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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

    Wow, Sober. I Just found Your thread! :new:... What an Absolute Avalanche of determined Dialogue tapped a true vein!

    I know MWO is of course all about us getting and staying sober but MWO is a vast ocean of people in different stages of their journey so this thread is really the first I've seen in which we can all concentrate on those moments that lead us to the first drink..and then the 20th...

    I of course have been here since Moses...someone said early in the thread it takes between 5-8 years to 'get it' I am right under the wire and its not so much about 'getting it' as 'wanting' to get it, for me.

    To be honest, I don't even know where i am on the spectrum anymore. I just know that since 2012, when I truly made MWO a constant, upfront part of my days, that's when it all started getting better---and worse--- I do know that I have never reurned to that nightly blurr, the daily plate spinning of lies and fiction I presented about my life and my relationships . That Crap Is Gone....and the new crap is ..well..manageable. Painful but Manageable...
    But I am a Rinse Repeat kind a gal and so I am with you all on this one!

    My Primary tool right now is focusing exclusively on and then more health...Using Juicing, Using Oils, Using Hypno...getting into a clear, consistant routine of Lemon, honey ginger water in teh morning...Oils when I feel bad...Juicing at least once a day...big soups with lots of veggies and broth which I graze on all day....I guess you could say I'm becoming very Orally Fixated!!
    But really, it's working...I'm simply too darn preoccupied to buy a bottle of Rum and a Schwepps...

    Now can that change? Well, we all Know that can change in a heart beat and I can find myslef in the check out line with bags of broccolli cleverly concealing a bottle of Barcardi..
    But I will focus now on the moments before I hand over my check card and the clerk rings me up. I will check in here...I will call...I will think about what I am doing and what I will be doing if I keep on doing
    what I am doing

    Oh Jeesh! Rambled on again...I swear I'm worse than Dennis Miller sometimes...:H

    Love you Sober et all! I am on board!:l:h

    PS: Had to Copy Past this:
    SpiritGirl;1658450 wrote: Hi Ginger... At the top of your page select "Thread Tools" then choose "subscribe to this thread"... Once you've subscribed you can select the "quick links" tab and go to "subscribed threads" and you will find us. It's basically like bookmarking a thread.... Hope this helps!!
    SG- In all the years I've been here, I didn't know this at all (so don't feel bad Ginger!) Thank you for saving me from many more wasted hours hunting through posts to find the Thread I wanted!!
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

      Hi Kradle, so happy you are here with us. You either make me smile or make me think which I absolutely adore you for. My blog is

      I hope everyone is getting through this weekend unscathed. Weekends are always tough. I am still not wanting it. Those of you who are having a miserable time, please hang in there. If you can't do this for yourself, don't let us down. Whatever it takes.
      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

        Hi SS. Two weekends out of the way now and feeling pretty positive. Only a few wobbly moments but managed to resist them. Never thought i would look forward to Mondays so much as i do at the minute, as the midweek is far easier to deal with. Hope everyone else out there is doing OK.
        I can beat this.
        Today is the day I start.
        1st September 2015.


          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          I had a great AF Mother's Day celebration with family and friends. Stuck to the plan and it worked. Thank you all for being out there.....


            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            Day 1 again.... SS love your post... Hit it hard for 3 nights but am sober today..

            Much love to all


              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              A bit new

              SoberSoul;1653591 wrote: Glad to have you on board Nora... same to the rest of you. Everyone was sipping wine in my sister's lovely Chateau in the hills of Quebec except moi tonight. I was happily sipping water. Always do well at the beginning. It's in a week or two that the little creepy monkey starts hanging out on my shoulder. This time he'll get a back hand.
              Not a ' mow 'relapser but ready to relapse right now so thought I'd log on and see what's happening out there. So many people tortured mentally and emotionally by this yo yo relationship. Your creepy little monkey is on my back at the moment so hopefully he can't be on yours ..... I'm going to have an early dinner to avoid the alcohol filling the void.
              Take care


                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                I was away at the lake this weekend and I make a point not to bring my lap top. I want to stay as disconnected as possible when I am up there because when I am at home, I am always online. I have my android phone in case I need to hop on here and get some reassurances, strength or advice but, don't post much.

                I hope everyone was able to either stay away from the sauce or if you succumbed, return here to fess up, shake it off and continue. A hiccup is just that, a little, blip in your road to success.

                I am on day 17 and still in the honeymoon phase. I am no stronger than any of you. The little creep, Alkie, is just laying low, waiting for me to get complacent. I need this thread as much as the rest of you do. Still posting on my blog but, like I said, I skipped the days at the lake.

                Being in nature all weekend really helped with conscious living, etc. I find that when I work hard outside getting my hands dirty, being present happens naturally. It's the only time I don't have to consciously force myself to stay focused on the here and now.

