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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hi Open Halo,
    One of the apps I tried is called "Stop, Breathe &Think" It is geared towards teens (I am going to get my 14 yr old trying this). But it seems to have a nice voice and several different meditations for different uses. (feelings)

    I have also gotten some free subliminal MP3 from - there are several there, one for AL reduction. Some for exercise, dieting, positive attitude. I do not like the sounds as much on these, but that is just me.

    Another one just called Relaxing sounds, water, wind, birds etc. - even sleep, but that one is a paid one.

    I am sure there are many others out there for both Android and Apple products.
    Let me know if you find one you like. Hope this helps you calm your mind and body and sleep.



      Thanks everyone for your support and sharing sleeping and sweats.

      Just fed baby his night feed- have been sweating this night. It's freezing in London and I'm sweating... Why do we do this to ourselves?!?

      I also use meditaiotn. Anyone tried Yoga nidra. I used to be major into yoga and it really helped drift off. U actually purchased a cd on It. I also use some you tube stuff or listen to BBC radio 4. They have stories on there that are great to listen to. It's like someone is reading me a bedtime story ha ha In the beginning I also take long baths or showed and have started reading again - wild by Cheryl Strayed atm- recommeneded from newbies best :-)

      I have t used anything else but am wary of it can begone addictive so I guess for me-i just have to ride out the lack of sleep calling at the beginning.

      Right lil fella asleep. Let's see if jcan get some

      Stay safe :-)


        MinStar, I missing having a little fella to put to sleep!
        Chief thanks for the pep talks. I can't tell you how encouraging they are!
        Now I'm wide awake after watching those championship games! I'm off work tomorrow so no worries.


          Lizann- you're welcome to come and do a few shifts! Enjoy your day off. Any plans?

          Gosh just read my post from 3am. How many typos? I must've been tired. Funny as I couldn't sleep for an hour and half after :-/

          Hope everyone is well.


            Happy Monday all,Min,I have a yoga DVD I've never even taken out of the plastic wrap I'm sure it would help with my body/ mind,I'll try it one of these days,as for meditation I like a self hypnosis on mindclearing on YouTube, the guys voice is soo soothing, yuck,for the past two days I've had a nauseas stomach, I think it's the time released melatonin I decided to try again,it's the only thing I've done differently, I was reading the loamers thread and available made an awesome post about not pushing ourselves too hard,I mean I know we have to make changes for sobriety to work however, we don't need to have the perfect body,house,etc right away, it takes time, I'm just gonna take it easy and just live,hope everyone has a good Monday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Howdy everyone... I can guarantee there will be no repeat of last Monday! I guess I'm lucky in that I have no sleep problems, early to bed and early to rise has been my motto for a good number of years! But then, there is only Bubba and Hank in the house with me and we all like it that way.

              MS - you asked what my counsellor is like? Well, since I've never been to a counsellor, I have nothing to compare her too lol. The hardest part was making the first call. I'm not sure how many times I punched in the number on my cell phone before I finally pushed the "call" button, now, I know it was the best thing I did. I was afraid to admit to anyone that I needed help, it was harder for me to admit that than admitting I was an alcoholic! I guess I would have to say that being able to sit and talk face to face with a complete stranger, bare my soul and all my insecurities without any fear of being ridiculed, was the best thing that happened to me. She is soft spoken, knows the right things to say to make me feel comfortable enough to keep sharing. It was better than any AA meeting I've attended, and as a matter of fact, she said it was okay to step away from AA while we are working together, but not to give up on AA, but re-evaluate my feelings about AA down the road. I will try and post my counselling progress on my "secret" thread, but I would definitely encourage anyone to see a counsellor if they think they need one!

              And if you bump into Chief today, remember that

              Chief is celebrating his 8 month milestone today, CONGRATS Don!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Woo-hoo Don!!!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Congrats Don! You inspire me! Thanks for being here and encouraging us.
                  Mornings are hard for me, can I make it through without al? But Im Just taking it one day at a time. Any day I don't drink is a good day.
                  MinStar I love Mondays! I just do the hausfrau thing. Laundry, food shop, clean, run on the treadmill, cook a big meal. Today hubs had me helping him try and clear the stairs. I carried buckets of hot water up and down the stairs. Wonder if I could consider that my work out? Anyway I get to wear my new hunter boots today's. A reward I treated myself too for not buying al! I would love to take a shift with your little guy, I know it can be exhausting!
                  I'll check back in later.


                    Morning all! Feeling thankful today for all of you and this thread. I find it incredible that people that have never met in person can become so bonded. Ain't technology great?

                    ABC, so glad you're back!

                    Chief, whoot whoot 8 months! Great job quit buddy!

                    Let's get out there and have a great AF week!!
                    Last edited by Ginger999; January 19, 2015, 08:00 PM.


                      Hey Chief Don, Congratulations! You and Ginger are really an inspiration to us all!

                      AB Cowboy (fellow Canuck) I am so glad you are here and putting your trust in that Councillor. It feels good to be able to talk freely with no fear of ridicule or misunderstanding. You are doing everything right not only to ensure your recovery but to promote your mental and spiritual health. I am honoured to know you.

                      I`ve been reading a great book by Scott Kiloby called Natural Rest For Addiction. I`ve been practicing being an observer of my thoughts and more so, my cravings... resting in the present thoughts rather than reacting to them. He says that thoughts and cravings are like smoke in the sky or ripples in a lake: they build energy then eventually ebb away if left alone. By paying attention to them and analysing, criticising or acting on them, we strengthen them. By watching them and not judging them we help them along towards their dissipation. It works for me. It`s actually suggested that throughout the day we are to rest in the present moment often to get used to it.

                      I have the 18 month old today and he`s a happy little guy despite the fact that Mommy and Daddy have left and he has no idea where or why. Love him to bits.
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        Good morning.

                        Congrates Chief - 8 months is fantastic. - is there a prize for that? There should be!
                        Cowboy - way to go on day 7- hats off to you.

                        So good to have all of you here.

                        Have a great day.



                          Congrats to all those hitting milestones. Fantastic stuff!

                          Lizann- sounds like you had a productive Monday! I would be happy to let you do a shift or three lol

                          SS- Ibteresting as yoga texts also talk of ripples of thought in the mind- vritti if I recall. Think there is a number of days/weeks it takes to change these vritti. I'll see if I can dig some kinks out later when I'm hands free.

                          Stay strong


                            Back again- sorry Cowboy- I asked as I wonder if spilling all to a stranger is something I would benefit from.

                            Many moons ago I did counselling for various things but didn't find it helped much. Wasn't for AL though.

                            AA meets not doable with two young kids. My partner dosnt know either not does anyone else actually/ so can't really share the depth of how far if gone with anyone in person.


                            Off to read .. Will check in before I fall asleep.

                            stay Strong.


                              Originally posted by MinStar View Post
                              Back again- sorry Cowboy- I asked as I wonder if spilling all to a stranger is something I would benefit from.
                              MS, ask yourself the same thing I did before I finally made the call "how can it hurt?"
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Minstar: I am with you AA meetings are not doable for me either with two young kids. Ginger, I totally agree with you about this thread. Thank goodness for MWO or I don't know how I could have made it this far.

                                Awesome cowboy on your 7 days and Chief your 8 months! A big inspiration to all of us. Cowboy, admitting your flaws is the ultimate sign of strength. So you are indeed one of the strongest cowboys in Alberta, I'm sure of it!!!

                                SS I'm going to pick up that book, Natural Rest for Addiction this weekend, love good book recommendations. Thanks for sharing!

