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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    OMG just ate two massive spring rolls, brownie and icecre and huge glass of milk. Trying to avoid AL today! Off to shower and bed after reading.

    Hope everyone is safe!


      Thanks for the Congrats on 8 months everyone! I'm SO glad I don't drink anymore. I couldn't imagine going back to that way of life. I'm so happy I'm not a prisoner anymore.....

      Been working a lot of hours but that's O.K. because I love my job. I take my test tomorrow to get my CDL. Hope it's not snowing too hard. I have to do all kinds of maneuvers and parallel park a 38ft bus! Should be fun....

      Enjoy your AFness!


        Good luck tomorrow Chief, but somehow I think its not going to be a problem for you!
        A good friend of mine runs a charter bus service, and I sometimes drive for him when he is short on drivers. It's not easy manoeuvring a 56 passenger coach anywhere lol. I was lucky as I already had my Class 2 License, so I didn't have to do a road test in the bus.
        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


          Min, whatever it takes don't drink. Getting your diet straightened out later is way better than giving in to the AL cravings. Stay the course. Your babies need an AF mama. ☺

          Liz, hope you are holding up with all the extra hours. Sending you extra energy!

          Hey, ABC! So glad you're back!

          Good luck tomorrow, Chief. You'll do just fine!

          Hey everyone stay warm, stay close and stay away from AL!


            MinStar, ginger is right. Don't worry about what you are eating right now. Just do whatever to not drink. Do you have help,with the two little ones? Putting them to bed was always my favorite time with them and also after when they were asleep and it was me time. I used to take a nice long hot bath with a good book.
            Chief good luck on your test. Let us know how you do.
            Ginger your picture on fb was beautiful. So serene.
            Open halo, thank you for your kind words. I am off tomorrow and I am hoping to go shopping for new kitchen counter tops
            Keeping it classy.


              Good luck Chief!

              Thanks ginger and Lizann. I am not worrying about food so much as annoyed I didn't have a good meal. Not a sweets person but it was all I could grab. I know hunger between 5-8 is a dangerous thing.

              I stress too much at bathtime. Want them fed bathed and in bed so I can eat, sleep, clean, tidy and have a bath or shower myself. Let alone do some paperwork or catch up on emails! But I do love them falling asleep and night time cuddles. :-)

              Hope everyone has a safe day x


                Ps. Still night sweats at D4/5 :-/ anyone tell me how long they last. I can't recall from previous quits. Also, I am super moody. Specially last night. Still low tolerance and find my self gritting my teeth! :-(


                  Hope the test went well Chief, I couldn't even imagine driving a bus of any kind!

                  Lizann have fun shopping for kitchen counter tops, are you renovating your entire kitchen? Maybe make time for a quick visit to a spa!

                  Minstar, I agree with the ladies about what you are eating, just make sure you are incorporating healthy foods as well, at my first quit I ate so many chocolate covered almonds I should have bought stock!

                  Glad to see you are doing well cowboy, remember to stay close to us:happy2:


                    Hope you are feeling better this am Minstar, I have been battling sleeping issues as well, it was recommended to listen to some meditation tapes/soothing music and I can say it puts me in a relaxed mood, still having sleeping issues, but they may help you with your "super moods!" Been there as well...Love the cuddles with the kids as well


                      Thanks open halo! I am actually eating well. With a preschooler I have to make sure lots of veg and fruit goes through our doors. Just yesterday I didn't fancy the noodles though stuffed with veg. I'm getting sick of my food. Another reason Id have turned to booze. Hubby doesn't cook at all and I hardly eat out or take out food. My food, is boring to me so booze was my treat. Amazing howmany reasons we find ourselves telling ourselves...

                      Lizann how'd shopping go? Did you nip into a spa?

                      Open Halo- I have tried meditations yoga nidra and reading. All still take ages. Oh well. It's better than being passed out drunk I guess!

                      little man sleeping finally so I'm gonna join in for. Quick nap before school run!

                      How's everyone?


                        Hey all you non sleepers, you might look into magnesium supplements. My naturopath has me taking 500 MG daily for bone health but it also helps with sleep. Take at night. I've always been a terrible sleeper and it has helped. Our hormones play havoc with our sleep patterns. If the sweats and sleep problems persist see your doc, it might be something other than quiting AL.

                        Hope everyone has a spectacular AF day!


                          Change in shopping plans. We will shop Saturday for the counter tops.
                          Open halo, it won't be the entire kitchen, just floor, counter tops and a back splash. I'm excited about it though.
                          MinStar, no spa for me today, retail therapy for me. It's my daughters birthday in a few weeks so I will shop for her today and maybe even me. We may just end up buying her new tires for her car!
                          Woke up thinking about al today. I had been doing so good. I will make sure not to drink today and I will check in with you guys later and be accountable! Ugh!


                            MinStar I never had the sweats when I stopped al. I would think if it's anything like the shakes it would last 5 to 7 days. Are you sure that's from not drinking? You just had a baby, maybe it's a hormonal thing instead?


                              Well, I'm on my umpteenth quit again FFS,I just don't understand why I can't get it together? I'm ashamed, bloated, nauseous, bleh, how embarrassing, I look like the biggest fool on MWO, I read the relapse in retrospect thread over and over, I had all those feelings, but what to do when you feel so overwhelmed with stuff? I didn't want to drink, dammit, I just dunno anymore
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Hey Pauly - I am sorry you are feeling so bad. are right back here. That is fantastic.
                                Dust yourself off and today is a new day. No one here is judging you, we are all here to offer hugs and support.

                                When you are a bit more settled, maybe try to analyze it and figure out what the real trigger was - and make a plan for that for next time.

                                It is a process and you are well on your way just being here. Think of all the others that have not even made an attempt yet. You (and all the rest of us) are on the right track.

                                Thanks for coming back and being honest.