                Let's keep this "Repeat Relapser" thread alive until we've all got it figured out. I am here until everyone of us is sober even if it takes years!
                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                  Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  Hello all, I did relapse at the weekend after just a week af. I had about 50 days af a few months ago and have to say it was an amazing feeling. So why does it keeping nagging me. Guess because I am an alkie and just cant drink. So tired of the constant battle. This is not living just surviving. Thanks all for your posts. LETS NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT.


                    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    Right there with you...

                    Sober Soul and all on this to posting here but not new to reading the posts.
                    Right there with you 58 been drinking since college..never thought I had a problem until I turned 50 and then quit for almost 3 years. Let my guard down and thought I could have one beer...led to many beers..swore I would NEVER go back to wine which was my demon. Of course I did and have been trying to quit for 2 years. Today I've made it 7 days. This time I'm reaching out which is something I didn't do before. Listening to Bubble Hour and definitely will read your blog. Also going to use Naltrexone for when I feel withdrawals or weakness. The one thing I learned from before is to never take your sobriety for granted...which I did. Some days it feels like sooo much work to remain sober but actually it's more work to feel like crap every morning from too much wine. Hoping we can all hold each other up here!


                      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      Welcome, Uncorked! I'm pretty new to this site and it's been an amazing help to me. I'm on my 8th day AF and I can't count the times I've started and stopped. But you know what? It doesn't matter, what matters is we are still trying to get there. This is an amazing place for support.


                        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        hadit;1660373 wrote: Hello all, I did relapse at the weekend after just a week af. I had about 50 days af a few months ago and have to say it was an amazing feeling. So why does it keeping nagging me. Guess because I am an alkie and just cant drink. So tired of the constant battle. This is not living just surviving. Thanks all for your posts. LETS NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT.
                        Wow, you did 50 days! I dream about doing 50 days. I will celebrate 50 days big time. So proud to have you here.

                        I remember when my sister asked me how I ever got the strength to leave my husband. I told her that I didn't 'get' the strength, I just hit a wall. One day, enough was enough and with no fanfare whatsoever, I knew it was over. I left for good.

                        This seems to have happened with the drinking. It's kind of anti-climatic. No big 'hitting rock bottom' or anything. I just got a little tipsy, played the keyboard, sang a few songs on a Thursday night with my sister from out of town and felt a little crappy the next day and I haven't had a drink since. Maybe it matters that we share an alcoholic mother; maybe it doesn't. I had a small barfing/peeing incident the week before; maybe that triggered it - I don't know.

                        So keep trying, even if you fail, keep coming back.

                        You will hit your wall.:l
                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          Uncorked;1660383 wrote: Sober Soul and all on this to posting here but not new to reading the posts.
                          Right there with you 58 been drinking since college..never thought I had a problem until I turned 50 and then quit for almost 3 years. Let my guard down and thought I could have one beer...led to many beers..swore I would NEVER go back to wine which was my demon. Of course I did and have been trying to quit for 2 years. Today I've made it 7 days. This time I'm reaching out which is something I didn't do before. Listening to Bubble Hour and definitely will read your blog. Also going to use Naltrexone for when I feel withdrawals or weakness. The one thing I learned from before is to never take your sobriety for granted...which I did. Some days it feels like sooo much work to remain sober but actually it's more work to feel like crap every morning from too much wine. Hoping we can all hold each other up here!
                          Imagine quitting for three years. We all have to learn from your tough lesson. Even after three years, alcohol can still sneak back in. My biggest mistake I've made in the past was to become cocky. Seven days is nothing to sneeze at. Stay close my friend. We need each other now even more than before.
                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            Cassidy2;1660217 wrote: Not a ' mow 'relapser but ready to relapse right now so thought I'd log on and see what's happening out there. So many people tortured mentally and emotionally by this yo yo relationship. Your creepy little monkey is on my back at the moment so hopefully he can't be on yours ..... I'm going to have an early dinner to avoid the alcohol filling the void.
                            Take care
                            Are you hanging in there Cassidy? Flip that pesky monkey right off your back. If you take it one craving at a time, you'll get through it. When you get a strong urge, tell yourself you will hold off for 15 minutes. To your surprise, you will feel it pass. Cravings are cyclical.
                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                              Fat fella;1660061 wrote: Hi SS. Two weekends out of the way now and feeling pretty positive. Only a few wobbly moments but managed to resist them. Never thought i would look forward to Mondays so much as i do at the minute, as the midweek is far easier to deal with. Hope everyone else out there is doing OK.
                              Are you doing ok FF? Monday's here and like you said, we have two weekends under our belt. Onward and upward. United we Stand!
                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                bkyogagurl;1660175 wrote: Day 1 again.... SS love your post... Hit it hard for 3 nights but am sober today..

                                Much love to all
                                How are you doing, bkyogagurl? Are you back with a vengeance? If not, consider rejoining us again. We are all here for the long haul.
                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

