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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Miss Miss - please stay here - we can help. It is ok if you are not doing as good as you like. If you stay here, you will gain strength to get there. Really - it does get better. One day at a time - today is the day.

    Hi everyone - sounds like a lot of traveling and getting back to routine.
    I am going to go help cram for a grade 9 sceince test (yep - 9 pm of the night before!!!)



      MissMiss, What BG said. Keep posting to keep the wheels from getting rusty. Sometimes Ill even just point free association style the things that are on my mind. Its easier than constructing full sentences and it gets the job done. :hug:
      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


        MAE - sorry to be missing.....have been feeling really punk lately - finally figured out that I'm having a reaction to the antibiotic. Duh! I'm allergic to so many that I didn't have a rash so didn't realize. Anyway, stopped taking it and the dizziness & nauseous feeling is finally starting to pass. Uuugghhhh.......I'll check in tomorrow.......
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Good morning guys. In a bit of a funk today. Hung out with sissy last night and yes there were many questions. She is so worried about me. Will see her again tonight as it is my nephews prom.
          Booked our flights last night. I am not feeling very strong in my quit to take on this trip. Anxiety is a huge trigger for me and I am anxious right now.
          Sorry to be such a downer today. Thanks for being here for me!


            Hi Liz, I was punky on Sunday. Just felt like "what the hell!" I didn't feel like drinking just felt blah. Someone said here once, that we should just feel the feeling and not try and resolve it. Sorry can't recall who it was. It's so hard for me when I get depressed to see past it. I just get all caught up in it and feel like it won't pass. I guess that's why depression feels so dang awful. We aren't sure we can feel better again. Sorry, not sure where I was going with this, just wanted you to know I feel your "funk". Hopefully you perk up soon. Hugs to you!

            Another busy driving day to appts! Hubby drove himself yesterday so he's feeling confident to drive himself now. YAY! That leaves only two appts for Mom today. Slowly we are getting back to normal.

            Hope everyone is hanging in there. Missmiss, come back here and share with us what's going on. We care and can help!

            Stay close and read/post/read!


              I've drank the last 3 nights I'm just pissed at myself. And you know as well as I do it didn't solve a thing. I've seen my dad a lot lately and its sometimes just depressing. I guess I should explain. We lost my mom suddenly June 20 2013. They was married 51 years. He prays everyday to die to go be with her and the week before the 20th of every month it just get worst.


                MissMiss, yes why do we do this to ourselves? I get a lot of hope here when I read and see all those who have stuck to their quit. We can do this too. I'm not feeling particularly strong todAy but they say it gets easier. Sorry about you mom and dad. My FIL was like that too when mil passed. They were married. 62 years. He lived six years without her. The older he got the more he cried about her. Anyway, will you not drink with me today? Let's just come here and talk instead.



                  I had to take a business trip fairly early in my quit and knew that drinking would be central to so many activities as it is every year. And I didn't even have family members with me who would be disappointed and upset if I drank. In fact, everyone I was with was not happy that I wasn't drinking and even pressured me publicly to participate in a toast. What saved me?
                  1. Before I went, I visualized in detail some of the occasions that I knew were coming and saw myself successfully navigating the events and having fun without a drink. Then, when they actually occurred, I already knew what to do.
                  2. I texted a friend when my plans were thwarted with the stupid toast thing - taking that break and connecting with someone (who also didn't want me to drink!) really helped.
                  I realize that might be an option when you're overseas but you could enlist one of your family members to be your go-to person if you're struggling.

                  You're so fortunate to be able to take this trip. I hope you can frame it as an opportunity to show yourself and your family that you can have fun without drinking. Just think how much stronger you can be in your quit by the time you come home!!

                  All the best, NS


                    Thanks Lizann and no I'm not going to drink today.


                      Howdy all! Funky must be going around, I'm suffering from it as well! Not thinkin' of drinkin', just humdrum mood. Maybe farming withdrawals haha, but I know it will pass....

                      Liz, the cruise will be tough on your quit I'm sure, but everyone here knows you can do it! If you can't get online, make sure you carry something that you can reach for and hold on to when the going gets rough. Use notes on your phone to save some favorite quotes, I do that all the time! I'm sure all the cruise ships offer wifi, just get on here, read/post/read!

                      Miss, get back on, we'll give you a hand! No lecture from me because you're the newbie :hug: just remember that your AV will use any and every situation as an excuse to convince you to go for that first beer, and we all know where that leads... Good thing you came right back, shared, and looked for help and support, we're here for you!

                      Ginger, when you headed out again? Time to dip your toes in the ocean!

                      BG, AG, SS, Nora, Pauly, Min, OH, Chief, mama, and those I forgot, looking forward to a progress report from all... have a great evening everyone!
                      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                        Hello everyone!

                        MissMiss - I understand. My Dad passed away 2 years ago and they were married for 63 years. It's hard. But, you're right - drinking doesn't help anything. Hang in there. :hug:

                        NS - Really great ideas about visualizing. Thank you for that.

                        SoberSoul - I have really been enjoying your blog. Thank you for that. It is so helpful.

                        Cowboy - sorry that you are in a funk too. It must be going around. But, you made a great post yesterday - 1440. So many great posts on here.

                        BeachGirly - love your zen post. Thank you.

                        Ginger - what a beautiful rainbow pic.

                        Pauly, OH, Liz - :cheerful:

                        Thank you all for being here. I am going to start a little file with all of these great, inspirational posts. They are really helping.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Thank you all for your kind words. Nora, how would I find sober souls blog? Still having trouble navigating around. Sheesh! Off to bed, tomorrow is my early day, UGH!


                            Liz, try this for SS blog
                            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                              I'm a regular reader of SS's blog too.


                                Hey Thanks for zooming in on my blog. It's all about what we are all experiencing with the trials and tribulations of trying to maintain our sobriety but I touch on all sorts of things like meditation, mindfulness, goals, disappointments, etc. Mom is here in all her glory drinking whatever I'll let her have. I am doing well but, of course, had a beer with her yesterday at the Chinese restaurant. We got home at around 8:30 and she asked for a Frangelica so I poured her a small one. Then I offered her tea which I was drinking. She declined. Then she asked for a beer. Since there was only one cold one, I knew that was it for her for the night but she weighs only 100 pounds. If left to her own devices, she would drink herself to death and I am JUST LIKE HER. Being aware of this is crucial.

                                ABC, we are the same age!! I turn 59 in October.

                                Miss, you stay close, you hear me!! Getting tough with you if you even think of staying away. Believe me, I've tried it and it does not help...

                                Ginger, you are a wonderful daughter and sister and friend. You need some downtime. We all do.

                                I must go and post on my blog so you'll have something to read LOL.
                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

