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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Min, I'm glad you had a week and could feel the difference. I so wish I'd quit back when my kids were little. Maybe they wouldn't have struggles with AL now too if I had. There's another motivator!

    Pauly, I drink Braggs Apple Cidar vinegar every morning. Two tablespoons in a cup of water. I think it helps me with all sorts of things. I know I start to feel sluggish and plugged up without it. I hadn't been taking it for about 5 days on the trip down here and I caught the bad bug going around. I wonder if I'd been taking it if I'd avoiding this crud or at least shortened it's life. I'm back on it now though and won't go off again!! I highly recommend a naturopath, if you don't get the answers you are looking for.

    Happy Birthday, ABC!!! So glad you are here.

    We've got this you guys! Come here before you do anything crazy like drink. We can get through this together.


      Ginger that's the same brand I bought at first I didn't want it cuz of the murkiness but read that's what makes a good acv
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Pauly, that is the good part. It's called the Mother. I've tried other brands but didn't feel like I got the same benefits. Strange is really helpful for acid reflus. Seems counter to what you might think. It's tastes kind of nasty at first but you get used to it pretty quickly. I highly recommend it to everyone!


          Hey all. Assuming this is an American brand of vinegar....?
          Have you tried a neti pot to help clear sinuses. I used it a lot with sinus stuff when I was pregnant. Think Amazon sell them online.

          I don't want to drink around my kids.. Daughter already at the age she can tell. I am setting down some fruit now. Hungry and know that it is a major trigger.

          So how long have you guys been AF?


            Hi Everyone, got to get back on the braggs vinegar routine myself. Low grade fever here and feeling crappy. A bunch of drinkers coming for supper but not drinking.. not at all interested. It's always easy for me at first. Antennae up!!

            Only 4 days for me Minstar. I'm right with you and a few others here. Like everyone says, the key is coming here and reading and posting when you feel the urge.

            I feel surrounded and protected by you all. xoxo
            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


              Stay strong SoberSoul. I always find the first day or two hard. Then easier. Then complacency sets in. Let's do this together.

              At dinner hubby had beer asked me if I wanted something. I said we had wine- he offered to get me some but I said no. Tempted but no.

              Made sure I ate and then kids to bed, shower and bedmyself now.

              reading MWO and then my book

              Stay safe x


                Good job Min I forgot to mention that yesterday, never let yourself get too hungry!when we go out to eat I always order a side salad and have them bring it immediately cuz they seem to drag ass with our entrees,many times I've succumbed to just ordering a beer(they speed bring those!)just to get something in my belly cuz I felt like climbing the walls,also drinking a ton of ice water, never get too thirsty either, I think our bodies get confused by what it wants when hungry/thirsty
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  SS, sorry you are still sick. It's a doozy. Be mindful of coughing, fever and shotness of breath. It's been turning into pneumonia in the states.

                  Min, Braggs is a US product. You may be able to get through If you can find another brand where you are, just make sure it's organic and unfiltered so it retains the mother. It will be amber in color and cloudy. I'm also BIG on probiotics. We should all be taking them, including the wee ones. Eighty percent of your immune system is in the gut so probiotics are very important. Disclaimer....I'm not in health care, I just read a lot.

                  I'm about 8 1/2 months AF now.

                  Min, good job on refusing the drink offer. A lot of us went to bed early in the beginning just to end the day. That and started eating ice cream! My favorite is So Delicious coconut ice cream. It's non-dairy, less fat, sugar and calories. Lots of flavors too! Whatever works!!


                    Not only our immune system Ginger but our serotonin levels, another thing on eating, my last detox I went to taco bell TWICE in one day!not the healthiest choice but it stayed down and in,I still find I have to eat something every 4 hours, even if it's just nuts or jerky or I get weird
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Heck Pauly, I eat every two hours! Always....


                        Ginger 81/2 months is awesome, I can't wait to get to that point. One day at a time and pretty soon those AF days add up!! You are doing great Minstar and Sober Soul, staying close to the MWO is a great first step. Thanks again SS for setting up this thread. I never heard of having Braggs vinegar every day, what are the benefits??? I drink a lot of lemon water and green tea. Keep warm everyone!


                          Here's a link to Braggs


                            I love Bragg's vinegar. I put a shot in a glass of sparkling water with ice.

                            Also...speaking of hunger. The acronym H.A.L.T......hungry, angry, lonely, tired.........these are times when we can crave (or think we crave) alcohol. Whenever you are experiencing a craving, ask yourself if you are any of these.



                              So nice to see everyone here, supporting each other - that is wonderful.

                              I am fairly new also, and have loved this forum for its advice and support.

                              Welcome and please post, read and ask anything.



                                Thanks guys :-) strength in numbers :-)

                                Halt also the acronym I'm thinking of chief. Lol

                                Reading reading x

