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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hi TXSal, let's get today done. Focus on the morning and how you will wake up.
    This wee group feels good!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Welcome, TXSal! Glad you found us. Pull up a chair and stay awhile. When you get a chance hop over to the toolbox and take a look around. It's chocked full of AF tips and ideas to avoid AL. The link is in my signature line below. Stay close and read/post/read is the best advice I received when I first started this AF journey. Look forward to seeing more of you around here!


        Hi TXSal and welcome! I too lurked for years before my first post and then I vanished for another year, but only the present matters, not the past, so we can start again.

        One thing that has been helping me, I believe, is the AllOne vitamin powder that is recommended by this site (I take the senior version as I'm 54 and don't really want the additional iron in the regular version). I started taking it 2 months ago and have noticed that for the past 6 weeks I have not been suffering with anxiety like I used to. I cannot think what else has changed during that time period to make such a difference. Also, I find that when I skip a daily morning dose I get worse cravings for AL in the evening. I take it in a small amount of V8 juice, can't stomach it otherwise, which I was not having before. I have always eaten a healthy organic diet (except for the red wine problem), but I know it takes a lot of vitamins/minerals to process alcohol in the body and I probably had some sort of nutrient deficiency while drinking so thought the AllOne might help. Just thought I'd mention it in case it helps someone else.

        Bandit, my dog did better than I expected during the fireworks. It seems that nowadays he is most fearful during thunder/lightning storms. Even the sound of heavy rain makes him tremble now that he is getting old, but it is a good excuse for extra cuddles.

        TMH, congrats on the golf! I agree about the sleep and look forward to the wonderful cozy sleeps I had during previous quits, although at the moment I'm still at the stage where I'm getting up multiple times during the night to pee. I must be getting rid of a lot of water/bloat though because the scales are moving downward - first time in a long time. Perhaps I should cut down a bit on my fizzy lemon water

        I'm off to make dinner. I will not drink tonight. Good night all!


          Hello All-

          Welcome to all the new posters. One of the best things you can do right now is stick close to this forum. No one understands your problems like the people on these threads. I am starting my fourth alcohol free week after many failed attempts. I don't know if I would have come this far without the support here. Even when I don't post I read and stay close. I know first hand that it is hard to come out of the woodwork and post.But I am sure everyone has experienced a sense of relief once the words are out there. The same goes for a slip. I am impressed when anyone who slips picks themselves up and comes right back. When I have slipped I have gone into isolation mode and the slide begins. We are all here to support each other and learn from each other. That is pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me.

          I had to weather a couple bumps over the past few days. My husband decided to be a giant jerk and he really upset me. I can't say drinking didn't cross my mind. It did but I played my situation forward. Had I drank I would have given my husband more ammunition and I would have really been disappointed in myself. That would only have added to my misery. I did take a time out to cool down and read on MWO. Also, my sister and bil have been visiting. There was a lot of bbqing and alcohol flowing. When I watched everyone drink all I could think of was the damage they were doing to their bodies. This a.m my sister was hungover, sick, and miserable. When I dropped her off at the airport she was in rough shape. Seeing her like that just made me more firm in my quit. I don't ever want to look, feel, or act like she did this morning. Her husband had a couple of rough days as well. I am going to remember what they went through for future reference. I have ruined many vacations with alcohol and I NEVER want to do that again. Life is too short.

          Ginger-I had one of those awesome serenity moments last week near Ross Lake. It was so beautiful-the mountains, the green water, the trees, the smell of warm pines...I thanked the universe for being able to enjoy it sober.

          To everyone out there-Knitty, PW, Daisy, BG, Mr. V, TMH, Cowboy, Mama, OH, Liz, Min, Bandit, Lucky, Bri, TX Sal, Guitarista (sorry if I forgot anyone) keep working to stay sober. It is completely worth it.

          Take care all.



            Jackie, I LOVE that area. I haven't been there in years though. I love that feeling and that area certainly can deliver!


              Hi everyone! TXSal, welcome to our humble group. I used to say small group but we are growing every day it seems. I'll ditto what Ginger said, stick around, this is a place to learn, grow, and help support each other! What you won't find here is lectures on the evils of alcohol, after umpteenth quits, we know them already, we just haven't always learned from our mistakes. What you will find is other people sharing their stories, their falls, and their successes. You'll learn from others what worked for them in difficult situations, and how that might work for you as well. And ask questions, give answers, share your fears and your joys, it's all about finding your journey to sobriety!

              When I joined this thread a while ago, I think there were 6 active quitters, SoberSoul, Chief, Ginger, BeachGirly, Open Halo, and actiongirl. Look at it today, I have to read back a few pages of posts just to keep up, and more and more joining to find that final quit! And reading back over the posts for the past few days, it seems to be working, everyone working hard, determined to find the freedom we all once had before picking up that first drink, great job to all of you!

              I read a lot of inspirational quotes and poetry everyday, it helps me find peace in myself and others... I read this just before supper and think it's fitting for our group..

              Don't quit when the tide is lowest,
              For it's just about to turn
              Don't quit over doubts and questions,
              For there's something you can learn.

              Don't quit when the night is darkest,
              For it's just a while ‘til dawn.
              Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
              For the race is almost won.

              Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
              For your goal is almost nigh.
              Don't quit, for you’re not a failure
              Until you fail to try.

              I know I'm getting a bit lazy and not recognizing all the individual achievements, but I read them and smile, and feel good that we are winning this struggle for freedom. I feel such a sense of pride when I read the stories, not pride for myself, but pride in you my brothers and sisters, for having the courage to come and post, no matter what the circumstance is. Never give up, your day is coming or it's already here, that is up to you. And remember, this is the quitters thread, so no quitting on your quit eh!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Hey all. Welcome txSal stick close. Glad to have you join in this jiurney.

                I'm really struggling folks. I've done some good AF days and then going back to drinking. Albeit a few I just can't seem to stick!

                Anyone have ideas? I do come read or post when I can but think it's not enough. It just seems easier to have a sip and continue with my manic days. I'm back to d1 after drinking most of the weekend. Not major benders but enough to feel crap the next day ( which in my case can be just two glasses :-/ )

                Seeing a lot of people come and post I feel I need to really keep trying.

                Stay strong quitters!


                  Hi folks

                  Very quick check in from me as heading off shortly for a few days with the kids. Should be able to get on but if not I'll be back at the weekend.

                  Not in any position Min to give any sort of advice as I'm in the same boat myself - just on day 12 - but no doubt others will have some suggestions.:hug:

                  Stay strong everyone and have a good Tuesday
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Min, I can only come up with a couple of thoughts, first, you want to drink more than you want to be sober, and second, you're trying to convince yourself that if you can stay away from the major benders, that maybe you don't have a problem? Those are just the thoughts that came to my mind as I read your post. Most old timers in my AA group would say you haven't reached your rock bottom, but why take a chance that you will even have a rock bottom? Why wait to experience it if you can quit now and never have to experience it? :hug: Just my thoughts..... Knitty mentioned something about vitamin powder, maybe that's something you can try? Maybe Ginger and BG have some better advice, and that leads me to another thought..

                    Bandit, don't ever say that you're too new in sobriety to offer advice. You made it to Day 12! Maybe all Min needs to hear is how you got that far. What are you doing to keep you on your path? 12 days is great, I'll bet there are many, many others that hope and pray they will someday get to day 12.... Enjoy your time on the beach with your family! Check in when you can....

                    Jackie, way to go on entering week 4! As I was saying to Bandit, post every time you come here, even if it's just to say hi, you can help those who are on Day 1, 6, 10, 12 etc. get to Day 22 and beyond. Your explanation of weathering those past few bumps may very well be the thing someone needs to read to get through today!

                    Now, the rest of the quitters, ditto to you guys on getting back here and posting, we don't ever want to see your chairs getting cold! Pauly, better come back and give your advice, even though you have your troubles, just like all of us, you never give up hope! That is something everyone needs to hear...

                    I see I'm going to have to send a posse out for a few others....we all know where isolation leads, and we all know you can't do this stay close and as Ginger says Read/Post/Read!
                    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                      Good morning gang - from my cell ( agh)

                      Great advice Cowboy.
                      Min- when I had my final quit - and I lurked and came and went for several years- I went for some counselling sessions. I get a few free ones thru work. I only went 3 times - it was so good just to admit it all - then she had me write out the values I got out of drinking vs not - pros and cons - wow - 1-20,
                      We came up with a moderation plan, with me keeping a journal ( just quick notes in my cell phone).
                      That lasted one week and I quit. No looking back.
                      I reread that week journal every once in awhile and do not even know that person.

                      Maybe just keeping daily notes for a week. I just wrote how much I drank, quick thoughts.

                      Hope that might help you make that final leap - it is so worth it.

                      Take care friends - I will be back after work


                        Min, everytime I read one of your posts, I have a little flashback to the time my kids were wee little. Like you, I drank during that time. I'm guessing like you, I still got the job done. Kids clean, fed, entertained, etc. But I was so unhappy at my core that drinking was the only thing that got me through. I continued to drink until a year ago. I'm 59. How sad is that? One of my biggest regrets in life was my drinking and the stupid things I did while drunk . I have three sons and all struggle daily with AL. Like me they get their jobs done and done well but they depend on AL to balance them out mentally/physically. I always wonder if I'd dealt with my problems differently when they were little, if they'd have their struggles with AL. Maybe they would/maybe they wouldn't. I'll never know but I'll always feel like it was my influence that caused their issues. I tell you this because you have time to change this pattern now for your kids. Look at their precious faces before you pick up that next drink and think about them 30 years from now. Don't leave an AL legacy to them like I did to mine. BG's idea is stellar! Please try that and remember, you don't want to leave an AL legacy to your children. Please stay close.... I know you can do this. Shoot for 30 days AF and see how you feel after you get those days behind you!

                        Hope everyone has a great day!


                          Thank you everyone for the great advice. cowboy- definitely some truth in whether I want to give up. Sober me does. As does the hungover me. I'm fed up of thinking of the next drink etc. But in the same breathe I find it's the only thing I do for myself. I'm reading a lot more and generally reading is enough. Some days it isn't.

                          Thank you Ginger- my father was a big drinker so that is something I have also thought. BeachG- great ideas. I have started noting my AF days in my diary. Perhaps a diary may also help.

                          Bandit- 12 days is great. I can't think back to when I did 12 days. Think a good few
                          Months ago :-( how did you cope with the first few days?

                          Sorry can't post more. Kids need feeding. Oh Ginger- yes I'm getting everything and then some! Done

                          I'm functioning well but just not happy.

                          Off I go! Thanks everyone. I'll be back soon x



                            Min-Practicing gratitude every day is helping me stay alcohol free. Instead of feeling deprived that I can't drink I feel grateful that I don't have to drink. Every night before I go to sleep I give thanks for getting through the day without alcohol. In the morning I give thanks for waking up without a hangover. If I start to feel stressed during the day I try to stop and think of something I am grateful for. Sometimes it is just something like having a house or all of my limbs. Turning your head around to a positive mind set can work wonders. Page four of the toolbox has a great post on things we can do to stay sober. I printed it out and carry it with me everyday.

                            Bandit-Ditto what Cowboy said. Every person here has something to offer. We might be at different points in our quits but we can all learn from one another.

                            I hope everyone here has an awesome sober Tuesday!



                              I am posting a link to the toolbox post I was referring to.

                              Here is a list of tools that have helped me maintain my sobriety. This is short and incomplete, help us all out and add your sobriety tools to the list. Make a written list, write down: The reason/s you want to be al free. How bad physically and mentally you feel after an adventure with al. (be graphic) A list of your



                                One more:

                                Here is a list of tools that have helped me maintain my sobriety. This is short and incomplete, help us all out and add your sobriety tools to the list. Make a written list, write down: The reason/s you want to be al free. How bad physically and mentally you feel after an adventure with al. (be graphic) A list of your


