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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Lizann, I am with you in treating ourselves, I bought some new makeup from Sephora this weekend. When I think how much money I have spent on AL over the years it actually causes me to shudder. Thank goodness those days are gone. Here's to treating our selves!


      Hi everyone! Had a great day exploring some ruins. I love my life! And even more now that AL is literally off the table. Stay the course everyone. We can do this together!


        Pretty upset tonight. Wasn't even tempted to drink though, not that there is any in the house.
        A coworker called in sick for tomorrow. She has taken four weeks vacation and a week and half sick time since November. I'm picking up all the slack and I'm exhausted! I literally cried when I got her text tonight. I have to be up at five now which is so hard for me and do it all! Thanks for letting me come here to vent. Hubby is being less than compassionate to my plight.


          Crap, Lizann! People that do that infuriate me. Glad the drinking thoughts weren't an issue! Any chance they'd let her go for her absence abuse?


            I hate having to take up co-workers slack Liz,good on not drinking hum drum evening for me,I have a headache and Louie is being loud! One of those nights when you wish time would pass quick so you can go to bed isn't that horrible?hope everyone has a good night
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Sorry to hear that Lizann, I once read a stat that 20% of us do 80% of the work. Hoping you can find some down time this weekend just for YOU. Proud of you Lizann for not even thinking about AL, that means you are doing great, stress is such a trigger for so many of us, so proud of you for dealing with the stress in a more positive way If your co worker has any sense of pride they will try to make it up in some fashion.

              Paulywogg hope your headache goes away and you have a peaceful slumber. And I get wanting to have time pass quickly on occasion, I feel that way doing some of my

              What were the ruins Ginger?? Glad you are having fun


                OH, we were at Tonto national monument. Pretty cool stuff. I say... everybody go to bed early!


                  Recovery starts with yourself, and the strength of your desire to improve your
                  quality of life. I believe you can find sobriety if you want it.


                    Hi GradeT! Welcome to the thread. You are so right, sobriety has to be what we want for ourselves. It can't come from anyone else wanting it for us. Do you have any tools you'd like to share with us? We are always looking for tools for our toolbox!


                      Hey all,just checking in, sick AGAIN this time it's a cough to go along with my runny nose,grr,being sick freaks me out cuz I feel hungover and I always hair of the dogged those away won't though, why make myself sicker? Just voicing how I feel atm,hope everyone is having a good day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Dang Pauly! Sorry you are sick. Hope it passes quickly and isn't that flu that's going around. 😷


                          Aaah!lets not even think that Ginger, I'm just so tired of this cuz Louie wants cool,fun gramma, not this sick,haggard nana
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Just a quick check inn. Worked 11 hours today and I'm exhausted. Co worker is out until Monday! Tomorrow will be busy too. Hoping to get a day off this later this week. I am only part time, you know! Ok enough with the pity party. Off to bed. Still sober and feeling good, Goodnight


                              Feel better pauly, being sick sucks the life out of me as well, but nothing was worse than some of the hangovers I used to have.Make sure you get ALOT of rest and drink a lot of liquids.

                              Glad you are having fun on your trip Ginger, right now I can't wait for some half decent weather, I'll even take -15!

                              Lizann, that's what we are here for, vent away, it's better to vent than to think about using AL to cope with your stress. Think about what you are going to do on your day off. Be selfish, make it all about you!

                              Stay well everyone!


                                Just a quick check in. Sorry been super busy last few days. Still Al free. Buts seriously tempted today. No other reason than witching hour.

                                Havent had time to read back so will later tonight. Two kids to get to bed in a bit.

                                Hope everyone is doing well x

