Anyway, love seeing the pooch pics! Our furry friends become so important to us, it's not long before they become so attached to us that we love them like family.
Ginger, great to hear about your mom! I imagine you'll be a bit worried about her the few first days especially with her new "label" And hubby's mending seems like it's moving along as it should, that's fantastic news! And sorry to hear about little Ginger's hearing! It's quite remarkable how they adapt though when they lose one of their senses. The vibrating collar sounds like a great idea, and a good time to start her on it while she can still hear a bit!
Pauly, have you always suffered with allergies? You don't go for shot's for them? I know Bubba used to have to go in for a monthly shot for her allergies till she grew out of them. I can't imagine going through length's of time with the stuffed up feeling and itchy eyes! 3 weeks is enough for me when the canola is in blossom!
MS, are you selling your house? Plans to move to something bigger with the growing family? You mentioned you are a scientist, are you on maternity leave right now?
Liz, how's things going? Planning on keeping up with the meetings? How are things with hubby and your sister's? I imagine your son is quite disappointed in the turn of events with Switzerland, how is he handling it?
OH, time to check in again... you don't want an old man worrying over needless matters lol
AG, Bandit looks like a Lab or lab cross? If he's anything like Hank, you have your hands full! The wedding story brought back memories for me, Bubba and I got married on a mountainside overlooking the Banff Springs hotel, no dogs in any of the pictures though lol
BG, sounds like your life is busy as well, are you on a rotating shift schedule?
I probably missed someone, so sorry if I did. A bit out of sorts this morning with a new routine. Funny, but for Bubba and I, we like our routine, things just feel right when the days have continuity to them, a sure sign of old age I think lol. Not sure what the girls have in store for us today, but it will be an adventure I'm sure! Have a great day my friends, you're all in my thoughts!
I had to edit this post, I just realized it's May 1st! Up here in my neck of the woods we have saying for today.. "Hurray, hurray, the 1st. of May, outdoor ____ing begins today!" You fill in the blank lol!
Let's all have a great month eh!