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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Oh Ginger - San Diago is so beautiful. Lucky you. Where to next (if Hubby is ready for that).

    Good morning to all. Off to work another evening shift. These are busy and always eventful. Last eve, before I left work I had a thought of AL. It was mostly, "man after a shift like this, a bottle of wine would sure be nice". that had certianly been my pattern.

    But then I heard a voice, and it think it was Lav that said to think of anything else, she mentioned the 7 dwarfs. Well for the lilfe of me I could not think of them, so I did the "enney, meany, minnie, mo" all the way home. Made a hot water and lemon and never thought of it again.

    Funny how our minds work!!

    That was the first real thought I have had...



      BG, I'm 2 weeks behind Ginger. I had my last drink May 18th.


        Heading east of Pheonix on Sunday. Hopefully we will both be good as new by them and get back to hiking and golf.

        BG, great job changing your mindset. The more tools we can put in our toolbox the better!

        Chief and I are quit buddies!


          Hey Quit Buddies - that is cool!!!

          Congrats. Good to have someone so close to keep you on track!


            Howdy everyone! Another cold day in Alberta, but not as bad as it's been all week! Bubba and I are going to go and watch some Minor Hockey today. The couple who I help with farming, seeding and harvest, have 3 boys, 6, 4, and 1 1/2, we consider the boys our "adopted grandchildren" as we'll probably never see grandchildren of our own as none of our kids want children. So it will be fun to go and watch the 6 and 4 year old (play on the same team) scurry around the ice chasing the puck! And who can refuse an opportunity for Rink burgers and fries!!

            Ginger and Chief, quit buddies! Nothing like a friendly competition to keep you on the right path! Anything we can add to the toolbox is a plus in my book!

            SoberSoul, a big "Hi" from me! Thank you for starting this thread, it is kind of "home" for me on MWO, us quitters don't whine and complain, sure we vent sometimes, but venting is good, and everyone here takes no offense, just gives back a hug and support!

            We don't have a lot of regulars, Ginger, Chief, Halo, BG, SS, and myself, but there are always a few who pop in from time to time. For me, a fast paced thread reminds me of my old way of life, always in a hurry, rush, rush, get things done so I can get back to drinking! You my friends, remind me of my new way of life, calm, peaceful, and supporting each other so that we don't have to look for the next drink!

            Have a great weekend everyone, I guess there's no need to remind you not to drink is there? Never quit on your quit!
            Last edited by abcowboy; January 10, 2015, 11:03 AM.
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              ABC, Always look forward to waking up to a post from you. Good wisdom in your words. Enjoy the hockey games. We have 7 gkids and when we are in town there's aways a game or function to attend. When I was drinking that really pissed me off sometimes because it messed with my drinking hours. How sick is that? Now that I don't drink, I truly cherish every opportunity to spend time with the kids. In fact, this trip south has been kind of hard. I'm a little home sick for the first time!

              Leave the drinking behind and you'll learn all sorts of new things about your self AL was keeping from you.

              Have a great AF weekend. Stay warm and sober!


                What is bubble hour and where would I find it?


                  Morning Liz! The bubble hour is a site for online sobriety resources, you can subscribe to the free podcasts, link attached
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    cowboy, I guess that's what we do as Canadians eh? I spend my winter's at hockey arenas as well, or outdoor rinks. What else is winter about?! As a parent who has adopted grandparents (my neighbours as well!) for my kids , I can't tell you how much your attention to your neighbours kids means to that family. I don't know what I would do without my adopted grandparents, we are so very fortunate to have them in our lives. A long term friend sent me a Christmas card this year that send..."Friends are gifts we give ourselves!" I thought it was so true, and the gifts we give ourselves are ones that we want to be supportive and understanding in our quit!

                    Ginger it's great you and Chief are quit buddies! That is a great friendship. Really love this site, as when I'm gone for a couple of days, it's easy to check in here and feel like I haven't missed a beat.

