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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hi everyone! Safely in Vancouver, and it's raining of course lol. And not a good forecast for the days we are here. Ginger, does everyone here on the west coast grow webs between their fingers and toes! haha Wow, culture shock to a couple of old rednecks from Alberta. It's only been 3 years since we were out here last, but how one forgets... We went out for "family style" pizza last night, must be big city talk so that they can charge more cause it looked and tasted like any other pizza we get back home, but with names and ingredients I couldn't spell, let alone pronounce! And what pizza joint doesn't put prices on the menu?? Of course lot's of booze flowing all around me as well, although none at our table. None of our kids or their partners are heavy drinkers, so that's good. But it's funny to see people waiting in line to get in (1/2 hour wait for us that turned into an hour) and the waiter making sure people had a drink in their hands while they waited. But we all know that's where their profit is. Sounds like we'll be eating out pretty much the whole time we're here, looks like the younger generation is just too busy to worry about home cooked meals. I'll have to be extra careful these next few days, but thoughts of drinking are getting weaker and weaker for me.

    Anyway, love seeing the pooch pics! Our furry friends become so important to us, it's not long before they become so attached to us that we love them like family.

    Ginger, great to hear about your mom! I imagine you'll be a bit worried about her the few first days especially with her new "label" And hubby's mending seems like it's moving along as it should, that's fantastic news! And sorry to hear about little Ginger's hearing! It's quite remarkable how they adapt though when they lose one of their senses. The vibrating collar sounds like a great idea, and a good time to start her on it while she can still hear a bit!

    Pauly, have you always suffered with allergies? You don't go for shot's for them? I know Bubba used to have to go in for a monthly shot for her allergies till she grew out of them. I can't imagine going through length's of time with the stuffed up feeling and itchy eyes! 3 weeks is enough for me when the canola is in blossom!

    MS, are you selling your house? Plans to move to something bigger with the growing family? You mentioned you are a scientist, are you on maternity leave right now?

    Liz, how's things going? Planning on keeping up with the meetings? How are things with hubby and your sister's? I imagine your son is quite disappointed in the turn of events with Switzerland, how is he handling it?

    OH, time to check in again... you don't want an old man worrying over needless matters lol

    AG, Bandit looks like a Lab or lab cross? If he's anything like Hank, you have your hands full! The wedding story brought back memories for me, Bubba and I got married on a mountainside overlooking the Banff Springs hotel, no dogs in any of the pictures though lol

    BG, sounds like your life is busy as well, are you on a rotating shift schedule?

    I probably missed someone, so sorry if I did. A bit out of sorts this morning with a new routine. Funny, but for Bubba and I, we like our routine, things just feel right when the days have continuity to them, a sure sign of old age I think lol. Not sure what the girls have in store for us today, but it will be an adventure I'm sure! Have a great day my friends, you're all in my thoughts!

    I had to edit this post, I just realized it's May 1st! Up here in my neck of the woods we have saying for today.. "Hurray, hurray, the 1st. of May, outdoor ____ing begins today!" You fill in the blank lol!

    Let's all have a great month eh!
    Last edited by abcowboy; May 1, 2015, 11:36 AM. Reason: Had to add..
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend, the sun is shining and I'm off for a run. Sending everyone a big hug:hug:. Haven't read back in a bit, but am taking some advice from some smart people on this site, just stay in touch and post anything , it certainly helps keep Al far away(exactly where it needs to be!). Will read later to catch up on everyone's week!!:love:


        Good evening my dear friends! Started posting at work and of course my boss came around and I lost it! Anyway, everyone sounds good! Sorry it s raining cowboy. Hoping you enjoy your time inspite of it.
        Pauly, you had me laughing with the doggie voice. Lucy talks to us all the time!!! Love our little fur babies. I swear my son in law thought we were crazy when he first heard our "Lucy" voice.
        MinStar, you are sounding well! Give those babies a hug for me!! Are you doing ok?
        No news on the work visa for Mark. His boss feels badly about the way things turned out, this was her doing. Whatever, we have decided we will go to Europe regardless. We will either meet Mark in Italy or just take him with us from here. I personally am boycotting switerzland all together. You don't want my kid, I won't spend my money there.
        Anyway fun night here with all my kiddies and I'm grateful. Goodnight guys. Thank you so much for your support!


          Omg so forgot to post last night. All ok here. We sat down for dinner late and then started a movie. Seems these days I get half a movie in. Is it me or are they making movies a hell of a lot longer! Lol

          Quick hello. I need to get up and have clients coming in an hour!

          Ginger- glad moms home soon. Sorry furry baby is poorly. As Pauly said- it's good you have caught it.
          Pauly- did you find triggers? I think red wine and cheese for me. Cheese we had last night anniversaries feeling a sinus headache coming on
          Action- how's you? Friday went well?
          Lizann - how's you? I will give the babies two squeezes. They're doing great thanks :-)
          Cowboy- sorry it's raining- bet you're glad you weren't dribjing though. Well done on staying strong there. It's a challenge when these family / occasions come up.
          OH- are you ok?

          Cowboy- I used to be a scientist but now a full time mum. I use my science background a little to tutor kids at the moment. Have a few clients during the morning of weekends. I did manage to get quite a list of clients last year (pregnant) and so I think I will keep this on until babies are much older. Science is great but hours and pay not suitable for our family!

          Yes we are moving. Two bed house now is toooooo small!

