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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

    Daevid, This will get better! You are doing everything right, AA etc. Do you have anything you could focus on instead of the twinges? I don't know how bad they are but when they start, could you get out and take a walk to get your mind off it? Do you have a pet? If not, taking care of something besides yourself is very theraputic. If time permits, could you volunteer? Their is an old saying about doing things bigger than yourself to heal your soul. I found that to be true for myself. Keep checking in here and make sure you visit the newbies nest!

    Lizann, Whoot whoot!!!! Two Fridays is huge. Great job! You deserve a reward. How about a pedi or a small shopping spree? I made myself a special bracelete that second weekend. It served as a reward and a reminder whenever I look at that I'm making a decision to save my life. Good stuff! Keep it up!

    , I can't wait to see you on that roll call! I'm watching you

    , Always good to see you here. Hope all is well with you.

    Off our grandson's basketball tournament. Hope everyone has a great AF weekend! Stay close.


      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

      Chief, Ginger. Thanks for your support. Keeping busy does distract I find walking therapeutic re the twinges, however everything seems so unreal. It's like being in a depressing movie. I have a ton of other stuff going on as well. Have been procrastinating because of twinges, also this is only day 6. No craving because I'm to scared. Thanks for caring.
      ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

      ― George Carlin


        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

        Day 6 is Great, Daevid!!

        Lizann, 2 Fridays!!!! Great Job!!!


          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          Hi All
          Just checking in, Great job Lizann and Daevid. Keep it up.
          No AL for me tonight. Enjoyed Shakespeare and Fireworks and I will remember it all in the morning when I wake up early for my run with no headache!
          Don't worry, be happy!


            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            Hi all, being so new to the site I should probably be in the newbies section but being a 10 year 1-2 bottles of whiskey a day alcoholic who's tried to detox 6 times, I hope you don't mind me posting here.
            I'm currently, as I type, in a private hospital under the care of an addiction specialist (and the nurses deserve a massive mention too).
            I'm under the detox scheme at the moment (similar to a public one I've been into before) of a 'pre-load' and that is, 2 days of 20mg of valium every 4-5 hours, then drop to 10(today and with the same frequency), then 5 etc. This has worked greatly for me in the past, but then I just relapse after a few weeks (or once I lasted 3 months)... I've tried Naltrexone twice and acamprasate once but I'm wondering if anyone here has had success with baclofen? I started on it today and will be titrating my dose gradually over the next few months to maybe 80mg/day and, I guess I just want to hear a first hand story because my specialist has definitely had a lot of success with it but, umm, I'd like to know what it feels like from the patients perspective (after these initial drowsy effects wear off which I assume will only get worse before it gets better being my first day on it).
            Also, a few posts I've read people are really upset that they had a drink, like their quit attempt was ruined. Anxiety, depression, frustration, anger etc are huge triggers for just turning to it again, don't be upset with yourself, just try again (easier said than done right).

            If I may quote, Dr Phillip Thomas (not my Dr btw) but "Alcoholism is not the fault of the sufferer.
            Sufferers suffer from it.
            Their families suffer from it."
            Don't blame yourself, just try to learn from it.


              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              Welcome Detox, Glad you stopped by. I hope your in-house stay goes well and you can finally kill this beast called ALCOHOL. I've not tried Baclofen but many people have at My Way Out and found success. This is a thread where you might find some answers: Topamax, Campral, Baclofen and Other Medications - My Way Out Forums.

              This site has helped me stay alcohol free for over 80 days. Just knowing all these fine folks are out there pulling for me has given me the extra support I needed to make it work this time. I can honestly say this is my final quit. I've never come close until now.

              Check in often and read, post, read. It will make a world of difference this go around. Stay close!

              , Wow!! A week already? That's fantastic. You need to give yourself a HUGE pat on the back. My first few weeks were brutal. I felt nearly as bad when I woke up in the morning as I felt when I was drinking. but I can honestly say that by week four things were beginning to improve. I did a lot of research in my working days so going online and reading was part of the job. When it comes to health though, you need to be careful. I could talk myself into having just about any ailment known to man after a little online research. LOL

              Lizann, Chief, SS and everyone else.... Hope you have a great AF day!!


                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                Hi Everyone, back from a weekend at the lake. Weird while that being with my four grandchildren aged three and under and their mothers which is my idea of heaven on earth, I had the first strong urges I've had in a long while. I felt left out and wanted a drink badly. I was pouring wine for others, I went out to buy a bottle for the girls and at one point I was feeling weak and vulnerable. I had meditated that morning and I think that helped. Also, with perfect timing my daughter-in-law presented me with a lovely virgin Bloody Caesar (Canadian version of Bloody Mary using Clamatto juice rather than tomato juice). The glass was iced and rimmed with peppery spices and both a lemon and cucumber wedge. But it scared me.

                So happy to see everyone really dedicated to getting healthy and sane again. Believe me, we have it in us to succeed at this. I have zero, I tell ya, ZERO willpower and I'm hummin' along in sobriety. Your mind has to change and you have to really want it. I sense that here.

                Stay close and keep posting. The world awaits us!!
                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                  Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  Hi SS! Glad you are back. I had a lot of gkid time this weekend and I'm beat. Glad you beat back the urge for that glass of wine. Isn't it strange that triggers spring out of no where? Geeze!

                  Hope everyone has a lovely AF MAE.


                    Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    Welcome detox! I have not used drugs to stop drinking but reading and posting on this site really does help! We encourage and support each other.

                    Welcome back SS, proud of you! You did it. Those cravings are tough.

                    I too had a another al free weekend and I feel really good! Had some major stresses with a family issue and I got through without even a tiwinge of wanting to drink it away! I'm kinda proud of myself.

                    Hope everyone has a good Monday. I'll be back later.


                      Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      Way to go, Lizann! Seems like this past weekend was a tough one with regard to family stuff. Lots of posts all of the place about family stressors. Well new week and here we all are.... Still AF. We all need a giant pat on the back and a big :l Happy Monday!


                        Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        Great Job everyone!

                        Just think how you would be feeling today if you would have drank this weekend.....remorse, guilt, anger, ashamed, spent, not in control. The Beast just sits back and waits for an everyday stressor that we all have to pop up and then he tries to pounce on it and get us to "just have one".

                        It's a new week!



                          Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          Gotta tell you chief, I feel great! Why would I ever drink again?


                            Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            You make me smile, Liz...


                              Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                              Hi All,

                              If some of you haven't heard of this, remember the acronym H.A.L.T. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired). These are the times when we can get cravings and The Beast puts thoughts of drinking into out head. Whenever you have drinking thoughts, stop and ask yourself if you are experiencing any of these. A lot of times you will realize you are and can take steps to fix it.

                              Have a great day everyone...



                                Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                Great tip, Chief!

