm heading into the holiday season with 7 months AL time under my belt but even if I was just at the beginning of my quit, I'd do the same thing I did back then. I'd start a thread, I'd come here as often throughout the day as possible and I read and post, read and post. NoSugar has started a new thread where people are placing helpful links and videos. It's chocked full of good stuff and a great place to land for a little shot in the arm! Stay close you guys, we can do this together.
You guys are doing great! It's so good to see you here posting. Be proud of yourselves and stay connected. Think of us when The Beast tries to bullshit you. Think of each other. We are all doing this together....strength in numbers!
Remember...there are a lot of people who are drinking during the holidays who deep down inside are not happy with the amount they drink and wish they had the courage, strength, and commitment that you do. Be an example. Show 'em you don't have to have a drink in your hand to enjoy yourself, your family, and the holidays.
I'm doing good. I love my job driving the bus and getting people out when they have no other way of getting out. It's very satisfying, especially with the elderly. They are so appreciative and fun to talk to.....
Thanks Sober soul for starting this link, I am also trying to quit yet again. I remained AF for 5 1/2 months before I thought I could moderate, I was able to for a bit..but then I had some horrible nights..I think I'm scared to finally admit I can't drink alcohol ever again, and when I go for a period of time without it I think I have found a way to control my relationship with it...I just don't know how I can finally stop the bloody cycle... I like this thread, because I am not a newbie at trying to quit, but I am a newbie on trying to make it finally stick!
Welcome Open Halo! We have ALL been in the same situation....after abstaining for a length of time we let The Beast tell us..." See, this isn't so bad. You can control your drinking. You can quit whenever you want, you just proved it. So why not have a couple and relax....enjoy yourself.....you've got it under control....."
Only to find all to soon that we're right back to where we were before......not in control. And I know exactly what you mean when you say you're scared to admit that you can't drink and stay in control. But the fact of the matter is people like us can't moderate or control our drinking. We just can't. We're not wired like that. Drinking 0 or 12 is easy. Drinking 1 or 2 is impossible.
For me, once I finally admitted to myself that I truly was an alcoholic and simply had to make a choice, either I continued drinking and being unhappy and miserable, or I stopped fighting it and quit, it became easier. You have to stop fighting The Beast. You have to step out of the ring. If you never step into the ring, you can never get knocked down. It's as simple as that.
So Welcome and I hope you can get into the right mindset. That's really what it is. Stop trying to fight it. Turn over a new leaf and make a commitment to yourself to take control of your life. There are millions of people who don't drink and think nothing of it.
Come on here every day as many times as it takes.....read and post. We're all here with you.
P.S. Hi Ginger! I always love hearing your posts! :thumbsup:
Thanks Ginger and Chief for your kind and supportive words. Chief , I like your analogy of the boxing ring, it is hard for me to see others be able to go in and out of the ring with such ease. Unfortunately that is never going to be me, I just need to really realize this and quit AL for good. I have to remember that it is a strength to admit your weaknesses, and AL has control over me, I do not have the ability to control it when I step into that boxing ring. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, and I am DETERMINED to get through Alcohol Free!
Open halo,are you broken halo?oh shitake mushrooms,um on my upteenth quit yet againwhat a dumbass!! i had 31 days,i can go stretches then turn into a nerd!!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Paulywogg no I am not formerly broken halo, although I do remember her posts and her icon (it was a cat I remember!), I was simply halo but after an absence was unable to log in under that user name. The first time I came on was very rewarding, I managed to get 5 1/2 months AF under my belt before I slipped and took a looooong fall. Here's to a new start and hoping this time it sticks! Glad to hear you have 30 days in, that is where I want to be!
hey Ginger, we have 2 daughters in Vancouver, they are braving out the worst of the storm as we speak...Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Ya, crazy storm isnt it?
We have missed this one, but were hit a few weeks ago with a doozy.
Glad to see everyone here,
Hi Paulywagg and Halo.
I am fairly new here, and I am trying to be here daily. I am finding reading and posting very helpful.
It is interesting to read how others have gone thru or are going thru the same issues and feelings. We are all different, but we are also all very similar. As I am sure we would be with AL. Right now we just have this common desire to change and to make our lives better - and we are doing it. One day at a time.
Hi Ginger, Cowboy, Chief ( and several others) - for always being here for us newbies and giving good sound advice. I appreciate it and I am sure others do as well.
Back to the tool box - I need to keep working on this