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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Ditto that, Kradle. I really enjoyed SS's post tonight too. Such good stuff! Sorry you had a rough day. If I had to drive in Seattle traffic, every day would be a bad one for me!

    We still travel all over when we are down south. We are going to spend a few weeks in southern CA and then south east of Mesa, then back to Lake Mead. We haven't found the perfect place down there yet. We may never, if I know us. We are pretty nomadic when we can get a way with it!

    Hope tomorrow is a better day, Kradle.


      Hi guys,
      Quick check in.
      Thank you for all the support and wise words. I am thinking about MWO and the group here, and I can hear your words of support. So far I am doing great. Not easy.

      I am getting out for a long walk in the morning, before everyone is awake. It feels like heaven. That feeling is keeping me going. If I drink, I will not go for I walk, and I dont want to miss this gift of 2 weeks of sun.

      Ginger - hope you have a safe trip, fun trip and continue to check in. It will be nice for you to get to the warm weather.

      Cheif - yes, I know I was one of those stupid drunks, and I do not want to do that. I have a 14 yr old, that I can no longer hide this from, and I do not want him to think of me this way.

      SS - thanks for the support. I am learning from each of you.

      Hi Kradle, Pauly - good to get to know you.



        BG, Glad you are getting to enjoy those early morning walks. Nothing like some good warm weather to heal the soul. I so wish I would have made the decision to be AF when my boys were younger. I didn't have the sense to do it back then when it would have made such a huge impact on the decisions they make now. All three struggle with AL. The youngest the worst but all the same, they all do. Stay strong and close. We want to hear all about your trip when you get back!!


          Hi Everyone, thanks for the compliments on my blog 'grannygetssober'. I love the idea of going for a morning walk before everyone gets up. I read somewhere of a morning ritual where you light candles rather than turning on the lights which really appealed to me as the sun rises about an hour after i rise.. imagine doing a few yoga poses or quietly reading by candlelight with the sun slowly making it's appearance. When the guys are not in my house at 6:30 a.m. putting the finishing touches on it, I'll try that.

          I really am enjoying my n/a red wine that I finally found. It's very dry and delicious.

          Advice wanted please (I plan on starting a thread on this question: I have invited my 84 year old alcoholic mother to visit for two weeks as soon as the house is completed. She does not drink in the residence she lives in. My sister is her primary contact as I live 5 hours away. When Mom visits my sister she usually has a beer or two. Her liver is shot and she has had seizures in the past. My sister is pretty strict about limiting Mom's drinking. Recently Mom's sister who she adores visited from out of town and Mom had two beers and became despondent, went in the other room and sat by herself. She fell asleep shortly thereafter. Mom has warned me already "When I get to your place I am drinking beer and not being treated like a child." I now have the problem of Mom (who is a tiny little thing) getting drunk and possibly having a seizure or falling (she has osteo) or just being awful. In my own home, I feel I have the right to tell Mom that at my place she can have a beer with dinner and if she wants more she'll have to drink n/A beer. I 'm scared of the old battle axe as she can be nasty. Do I tell her before she comes or blind side her once she gets here?
          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


            Telling her before she comes may cause her to stay home. Are you prepared for that possibility? It sort of sounds like she's revving up to get a snoot full while she's visiting. Would she know if you just gave her n/a beer and wine without saying anything? If you just brought her drinks in lovely crystal glassware like it was the real thing and not say a word? Unfortunately as our parents age we have to treat them more like our grandkids rather than the grown-ups they once were. It will be interesting to see what kind of advice you get here.


              Here's my 2 cents worth, SS.......your mom is 84, an alcoholic, bad liver, has had seizures, and has osteo. And the question is should you enable her to drink? What would you say if someone asked you that question?

              My guess is she knows you're scared of her and that's why she thinks she's going to bully you. Let me ask you would you feel, and how would your sister feel if you allowed her to drink at your house and she fell and broke a hip while she was drinking?

              I would tell her that you are no longer drinking and you are not going to be put in a position of watching her drink and having to worry about her health and well being. If she gets pissed, she gets pissed. She'll get over it and she'll also know deep down that you are right.

              Hi Ginger! Kradle, hope your day is better. BG, you're doing great! Stick with it. You won't regret it!



                Thanks, guys. I will have to talk to her this week. I think I'll have to respect her enough to tell her before she comes. If she decides not to come, then it's her loss. She is dying to see her great grandchildren but if she drinks, she will be 'absent' anyways.
                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                  Yes Deb I would speak with her before hand...a simple statement that you yourself aren't drinking and are sure that she will support you in your effort...make it all about you....

                  I remember the tough time you had visiting her in the hospital awhile back ....your a wonderful daughter :heartbeat:c

                  Quiet day here for the most part. In bed and not drinking ! Hi Ginger, chief , et al...heading to bed. Big yawn! :love:
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Just checking in.....where is everyone?


                      I'm here Chief...long tough day... Home in bed with Netflix and didn't drink. Yea team!!

                      Sleep tight everyone. Hugs to you Sober. I'm going to go look at your other thread. :heartbeat:
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Good morning. Checking in after a very long while. Went on a carribean cruise last week with hubby for my birthday. Sadly I did drink but didn't over do at all. We had a fabulous time. But sadly back to reality.


                          Ok sober soul, I'm interested in trying that N/A wine. Where would I find it? I wonder if the liquor store would carry it?


                            Lizann, Welcome back! Sorry you drank but so glad you had a great trip. Time to get back on that wagon.

                            Kradle, Good to see you. Sorry about the rough day but glad you got through it AF.

                            Howdy, SS and Chief! We made it to our destination and got the travel trailer all set up by 3p. How isn it that we can be so tired when all we've done is sit on our arses for the last 3 days! We are going to get the lay of the land tomorrow and get some groceries then off to explore the area. We've never been to the south end of Death Valley so that's definitely on our list. Lots of good hiking around here. The dog is going to be so happy after being trapped in the cab of a pickup for three days.

                            Stay close everyone and protect our AFness! It's worth the fight.


                              Thank you ginger. Staying close is key. Getting back on that band wagon. I love you all


                                Hope everyone is guarding their AFness. Enjoyed 78 degree weather today. Hope you guys up north stay clear of that coming storm.