                    Keeping Al a long way away from me..


                      A BIG SHOUT OUT TO BEACHYGIRL!!!!!

                      BG, I just read back on a couple of posts and realized you had 30 days in yesterday!!! Your big 3 -0, we are so very proud of you, even if you had a hard time remembering the names of the seven dwarfs (LOL)... A big celebration is in order!


                        haha - thanks Open Halo.
                        Those silly dwarfs.

                        I agree with what you said to Cowboy about adopted Grandparents.
                        We are grandparents, raising our wonderful young grandson. He is now 14 but has been with us since the beginning. As much as we think we know what we are doing, and have done this before, it is so nice to have friends and others who are interested in his life and step in to help. We lived at a townhouse complex, with mostly couples in their 50 when he was born. He was adopted by almost all of them. They have followed his growth, and are so proud of him. He now delivers papers to the complex and has a grand ole time with his friends.



                          That's a great story about your grandson, BG. Great job on 30 days. An entire month!! Yeah!

                          We are traveling today to AZ. We stopped to walk the dog and I noticed this young couple by their car. The guy was having trouble standing up and as I glanced over I noticed him peeing. Needless to say, I was appalled! Then I noticed him fall back and the girl struggling to help him in the car. He was scary drunk, like AL poisoning drunk. I started to walk toward them to see if I could help just as she got him in the car and drove away. If I were still drinking, I wouldn't have even bothered to try and help but now that I don't, I felt like I had a responsibility to. Like maybe I could have said something. A pearl of wisdom maybe?? I hope the guy hears the tiny voice we've all heard, that says "it's time to stop". AL is poison! Plain and simple. Guard your quit with your life. We've found a way out. Let's not squander it. ��
                          Last edited by Ginger999; January 11, 2015, 10:32 PM.


                            Congratulations Beach Girl: 30 Days is a huge milestone. I've only had a few of those. We are expecting our 5th grandchild and they are all under 4. Loving the little ones and because we live so close to them, we get to see them often. I can hardly wait to go see them play hockey and soccer and such. It seems like yesterday we were living in the rinks and soccer fields. Time passes so quickly.

                            Ginger and Chief, glad you are keeping each other going. It's so important to have a kindred spirit to share the journey.

                            It just occurred to me that, for the past year or so, I've thought about booze daily. Within a few weeks it'll be the one year anniversary of my 'big quit'; the one that started with Belle's 100 day challenge and lasted four months. Every day since then has not had an hour go by without me spending some of it planning, regretting and obsessing over alcohol. This particular year is defined by the four month stint but I know I've wasted the previous five years unsuccessfully trying to quit drinking and the five before that developing my addiction. I am now, after 13 years of a numbed, fearful life, at the point in this disease where it affects my moment to moment thoughts by harshly pulling me from denial to angst and over to fear and back to denial, etc.

                            I need sobriety because my life depends on it. If I continue as I am, painfully moderating, there's a good chance I'll live to a ripe old age as my 'controlled' drinking is minimally harmful. The very sad and pathetic fact is that my authentic, conscious self will continue it's slow decline until I end up a soulless hollow shell of who I truly am. My whole life will have been wasted on feeding the fires of this truly remarkable foe: alcoholism.

                            I am helpless against the beast unless I am surrounded my sober soldiers. I need the support of a community of like minded souls. I now meditate and chat with my friend every morning at six a.m. She is winning the war with her addiction and has attributed much of her success to our meetings. For the first time since last February when I began my four month A/F stint I feel empowered again. Everything is falling into place. Belle has felt my readiness over the ocean that divides us. She has invited me to another 100 day challenge. I am up for it and am committed to spending an hour a day on sober sites reading, interacting and succeeding.

                            Thanks to everyone here for your continued support.

                            Heal Thyself!!
                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                              Way to go BG on 1 month!!

                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Wow - that is pretty Cowboy - thx

