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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Good morning all.

    I have a day off of work...yippee. I have a 5 hour exam coming up in the next few weeks, so today I am going to do a practice run at it. Trying to find 5 undisturbed hours is not easy!! So glad my mind is free and clear.
    I am going to go for a good walk first, enjoy the morning and the crisp air and then give it a go.

    Of course, I would rather be hiking the Arizona trails with Ginger in my shorts...
    What are your plans today Ginger? How is mom fairing in the rehab home?

    Open Halo- good to see you. Always nice to read your posts.

    MinStar - Glad you are back at it. Every day is a chance to do good. Like Ginger said, make a plan and get it in place, early in the day - before the triggers start. Then set yourself up so you cannot drink. Do not have any in the house. Find a substitute for now...flavored water, non-alcoholic wine, whatever works to get you through this first stage. We are here to help.

    Cowboy - Vancouver in the spring is so beautiful. (almost as pretty as Victoria - hehe). I am sure your girls will be thrilled to see you feeling so good and strong.

    Lizanne - the kitchen reno sounds exciting. I bet you are stuffed up due to the dust etc. Hope that is all it is, and not a cold starting. Dinner out of the laundry tub does not sound quite as exciting.

    Pauly - how are you doing?

    SoberSoul - thanks for checking in. Always good to hear from you. Don’t get to caught up elsewhere - we love you here too.

    Ori - so glad you feel some determination coming back. That is a huge step. Keep reading, posting and using your tools.

    Ok - I have used up my "internet time" (as we say to our 14 yr old), now I need to get outside.

    Have a great day.



      BG, it would be hard hiking with Ginger in your shorts....

      Just checking in. All is well here. Been working everyday and loving it. AB, we drive Gillig and Orion buses. Took my test in a Gillig.

      I'm glad your mom went straight to a rehab facility, Ginger. I went through that with my mom. She fell and broke her ankle, 6 months later fell and broke her hip, and 8 months after that she fell and broke her other hip. She had osteo really bad. Hope your mom fairs much better.

      I had a guy on my bus today that reeked of stale alcohol.......made me want to puke. I thought, "jeez, I use to smell like that...."

      So glad and proud to say that will never happen again....


        Definitely not dust related congestion . I have a head cold with a fever. Took some Advil and am feeling heeps better. Chili on the stove. Washing dishes in the laundry room, woe me. Hubs would not let me go out today to purchase fabric to cover the chairs. I will go when I am better.


          Checking in and suffered through some bad cravings today. I went to IKEA and picked up some bedside tables, met some ladies for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant and came home to a tired, cranky hubby and a mischevious 19 month old who needed Granny to watch him while his mom went to a job interview. He got into everything and his piece de resistance was the blocking of the toilet... I think he dumped the entire contents of the full garbage can into the toilet. Hubby was not impressed after working all day, putting the IKEA tables together (with baby`s help) and I just wanted to veg and have a glass of wine. Stew was waiting in the slow cooker and baby`s parents were late. I watched the cravings with curiousity, noted their strength and carried on. So glad now I didn`t succumb but it would have been easy.

          Let`s stay close to our sober army; I sense we all need each other right now. Must be a full moon or something.
          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


            SS, stay close is right, I have been feeling so positive lately that you almost think you have the craving for AL beat, but such is not the case. Feeling stressed out and realize how important it is to not have AL in the house, and to have a plan. Feeling a head cold coming on as well Lizann, saps the energy right out of you.

            Love reading everybody's posts, wishing everybody the best and hoping the cold/flu season is OVER for all of us.

            Send some warm weather our way Ginger.


              Great job on not caving! I think it's really important to not have alcohol in the house.


                Howdy everyone! Wow, I'm 3 pages behind the times.. Back for my 2nd session with my counsellor tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to it. These past couple of weeks have given me a breath of fresh air, learning that I'm not the guy that the world revolves around lol. But it all honesty, it was a big step for me to go in the first place and I can only see more and more improvement in the weeks ahead! I'm with you all for the long haul!

                halo - I'm sure my ex has pictures still of the snow hotel as the kids called it, but it would be a snowball's chance in hell before I'd ask her for anything (something my counsellor said we have to work on unghhhhh) Did you get any amount of snow from that big storm?

                Chief - I googled the two busses, that Gillig is one cool looking coach! Are they automatics?

