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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hello all! Great list Cowboy. I can relate to ALL of them, especially being tired and spending money on poison. Here's an addition:

    My marriage. I hate to have my husband lose confidence in me. He drinks but is certainly not an alcoholic. As my drinking has gotten progressively worse over the last two years, I see him either becomes more withdrawn (or I am because of AL), or both. Who knows? He is such a good guy and deserves the woman he married to be fully present.

    Well, as MinS would say, I had a little hiccup over the weekend. Enough to cause the GSRs. Arrrrrgh. When will I get this right?? I'm trying to find the balance between being mad enough at myself to take things seriously but not too mad that I get the ferk its.

    Well, I am here. I appreciate you guys! Its a new day, and I will not drink today.


      Jump right back in action girl weekends are difficult. Did you have a notable trigger?

      Thanks cowboy for that list. And all the add ons.

      Health, emotional, kids, husband, money, sick of lies and hiding, my list is pretty much the same. I want back the drive, ambition and motivation I usedto have- for life love and everything inbetween

      Hope everyone is safe. I'm signing off for the night xx


        Since I try to be a positive person, if you recall I had another goal of reaching 10,000 steps every day this week. Well, I did reach that Sunday through Friday (Saturday I only got 7, 659 because I didn't walk the dog : ( dang . . . arggg . . . however . . . as someone who NEVER sets goals and in that vein, never achieves goals, I felt pretty good about it. Today i got 12,200+!

        I am hoping to translate my success in this area to AL/AF. I have never been successful dieting or doing anything else that involves willpower! So making the above goal feels good.

        Focus on the positives peeps, it is healthier, life is good. Have an awesome week - AG


          Way to go AG! Everything is easier one step at a time!
          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


            Wow - AG - congrats. That is amazing.

            I needed to hear good tonight - I am usually the one preaching positive mindset- but I am really struggling at work tonight. Our entire computer system is down - in the hospital- aghhh


              Good morning. Great list cowboy, thanks for sharing it. I would also have to add I want to stop for my kids. They deserve me to be present.


                Good morning quitters! Hope you all got through the weekend unscathed. Same ol, same old here.

                Hubs is mending fine but is feeling a bit depressed. I offered to take him for a drive to the mountains (always helps me) but he wasn't up for it. Guess he'll just have to figure that out.

                I'm taking the morning off from going to help mom. I think she's at the place where she needs to do more for herself, if she's going home in 10 days. I'll head over at 1130 to take her to see the shoulder doc.

                Lazing around this morning and it feels kind of odd after these past few months. Hmmm another transition in my future.

                Hope everyone has a great AF week! Stay close/stay strong.


                  Hey all! Haven't had a chance to read. Am just hitting bed so will have a little read in a mo. Just wanted to check in. Hope all are safe x


                    Hey all, Ginger, it's normal for hubs to feel a little down after the surgery, could be pain meds to if he's on any,hope he snaps out of it soon, when my hubs feels down I feel bad for him,Min,you sound good, I think we're all doing well and that makes me I had a shitty day at work but I'm working through it sober, before it would have been a good excuse to drink my troubles away but they'd have hit me full force tomorrow, the next day, the next and so on,should squeeze in some exercise but I don't feel like sweating or showering again haha,hope everyone is enjoying their day
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Yes MinStar, I agree, you are sounding good! Breakfast with a girlfriend this morning. Just dragged my butt around the rest of the day. Just not feeling great. Watching tv with Lucy and hubs. Hoping to get to bed early.


                        Remote check in from work.
                        Good to see the gang all living their lives - that is what this is all about.

                        Work is much calmer today. I had to defend some of my actions from the weekend, but I explained calmly, how busy it was, and I made the best choices I could at the time. All is good.

                        So glad I am off tomorrow - I am tired.
                        But eating well, no AL - sleep was scaring dreams all weekend. Must have been worked up.

                        Ginger - maybe a lunch or coffee outside somewhere for hubs? Fresh air?


                          Howdy everyone! Life is good! Lots of things to get done before we fly out Thursday, and sounds like I'll be in the tractor seat as soon as we get back! I can hardly wait... Will have a bigger and better post tomorrow, I promise! :hug:

                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Hi all - just checking in . . .

                            I had a good productive day at work for a Monday. Actually got outside of the home office today which is nice every now and then. Spent 2 hours at the ball field which will be in my future this month and next. Apparently, son #2's 7th/8th grade Little League games go for 110 minutes. Arrgghh!! What happened to 50 minutes??!!! That is a long time when it is still chilly. The good news is I LOVE baseball and so does hubs.

                            I appreciate you guys! MinS - I hope you had a good day and kiddos are healthy.

                            Cowboy, have a great trip to see your daughter and you'll be in that tractor seat soon! Spring is here.

                            BG - I had a very frustrating technology experience at work today as well. It is the worst! I had to do some deep breathing and just tell myself how much I'm learning. However, the project is not urgent so I'm sure that has an diminishing impact on my stress.

                            PW & LA - You are sounding so good, so inspiring. Thank you for all you do to help us newbies and keep us going.

                            G9- You have a lot going on and you are ROCKING IT! Stay strong, people need you right now, you can do this.

                            Hang in there peeps! We can do this . . . AG


                              Hello friends, AG,you sound good yourself took a 40 minute walk this morning, usually I like an hour but whatevs only got 5,500 steps but I'm on my feet at work so it'll catch up I have a new bad addiction, it's these damn ice cream treats from Sonic!who can resist malt ice cream with brownie pieces?or banana ice cream with cookie crumbles?I buy the mini size but still Cowboy, thanks for the Winnie the pooh I love Eeyore, and one of my nicknames as a kid was piglet, too funny, hello to all hope everyone has a nice Tuesday
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                PW - let's get 10,000+ today! I really like having my fitbit dashboard show up "green" (the bar graph goes to green after 10,000, before that it is blue). I'm going for green and AF! Ice cream sounds good :happy2:

