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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Quick hi from me too and hope that all are doing well

    Late on today and have to head out soon so hope everyone has a good day
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      Hi all! I can't believe it is the last day of June.

      Cowboy, what a wonderful post. Thank you. I needed that today.

      Daisy - I missed you!! So glad to see you back!! I've had MANY starts and stops since you've been gone. This process is such a mind game. I'm not always winning but I'm going to keep trying. I am really afraid of getting worse and that is just a given.

      Speaking of challenges, we leave today. Internet access will be spotty so I probably won't be on as much. First challenge is a 3 hour layover right during the bewitching hour in Chicago. Sigh. Why is this so hard??!!

      I think I'll use some of the time to do Ginger's idea of making a list of all my triggers (better take a lot of paper!!) and a plan for each one.

      Take care all - I hope to be back in August even stronger. Get your steps in peeps!!


        Have a great trip, AG! I went on several trips at the beginning of my quit that were AL laiden. Man, that was so HARD. It was hub's family so I felt like I had to go. They were trips with no connectivity too so I couldn't run here when I felt weak. I printed out several pages from threads including mine and folded them up and kept them in my pocket. I'd take a bathroom break and read a little so in essence, I took you all with me to the bathroom. LOL Just knowing they were there with me helped me mentally to get through it. Make that plan and if you feel yourself slipping, just think of all of us back here thinking of you. But most importantly....HAVE A GREAT TIME!

        Hi Bri, you are an animal advocate like me. Precious creatures need a voice and I'm glad I have a BIG mouth for them! They are the reason I finally made the move to veganism. I just couldn't see eating something I felt was my equal. Sorry meat eaters, I'm weird that way.

        Hope everyone has a great day! Read/post/read. xx


          Hi Everyone-

          AG-I hope you have an awesome trip and have lots of time to decompress.

          Bandit- Nice to see you back and posting. It really helps to feel connected to others who understand.

          Bri-Glad you are starting week three with me. I am going to start working on my diet&exercise program next week. I know it sounds like I am procrastinating. My sister and bil are coming for a visit this week and I know I won't stick to anything until they are gone. Keeping alcohol free is my only goal this week.

          Ginger-How are you holding up in this heat? I had to steam clean my carpets yesterday and I was sweating like a banshee. I don't know how you handle the east side kind of heat. I am concerned about fires over the 4th. I would like to see all but city fireworks banned this year.

          Daisy-Hope you woke up feeling strong&determined today.

          Liz-If I don't talk to you before you leave Gute Reise und Viel Spass!

          Cowboy, Mama, BG and anyone I might have missed-have a great Tuesday.



            Hey everyone....just so relieved to be back. I am taking tomorrow 1st July as my start date. Wanted to get myself prepared. I have my hypno cds recorded onto my phone. Have been using them a lot even though I was still drinking. Also have The Bubble Hour downloaded for when I get walking again.
            I know I can do this. I turn 50 at the end of the month...the reason I want tomorrow as day 1, which would be 30 days sober the same logic? A bit OCD with numbers.
            I am actually looking forward to that I have you all behind me.
            On the subject of would be easier for me to write down what isn't a trigger.....empty page! But.....that is all gonna change....positive thinking!
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Hi there Daisy, nice to meet you. Just on Day 5 today myself so early days for me too.
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                Daisy...missed you! 'So good to see you again, and I like your OCD/numbers-based approach. It's amazing how motivating a little thing like that can be. Keep going with the good stuff.
                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                  Thanks Bandit and Lilbit. Yeah, I am a bit weird that way. When I steal my daughters McDonalds fries, it has to be either 3 or 7 only. Wonder has that anything to do with my drinking habits?!
                  Was going to stop today but the date is just not right.
                  My dream is to never drink after 50.
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Hello all. Mm another quick check in. Seems I barely spare a minute to come on.

                    I am reading but have to go to sleep so short post and sorry I can't Indiv reply to all.

                    Stay strong and some good posts all! Cowboy- wow fantastic post!

                    Daisy- ocd and numbers is good. Start racking up those days!
                    Lizann- safe trip and enjoy! same for you action girl

                    Bandit, Bri JackieM Ginger Pauly souber soul and all I've missed- you all ok x


                      Hey guys, Cowboy, you talked about change,Iagree with you on that,but change how?what?any suggestions? I'm depressed that I'm in the first week again, same old,same old,grr,hello to all and I hope everyone is enjoying their day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Ready for a fresh start tomorrow....drank tonight but not enjoyed. I want to stop. Felt how I should tonight...drink is poison!
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Pauly, remember the old saying “nothing changes if nothing changes”? How do you think your life can change if you’re not willing to change it? I was in your shoes 6 or seven months ago, depressed, angry, resentful, thinking that everyone was leaving it up to me to fix. And I drank, and drank, and drank, hoping the beer would make everything go away, even if just for a little while. And it did, while I was drunk, but it was all back the next morning along with a good dose of GSR! The funny thing was, I was okay with that, I could put up with the GSR as long as all my problems went away while I was drinking. But then the problems got bigger because of my drinking. I said some terrible things to my youngest daughter, threw her out of our house, and told her to go live with her mom that I was done with her! She was no longer welcome in our house because she was just like her mother. When I sobered up and realized what I had done, did I call to apologize, no, I went and got a bottle of 80 proof spiced rum and almost drank myself to death. Nothing was going to change unless I changed them. So I did, I went for professional help with a counselor.

                          The counsellor taught me a lot about myself, how I buried my emotions instead of dealing with them. How I buried my problems hoping they would just disappear on their own. How I used anger and resentment to convince myself that I was always right. I’ve come a long way since that overnight stay in the hospital. My resentment against my ex-wife has now turned to sympathy, knowing that one day she will realize all the problems she added to an already dysfunctional family. I now take responsibility for the things I’ve done wrong, and tried to make amends as best as I could. I no longer try to control every situation around me, sometimes you just have to “let go and let God”. I still struggle with turning me into a better person, but it’s coming. I’ve still got a long ways to go, but I know that unless I change, nothing else will change.

                          So, does that answer what and how? Hardly, because I don’t know the burdens you are carrying. Some I can figure out from your posts, finances, problem children, self-esteem, etc. etc. Well, I had those as well. But they are all getting easier to deal with without the added burden of drinking to get drunk and make them go away. I love the fact that you are always here and supporting everyone, but maybe it’s your turn? Be honest with yourself and admit to what’s really tormenting you. Do what my counsellor had me do, write all those things down on one side of a paper, on the other side, and write down what you can change about yourself to help deal with those problems. She told me there wasn’t an option for me to write down how I could change the people who caused the problem, because I wouldn’t be able to change them even if I wanted to. Then, start working on the list, start changing how you look and deal with those problems, make the changes in yourself to help you deal with your burdens.

                          I don’t know if that made any sense at all, but you have to get selfish, put yourself ahead of other people, places, and things. They are of little importance compared to your health and well-being.:hug:

                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Pauly, add up all your sober days this year and compare to the drinking days. You are making progress toward your goal of being AF. You are just doing it your way. Everytime you drink, you hate it. You will get there!

                            Daisy, Tomorrow is day one. You can do this!

                            ABC, great post.


                              Made it past the first day 1 in over a month. On day 2, with good resolve the feck its hit. Got to get back here and post. I have been reading but not posting.
                              After reading Acowboy's post, which was wonderful, I need to get back here.

                              Ginger, it's OK to take us to the bathroom, better than those little bottles.
                              Peace all


                                Don't know why I disappear when struggling, just embarrassed. Not like anyone here has has ever been through this. Good lord.

