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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Short hello to all.

    Glad to see some new faces in our group. Welcome and stick close.

    Glad you are a bit better Ginger - I missed you.

    Cowboy - all the girls at work are asking about my Bubba. I tell them it is just a coffee mug, which it is, but it has special meaning for me. Thank your wife for such a cute name!

    Open - so glad you are part of our group. You have some very wise words. You are doing so great!

    I am at 26 days - gunna have a sparkling water with my dinner.

    Have a great eve.



      Thank you everyone for the kind words of support after my welcome back post. Just wrapping up day 6 AF and although I've been feeling amazing and love waking up with no hangover I'm missing my wine tonight a little more than the past few days. Had my first family function with my boyfriend's family which always, always involves wine. Readied myself with some Hint flavored water and tried a NA beer but didn't find myself enjoying it and only had a few sips- I was relieved I didn't like it after reading some of your thoughts on what a slippery slope the NA beer can be.

      As I'm missing my usual nightly glass (or 6) of wine right now I'm just trying to remember how I spent my morning on 12/30/14- literally puking up anything I tried to drink before work (water). The days before Christmas I called out sick three days in a row from work and stayed home drinking. Woke up drinking what wine I hadn't finished the night before. Why do I miss that glass of wine?!

      The Bubble Hour and this forum is really where I'm turning to whenever I have an inkling of a craving. Knowing I'm not alone with this disease and reading how everyone is coping with it is truly helpful and inspiring. Keep up the good work everyone, your words mean more than I can express!
      ?Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.?- Henry David Thoreau


        Good for you beachygirl . I'm sadly still struggling and so tired of this monkey. Why do I crave. Determined not to drink today.


          Originally posted by Lizann View Post
          Good for you beachygirl . I'm sadly still struggling and so tired of this monkey. Why do I crave. Determined not to drink today.
          Good morning, Lizann
          That feeling is so overwhelming and scary - it made me feel so powerless. Understanding what is going on and being able to sort of step outside myself and look objectively at what was going on helped a lot. This is one of many videos that sort of demystified what is happening when we're in the throes of addiction:


            This is a great resource NoSugar started. Lots of good stuff in a central location. Check it out when you get a chance.

            Remember to come here first if your resolve gets shaky.

            IDA, Good for you for making it through the family function. Those are really rough so early in a quit so pat yourself on the back because you deserve it! As things come up make sure you come here first and check in.

            Hope everyone has a great AF day!


              IDA reading what you posted brought back so many memories of my relationship with AL, hell I used to jam the cork into the wine bottle when I couldn't get it open properly and drink wine with bits of cork floating through it. That is why we are here to finally kick it to the goddamn curb. I'm here to tell you those cravings get easier to manage with more AF days under your belt. Keep up the great fight, you are doing awesome.

              Beachy Girl in 4 more days we are going to be doing some awesome celebrating on your one month!!! Way to go, we are so proud! So happy I found this thread, it has helped me tremendously!


                Yes, the cravings get fewer and less intense. I don't even have cravings anymore, just the occasional thought of having a drink and enjoying it, but then I immediately recognize that as simply a luring thought The Beast has put in my mind to try and trick me into having "just one". When I have any positive thought about drinking I instantly switch gears and think to myself the real reality of me drinking.......non stop, feeling like shit, looking even worse, red eyes, flushed, guilt, feeling like a prisoner, no enjoyment, depression,......on and on. That always puts the Kabosh on any kind of thoughts or feelings like I'm missing something. I have learned to treasure my sobriety. It's very powerful once you have it. So don't ever give up on quitting, and when you get a hold of it, don't ever let go. I can honestly say that I feel it is the Number 1 most important thing in my life. Everything and everyone comes after that. For me, that's just the way it is and has to be.

                Man is it cold here. Today it is a wind chill of -19. And Ginger, I don't want to hear any of your "sunny and 85 in southern California shit!"


                  Hi Dreams,
                  Glad you are back. I have started to listen to the bubble hour as well. I don’t often have time for the whole thing, but can come back to it. This week they will be discussing feelings. I am definitely going to have to listen to that one. That was one of my fears of letting AL go - I would have to face some feelings. (like the rest of the world ).

                  Liz, how are you doing? Glad you have chosen this thread to chat with us. I am not far ahead of you, so can relate to what you are feeling. This is my first and last quit. I did quit for 3 months before, but I hadn’t thought of it, just kinda did it. This time I am investing everything and it feels totally different. I was happy to find this thread of very supportive friends - and as they have all mentioned - the toolbox.
                  I kept asking what to do, but it is different for everyone, so you need to find what works for you and your situation. Reading all over here is great - and keep posting so we can be there for you. Hugs.

                  Morning to all the others here - have a great day!


                    Chief - how long are you AF?

                    I am waiting for the thoughts to slow down, but I do understand that can take a while.

                    There are so many stages to this recovery, and I am learning so much as I go. I am more in touch with ME then I have ever been. Interesting. Someone suggested I start a recovery journal. I have never been into that type of thing, but I could see it could be helpful. To look back in a year’s time, to see what was scaring me, worrying me, what felt good, what worked. I think that could be very valuable.



                      A journal could be really helpful Beachgirly. I remember the last time I was on MWO, when it was my four months AF, a senior member, looked up an old post I had written and reposted it to show me how far I had come. It was indeed very valuable.
                      This time around I go back and reread my first couple of posts that brought me back here, this habit combined with coming to the MWO every day is keeping this quit as strong as can be!

                      BG, I completely agree thinking about AL is different for everyone, and ways we cope with these thoughts vary as well, only one thing that must be the same, no matter what don't drink!

                      Hope everyone is keeping warm somehow!


                        Howdy everyone! It's nice to see the thread grow, but it's bad for an old feller like me to remember everyone lol! It's been a good week for me, no urge to drink except cup after cup of hot coffee! All week the daytime highs have only got to -20C, -35C to -38C with the windchill, and the nights even colder! So each morning it's layer up on clothes to be able to withstand the cold! I wonder how many alcoholic eskimo's there are, I can't even fathom a cold drink in these temps!

                        BG - now you got Bubba Amazon shopping! She saw a mug that said "I :heartbeat: Bubba" and the hints were dropped! Her birthday is coming up as well as Valentines Day, so I guess I'll spoil her again...

                        No point in telling everyone to try and stay warm, seems like cool temperatures all around the globe! So just remember not to quit on your quit eh!
                        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                          Hi all... so good to see everyone checking in! I love knowing you are all out there.

                          Spent a lovely day in San Diego. Won't bore you with the temp ;o)

                          Guard your quit like your life depends on it because it does!


                            Keep Warm for the rest of us Ginger!!


                              Wish I was with you Ginger!! Hubby and I decided if we can sell our lake house we'll use the money to spend a month down south every year until we die just to get away from the bone chilling cold. It's -27 celcius not including the wind chill factor.

                              Warm drinks are alot more appealing this time of year.
                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                                Originally posted by SoberSoul View Post
                                Wish I was with you Ginger!! Hubby and I decided if we can sell our lake house we'll use the money to spend a month down south every year until we die just to get away from the bone chilling cold. It's -27 celcius not including the wind chill factor.

                                Warm drinks are alot more appealing this time of year.
                                SS, That would be wonderful! We could meet up and explore together.

                                It appears this crud I've been fighting wants to stick around a while longer Hubs is really sick today.

                                Two more days here and we hit the road again. I can't tell you how much better life is without AL always being the center of things. I feel free for the first time in years. Keep fighting the good fight! It's worth the battle