                Ginger - hope everything is going great with your mom! I know from experience that aging parents can put a strain on the relationships between the siblings. Our eldest daughter and her significant other live in Vancouver, and they have a cabin close to the mountains not far from Bellingham, at least I think it's not too far. They love spending as much time as they can there.

                BG - Bubba and I ferried over to Victoria and spent 3 days there the last time we were in Vancouver, it is a beautiful city!

                Min - you're talking to the King of Day Oner's here... all I can tell you is that each one gets harder and harder to commit to. Maybe the Roll Call, 24 Hour Club, or Gratitude thread could be something to help you in your quit?

                Liz - Renovations are never easy, especially kitchen ones, seems like the whole house get's in disarray! Are you changing kitchen sink and taps as well? Going to an undermount?

                SS - I think I am 2 days behind you... My last Day 1 was Jan 13th, and I think your's is Jan 11th? Don't you just love babysitting the grandkids?? Time to invest in a good plunger and toilet auger lol

                For those suffering or coming down with colds, don't forget the Vitamin C, Echinacea, and candied ginger! Nip it in the butt before it gets started! Something else my counsellor told me, when emotions/cravings get bad be sure to get on the phone or MWO and talk/chat to someone for 10 minutes about anything except your emotion or craving! Your brain takes up to 7 minutes to process emotions or cravings if left alone to deal with them, so give your brain the time it needs to process those things before adding to them. She was absolutely right! I have been doing that for the past couple of weeks and things go much easier..

                Have great one my friends, hold on to each other and keep our quits together!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Thanks for that 10 minute tip cowboy. I will be using it. Yes I am getting a new sink, under mount. But not new faucets. New floor and back splash.
                  Feeling better today, but I called in sick as I had a rough night. It's a good thing, counter guy is coming this morning and our oldest daughter had a flat tire. Her hubs drove her to work, I will pick her up. Hubs will deal with the tire. She still needs her mommy and daddy.


                    Ooh I did my masters at UCL Lizann :-)
                    My work took me to Baltimore. Met some lovely people and fabulous work.

                    Ginger- my head just needs to switch to no more alcohol. I've done it loads of times. Little tools like writing it down doesn't work for me. Other tools like triggers and preventing them is a big help. Atm triggers are crying baby and getting everyone bathed, fed and bed. I don't know why I'm so stressed about it all the time. I know once I get day 1 done I tend to be ok. Then I have to be super mindful of my triggers. ... Does that make sense or is it waffle!

                    Like today I'm sick of feeling fear- fear for my health that this drink is ruining. I have a pain under my right rib which has been juggling for a few days. I'm convinced it's liver damage.. Could I have done that in 4 months or so of drinking? I read somewhere the liver cells regenerate in 6m so hoping my pregnancy cleaned out liver.

                    cowboy we have a counsellor service on the phone I touched base with today. I hope talking to them will help. It's a pain as I don't have much time to myself. They had to call me back today and it was right in the middle of changing a nappy and legging it out the door to pick up daughter. the 7 minute thought process thing is interesting. What is it you do?
                    Thanks beachgirl. I read you post after posting.

                    Right better change this nappy 😁
                    Last edited by MinStar; January 29, 2015, 11:47 AM.


                      Hey all, I'm here too and sick with Liz and OHwe all have it over here,took benadryl last nite, that just makes me feel hungover feeling today, just gonna lay here and rest up,take care everybody
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Oh the lurgies doing its rounds paulywogg :-(

                        Hope everyone gets good rest and feel better soon :-)


                          I'm with you pauly, it's 7pm and I'm going to bed. One more day and it's the weekend! I'm feeling crappy and the AL cravings are stronger than ever, I wonder why??? It seems odd that I so feel like drinking right now, just going to sleep it off..hoping these feelings don't last long.


                            Dang! Hope all my umpteenth peeps get well soon. It's no fun being sick and trying to nurture your quit too. You'll feel better sooner if you stay away from the AL especially now.

                            Stay warm, stay close and guard your quit! 🏈Go Hawks!


                              Stay strong.

                              Thinking of you all.

                              D2 and feeling shattered. Can't wait to crawl into be tonight. Usual sweats last night. Last week they lasted a few days. I'm looking forward to AL free weekend.



                                Went to work, but still not feeling well. Up early to take CJ and her boyfriend to the airport.. They are on a cruise for the next week. Off to bed early.