          I'm hoping to go to Mums this weekend. A lot of family to catch up with! There will be some drink flowing- my first challenge and in ready for it. I guess being on these antibiotics takes that moment of insanity away :-)
          Right better get sorted for clients. Happy Saturday morning all.


            Wow, MinStar a scientist! I'm impressed. Tutoring is good money, at least for my daughter. She is a high math teacher now, but has tutored kids since her high school days. She would tuck her earnings away and managed to save enough to pay for her wedding gown$$$ and such! She is still tutoring some.
            Cowboy, am I correct in assuming that it rains frequently in Vancouver? Enjoy your daughters. Any grand babies there? Don't recall if you mentioned them.
            Anyway, running today. Finally going to put the down comforters away:welldone: sissy may be coming over later and we will walk "our girls". I will try to find time to sit out in the yard and get some color on these white legs. Gotta look good for the baby shower tomorrow. CJs boyfriends side of the family. Anyway happy Saturday all. I'll check back later.


              Haha, MinStar, yes the movies are long! If we don't start a movie by 8 it's not happening. Way too late for me to stay up!


                Morning everyone! Quick check in as the girls seem to have plans to keep us busy while we are here. I'm sure we walked 20 miles yesterday! Took the ferry across to Bowen Island and walked the nature trails, very beautiful! So much greenery and flowers in full blossom, reminds me of how our country has such great diversity from coast to coast! Liz, yes, it rains a lot in Vancouver, but yesterday afternoon and evening was gorgeous! Hopefully today will turn out the same! And no, no grandkids, they are not in our future. None of the 4 kids want children, and now as they are growing older, I have accepted their decisions and realize being a grandpa is not in the cards for me.

                I better get moving, 1/2 hour and we're out the door again! Have a fantastic Saturday everyone!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Happy Saturday!
                  I need to get a lot of steps in today! Been a bit lazy lately. Congrat's to the runners! I used to run up until last year. You are inspiring me to give it a try again.
                  Cowboy - Bandit is a Lab, German Shepard and Golden Retriever mix. We think as we got him from the Humane Society. He has settled down a lot over the last year but we do see all of those breeds in him. If I'm home he's never more than about 4 feet from me- guess I need protecting, ha ha.
                  Have a great day everyone and I'll be back later.


                    Where is everyone? Couldn't post this morning cuz I was running like a chicken with my head cut off!been sleeping in kind of and trying to squeeze in a walk but today I was sodizzy and congested I only made it to Fresh and Easy for almond milk and just came home, worked out kinda hard yesterday though so I'm still kinda sore from that, hope everyone is enjoying their day, Cowboy, post some pics of the scenery if you can,I've never been there and probably won't ever be so it'd be nice to see what it looks like, hope everyone has a nice night
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Hi gang - quick check in. I am at work for the evening.

                      Cowboy - we get 1/3 the rain as vancouver over here on the big island. Today is beautiful. As I imagine it is in Vancouver.

                      Busy weekend with work- and puttering in the yard.

                      Hope everyone is doing good.

                      Ginger celebrates one year on Monday


                        Hey PW - I'm here. Need to take the beast Bandito (now you know what i'm talking about!) for one more walk and I still need a few more steps so all is good.

                        Question for the group: If you had to choose ONE trigger, what would be at the top for you? I think I am learning that my top trigger is boredom. Hmm . . .

                        What is yours? And how do you deal with it?


                          Hi all... got Mom home and all settled in. I never thought we'd get there but she was so determined. Thank goodness! Hopefully she will stay well and healthy for a long time to come.

                          AG, my biggest trigger in the beginning was 5pm. Hubs and I had always drank a glass of wine while preparing dinner. He'd stop with one and I'd finish the bottle and then some.

                          Sounds like everyone enjoyed their Saturday. You all sound good. Pauly, sure wish you could get some relief from those darn allergies.

                          NS tells me one year with be my quit day (May 5) like a birthday. I think it's Tuesday but I haven't looked lately. It really does get much easier as the days add up until it's just a mute point after awhile. Couldn't have done it without MWO and all of you. Thank you for being her and supporting me!

                          PS... Ginger's collar came today. She's already getting the hang of it!


                            Depressed mood is my biggest trigger,worse than anxiety, boredom, seeing others drink, etc, luckily I don't get them often but when I do,grrrr, it drives me crazy! Ginger, glad the real Ginger is getting used to her collar,she'll be ok hubs is going to the neighbors later to watch the mayweather/paquio fight, wants me to go but nah, don't really know them anyways and I know they're big drinkers, I'd rather find something on tv,actually the whole neighborhood is filling up with cars right now, lots of fight parties tonight hubs said, meh,they can have it!I'm not into boxing but ifit was cheaper I probably would have bought it, wanna see mayweather get knocked out he's sooo cocky
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              My trigger is boredom for sure. I have filled my time ( a lot) with other activities and do not sit down in the eve....
                              I also have a sparking water that I use if I want . But never never in a wine glass. I did that once. When I saw the glass in the morning I wanted to throw up. It brought back all those awful guilty feelings - even though it was water. I am so glad I felt that!!

                              My other trigger is going out for a meal. I have something else - but it is hard for my brain - lots of Al talk going on ( shut up already ��)
                              Great question


                                Good evening my friends. Busy day for me. Puttering around in the yard. I don't usually do that, but boy did I work today. Sunburn on my knees too! So tired, but a good tired.
                                Cowboy, loved your pictures! Looks like you are enjoying your visit.
                                Kids are running a. 5k tomorrow. I will go see them before the baby shower. So off to bed for me.

