Wow, Sober. I Just found Your thread! :new:... What an Absolute Avalanche of determined Dialogue tapped a true vein!
I know MWO is of course all about us getting and staying sober but MWO is a vast ocean of people in different stages of their journey so this thread is really the first I've seen in which we can all concentrate on those moments that lead us to the first drink..and then the 20th...
I of course have been here since Moses...someone said early in the thread it takes between 5-8 years to 'get it' I am right under the wire

To be honest, I don't even know where i am on the spectrum anymore. I just know that since 2012, when I truly made MWO a constant, upfront part of my days, that's when it all started getting better---and worse--- I do know that I have never reurned to that nightly blurr, the daily plate spinning of lies and fiction I presented about my life and my relationships . That Crap Is Gone....and the new crap is ..well..manageable. Painful but Manageable...

But I am a Rinse Repeat kind a gal and so I am with you all on this one!
My Primary tool right now is focusing exclusively on and then more health...Using Juicing, Using Oils, Using Hypno...getting into a clear, consistant routine of Lemon, honey ginger water in teh morning...Oils when I feel bad...Juicing at least once a day...big soups with lots of veggies and broth which I graze on all day....I guess you could say I'm becoming very Orally Fixated!!
But really, it's working...I'm simply too darn preoccupied to buy a bottle of Rum and a Schwepps...
Now can that change? Well, we all Know that can change in a heart beat and I can find myslef in the check out line with bags of broccolli cleverly concealing a bottle of Barcardi..
But I will focus now on the moments before I hand over my check card and the clerk rings me up. I will check in here...I will call...I will think about what I am doing and what I will be doing if I keep on doing what I am doing...
Oh Jeesh! Rambled on again...I swear I'm worse than Dennis Miller sometimes...:H
Love you Sober et all! I am on board!:l:h
PS: Had to Copy Past this: